The Tuck’s been cucked. It’s over for this spineless meme celeb

The Tuck’s been cucked. It’s over for this spineless meme celeb

It’s over.

Attached: 88960EA9-F448-4EC4-8EBD-3759576624B6.jpg (1024x766, 67K)

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Couldn't possibly be what he said it was: Taking his son trout fishing before school starts up next week

Smoked trout with some cream cheese and dill on a cracker. GOAT

This, OPs father never took him fishing

great, now he can go to oann

>sets liberals into a rage induced frenzy
>leaves for vacation

He named the Jew last night. It was very subtle

Link faggot

Tuck 2024!!!

Calling a white supremacy a hoax to take guns and censor free speech is pretty based to me