How would God react if humans invented immortality? There's no judgement anymore.
How would God react if humans invented immortality? There's no judgement anymore
>How would God react
Ask the Jewish people what happens?
No such thing so no need to worry. On both points.
He would probably react in the same way as if he didn't exist. Like always.
why would you want to live in this shit hole forever?
>cs 1.6
Epic gamer setup
Op pic gave me a bad case of nostalgia
Fuck you
I wouldn't expect any sort of reaction kek
He would have alien life destroy the planet with a high tech alien super nuke
Absolute immortality is literally impossible, even if we live millions of years we'll still disappear eventually.
So when the earth is gone, you just float around until heat death of the universe. Then what? You're still just there with nothing? Sounds like judgement to me.
>not action quake 2
"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." - Revelation 9:6
A very Russian post.
Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0
Do you really want literal eternal boomers? A thousand year old Tyrone? Holocaust-proof jews?
immortality doesn't mean you can't get overrun by a car or stabbed or falling from a ladder
Matter cannot be created or destroyed. Beings with advanced matter manipulation skills could just make a new Earth while they crash on the Moon.
This is why we were created .
Ask yourself the endgame for an advanced race that literally knows everything that is knowable FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE.
So , if they knew that eventually all would come to an end by heat death or a big crunch of the universe. . .they would seek to create new perspectives ,new different forms of sentience , differing from their own to maybe figure out a way to escape to somewhere or sometime to keep existing. Or at the very least to find something they missed .Something they couldn't know.
We're just a means to an end to try and keep 'god' from eventually dying.
if it happens i would said no to immortality
for god
>God react
same way he reacts to everything else.
This would delegitimize all the worlds religions and allow a glorious First Crusade that will establish The Emperor of Mankind and The Impirium of Man.
Alternatively, a Cyber Roman Empire, or a chaotic world full of whimsical cartoonish "deaths".
"So God made man, for entertainment, and so, the ultimate joke was crafted, as man became God."