Just met Mike Pence, ama
Just met Mike Pence, ama
Is he human?
Are you Albino?
How fucking Norwegian are you?
i'm not gonna ask you anything whitey
Why do you look like the kind of guy that strangles male prostitutes?
are you human?
Are you straight now?
why do you look like him so much
Do you like it up your pooper
Is he a timetraveler?
This pic must be before he put the electrodes on your balls.
you look gay did he zap you
How much of a zionist he is and why you look gayer than him ?
So did he cure you or..?
Did you ask him why he is sucks Israels dick so much?
wow OP looks like a huge cuck lmao
You look like a Swede. Kill yourself, please.
I thought he refused to be alone with women other than his wife
how bad did the shocks hurt?
I thought he was mike pences boifriend
does Mike "Put gay on electric chair" Pence travel through time?
looking forward to Pence 2024 and 2028
What a faggot looking cuck. Lad next to Pence is cool though
Mike Pence is based.
Is your hairline receding?