Why won't Generation X and Millennial's rise up together and kill all the baby boomers...

Why won't Generation X and Millennial's rise up together and kill all the baby boomers? It's the one real way to fix all our problems.

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time is the killer

You couldn't even fuck your way out of a paper bag baby dick

>Why don’t we rise up commit genocide against an entire generation of people?

41% yourself

If I kill my boss do I automatically own his business? No his children do. If I kill them too who gets it? Their children. If I kill them who gets it? The state. If I kill my own parents though...

>Why don’t we rise up commit genocide against an entire generation of people that ruined everything for the later generations?


Because I love my grandmother

I'm sorry user, but it's necessary

I don't want to play videogames for the next 10-20 years to wait until this problem fixes itself.

Wolf Blitzer told me to report this kind of talk.

another butthurt virgin incel detected.

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>almost everyone gets at least one free house
See how this is the true final solution?

I'm sorry you suffer from room temp iq user

>Why won't Generation X and Millennial's rise up together and kill all the baby boomers? It's the one real way to fix all our problems.

the enemy is the jews not boomers, vpn faggot

>china on it's way to becoming the #1 world power
He was right.

Because they'd have nobody left to borrow money from.

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Boomers are a worse problem than jews.

>not joining all generations and king the jew once and for all


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We wouldn't need to borrow money after redistributing their wealth, our current choice is either to take their wealth, or watch them pull with them into their graves.

True... but we gotta wait until a few more grandparents pass away, I think.



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Fair point, but how long should we wait? 5 years? 10 years? Because they will fucking crash our countries within that time span.

>redistributing their wealth
I have some bad news for you, little commie.

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Baby boomer is a weird way of spelling Jews

The real solution: we and Boomers join forces to draft Millennials and Zoomers into ww3 and kill you. Then turn around and day of the pillow. Every problem on earth immediately solved

>t. GenX

For all the room temp iq fags, jews are part of the problem, but they don't encompass the whole of the banking mafia. Boomers truly encompass the whole fucking problem.

>gen x fag falling in line with the boomers instead of facing the real issue

there's better ways to utilize violence to fix the country.

It might improve their goddawful music, this is a good plan.

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Well try and and formulate what that fucking way is then, because my plan is the actual fix we're looking for and if you actually bothered to look into it you would know that I'm correct.

dead civilians are only palatable when they're casualties, otherwise people don't care for it

what people need to do is take out meaningful targets and employ both peaceful and violent tactics to achieve their means which should be to dissolve the federal government, redistribute land creating separate countries where shared ideals can be held amongst citizens, and form peace and trade agreements

there's plenty of land for everyone it's the government that's suffocating everyone and the divide and conquer tactics are unnecessary

come together with your enemy against the common enemy then compromise

Yeah, we get that communism is fuelled by nihilism, that's more than apparent in the suggestion that we adopt Children of the Corn style macro-economics. He Who Walks Behind The Rows never actually delivered on any of his campaign promises, though, did he? Maybe buy some history books with the next wedge of money you skim off your long suffering parents? Or here, here's one for free, it's even writen by a commie: archive.org/details/SocialistPhenomenon

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i have looked into a lot that's why i've reached this conclusion rather than genociding people's parents and grandparents (which most won't support or want to do) you stop looking at fellow citizens as the enemy

the reality is the older generation is incapable of fighting for the most part and still believes in voting and stupid bullshit, let them have their ineffectual means and work around them

currency substitution is always an option, people need to start looking at things like "what can we as citizens create without our government" and then take it from there

build something new, ignore the old system and then collapse it

Why do stupid people reply to slide threads.

Good try user, politically I'm actually right and hate communism, good try tho.

>there's plenty of land for everyone it's the government that's suffocating everyone
Shit, and it´s almost like boomers control all the power. Face it, they will never let us have what they had, our only choice is to either take it or wait for them to die.

Yeah go discuss news headlines instead of facing our actual fucking problems user

because millennial are a bunch of pussies and gen x is a small group and have always been apathetic about everything.

to find the people who actually have good ideas and discuss possibilities instead of what's going on currently in the media shit show that society has become

we're already not part of that world, we should be creating our own

do not confuse apathy with self-interest

You are advoicating for Political Terror and wealth redistribution m8, that makes you a commie. Eh, at least you skipped right into the Political Terror phase right off the bat, no disingenuous pretense like most socialists. The weird thing about the Politics of Envy is that if you just waited a bit you too would start to see a connection between work put in and reward earned. It's always shit starting out, it was shit for you, it was shit for your parents and it'll be shit for your children, too. That phase doesn't last, but try telling that to a bunch of kids who somehow imagined they'd be earning $50K as employees in year one.

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Sadly I have to admit that you're hitting the mark.

yeah exactly we take it, but taking it doesn't have to come down to genocide of civilians

not all of them are the problem, a good deal of them are sick and aging and just as fucked by the system as everyone else, they're not enemies in many senses they're just stuck in their ways

you dont need majority to create movement, and you have to expect most of them will sit things out and go along with whoever gets power because that's all most people do

redistribution of power and wealth doesn't equate with communism unless it's to achieve a communist government

all revolutions require redistribution of both because typically the ruling class has both and everyone under them doesn't

it's what comes out of the ashes that counts, the means of taking power always remains the same

Your parents or Grandparents are 'boomers' you retard. Some of the best music was created by 'boomers'.

>yeah exactly we take it, but taking it doesn't have to come down to genocide of civilians
It's either genocide, or waiting 10-20 years and watching the world we know go to ruin meanwhile.

So? they have had enough time to enjoy themselves while ruining everything their predecessors left to all of us.

Millenials ARE Boomers, Boomer 2.0/ Youth Division and exist to destroy Gods Chosen Generation, Gen X. Only when Gen X's children, the Gen Z become adults, do we have a chance to resolve the problems the Boomers have created - but they'll be dead by then.

Boomer faggot detected

that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard, you're not being creative and you're giving up too soon user. people need to have more of a spine and more conviction.

You're fucking retarded, millennial's are taking the only choice left for them, waste their fucking live gaming/thotting around until the actual boomers are dead, they are without a doubt the smarter generation compared to X.

Post you dick then
I bet it's shaped like a leaf

Read the book A Generation of Sociopaths, or just a cursory look into Boomer neo-liberalism, and what it has done to the West, and you'll see that your "Just work harder goy, just look him in the eye and give a firm handshake" is bs.
What boomers have done, is open, brazen, theft. They made illegal banking schemes legal under Clinton, for example.
Fuck you for being a boomer bootlicker.

Waiting around for them to die off is the most retarded scenario I've heard, I'm happy to see that you're positive enough to think their will still be world to inherit after the pass a natural dead, reality is our current way of living will drastically diminish in quality over the next 10-20 years, and we could simply stop that from happening with one simple genocide.

Oh look, like clockwork, a Millenial does exactly what Boomers do - deny the reality of their generation because they might be an exception.
Every fucking time.
Go and read even the wiki page for Gen X and it admits that Gen X were robbed - yet still became the most entrepreneurial generation in history. That is while Boomers crushed manufacturing and multiplied house prices - whilst slashing home building rates.
Look, the only fucking reason Millenials are not like Boomers is economically - because Boomers stole EVERYFUCKINGTHING.
ideologically though, they are the same.

They keep bringing up the argument: we have worked hard for our wealth. While the simple truth is that they borrowed their wealth out of our pockets because their generation refused to actually work. Starting salaries for teachers we're 2 times fucking higher compared to teacher salaries now.

i'm not saying to wait around, i'm saying recognize that most of them are irrelevant, go for real targets, make actual changes and look at the world around you. everyone needs to do that, the reality is the climate is coming for massive power shifts as things get worse and we're going to miss the window of opportunity if you focus on the wrong issues

Why would you work as a millennial, buying a house is a fucking death sentence, having kids is a fucking death sentence.

So it’s not the jews anymore, it’s “boomers”.
K. Thanks shareblue.
The collective iq on Jow Forums has severely suffered since 2016.

Smarter = bullshit degrees.

You do realise that we watched millenials get spawned. We saw them get spoiled rotten by old Boomer parents, and saw them grow up as entitled little shits like Boomers. They got told they're special - too special for manual work, just like boomers. So they went to Uni for bullshit indoctrination, exactly as Boomers had. We, in Gen X, all knew what was being created, and it has turned out exactly as we knew it would. AOC is what we all saw being created. And there are millions like her. Yet because Boomers and millenials are massive populations, they have total voting power. TOTAL.

that's not the only choice left for millenials, we could be coming together and creating our own society and militias etc with the rest of the younger generations and anyone older who is so inclined. most people arent happy with what is, and many would try. it's that everyone is too afraid to start and a good deal of us were stripped of the proper social skills to understand how to work together rather than as individuals all separately flailing. pull each other up first then branch outward.

also too many people are stuck on unrealistic imaginary ideals we need to live in the here and now not our heads and see each other as what we really are, victims of divide and conquer tactics stuck running in circles like a hamster in a wheel to no good end unless we step out of it together and create something.

but you'll win no one over with talk of genocide when they can look over at their parents or grandparents with sentiment and know they're just as fucked as we are. violence works when it's employed well not when it's your only course of action and to an extreme that people cant relate to.

if those are death sentences because of what is then that means we should all be coming together to change that. instead we fight over stupid frivolous shit like which figurehead is in office and black vs white shit nevermind that militarized police have blood on their hands from unarmed citizens of every color at this point.

Gen X were hit harder in 2008 than anyone. Yet millenials constantly cry about housing.

millenials were mostly too young to be hit the way gen x was in 2008, that doesnt mean we aren't fucked though because we inherited what hit them. the generation talk is more divisive bullshit though, nearly everyone is fucked.

I'd rather cull my own faggoty generation.
>t. millennial

You just admitted that boomers even ruined a total generation, what more evidence do you need to see that genociding them is our only way out of the current course we're on.

But to actually go in depth in your post. Who told the millenials to go into universites? Who told them they could get anything if they worked hard enough for it, who left us a world where that sentiment is simply untrue? Sure most of my generation grew up as entitled shitbags, but who are the people actually responsible for that?

Our generation is sick because of boomer parenting, if you want to blame our generation for that go ahead, I'd rather point at the people responsible for it.

>nearly everyone is fucked.
Because of fucking boomers.

>Our generation is sick because of boomer parenting,
Grow up you whiny pussy.
Do you know right from wrong?

lmao you think votes count? that's divide and conquer shit the same underlying major issues have been going on regardless of who's in power left or right is just figureheads.

mass surveillance, invasion of privacy, militarization of the police, crackdowns on free speech, mass corruption etc and so on those are all pushed regardless of who's in office and barely spoken about on the media too

left vs right is just the shit people are passionate about lumped together in nonsensical ways (healthcare or guns? those arent choices that should come fixed together but they are) but the reality is while people are busy fighting each other over that the government has been whittling away at their rights and giving them less and less power over themselves and their future.

voting doesnt help.

>t. boomer

our generation is fucked by things your average boomer had no part in other than being too ignorant to do something about it sooner. we could point fingers and cry or we could be productive, your choice.

My parents are boomers you retarded cunt. Quit bitching and make something of yourself.

You sound like a lost child

>or we could be productive
For what? Buying a house within the next 20 years is fucking retarded, having kids is a economic death sentence.

Also, I'm already at the top of my current profession, the only step left for me is to open my own businesses. Which is a fucking retarded thing to do with the current situation as it is.

that's just from being stunted by life, it's a problem most generations have now. society failed us, we're outside of it, but rather than look past our issues and move forward and build something new some people are still caught up in their damage.

why do you equate productivity with playing into the rules and standards of a society that left you behind? clearly in this situation being productive means fixing the situations and problems created by trying to get citizens to function together. we might be a generation that doesn't get to have families, but that doesn't mean we have to live without purpose or that all there is to life is catering to a mainstream idea of what we should be doing according to a broken society.

you don't keep doing the same shit that doesnt work repeatedly, thats crazy.

>waaaaaahhh fix it for me
Typical spoiled entitled little cunt. What will be the first thing thru your mind when the power goes out? "How will I eat?" or "who is gonna fix this so I can get back in the internet and bitch about it?"

Well first of all most boomers will be dead in a decade. The real reason is the death of boomers wont actually fix anything. The damage is done and is irreversible

that's another issue, people need to be willing to accept temporary discomfort in order for things to be better. instant gratification isn't helping anyone.

this is quite correct, not to mention all the wars for israel against your flag, while the boomer scum still lives. Good thing about youths who have very little going on for them, that many of them are eager to learn. With the boomer faggots not so much.

I do daily exercises to make sure that I will never turn into one of those despicable, retarded and useless wads of shit, like jesus. We dont want to wage war for israel, no we dont want more oil, no they are not our greatest allies. No we just want to completely forget the ME exists.

and finally, yes, if Iran funded subversive elements in the US and in europe against the jew loving bastards, even many whites here would join. Shit man, I would shout Allah Akbar like the best of you while I behead these leftist, conservatives and otherwise useless faggots in the current gov.

Communist subversion appears complete with the useful idiots not even realizing that they are communists. Everything you chaps are advocating for is textbook communism. You cannot simply suspend the laws about personal property, steal a bunch of shit, and then reapply the laws. It doesn't work that way no matter how persuasive the communist propaganda presents it as such. For your Children of the Corn bullshit to work, you would by neccessity form a commie centralized society. That you don't seem to understand this is arguably demonstrative of the underlying problem that is preventing you from accessing society to the point where you want to burn it all down to the ground.

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>Also, I'm already at the top of my current profession
So you the manager at the local McDonalds?
KYS you shitstain. You aren't smart enough or disciplined enough to start your own business

the damage is irreversible within the current system, step outside of the system and then there's all new kinds of shit that can happen that time will fuck up.

the reality is we're doing nothing to help each other or build a better society we're either isolating ourselves, doing ineffectual shit, or playing into the same system that hasnt worked for decades. giving up will lead to inevitably worse circumstances for us and the younger generations. americans need to actually do something instead.

You won't do shit pussy.
All you /pol fags are nothing but pussies. Everyone knows this. You are the laughing stock of the internet

genius the only way to take over anything is to collapse a system and install your own, that's not communism, communists have just used that tactic because they've won revolutions

Actually, I'm a Pâtissier working at Michelin starred restaurant, now tell me what you achieved in your life faggot?

im pretty sure that's tumblr, but i like the tough love reverse psych approach youre trying here.

Nice shitposting faggot, you're stuck here just like us.

There is no way outsode the current system. Boomers made corperations so powerful they can literally buy laws abd start wars for their profits. You will never get the system to change when it benifits them. It would be easier to stop the sun from raising tomorrow.

Time kills you as well

>the reality is we're doing nothing to help each other or build a better society
Because there's simply nothing we can do apart from genocide or waiting until it's all over, boomers hold all the power, you keep talking about making a better society but have never given an example of how you actually think to achieve this. And you won't be able to, because there's only 2 options, revolt or wait until boomers have all passed.

every dollar you spend at one of those corporations is a vote to giving them power, realize your money is your way of way of voting and that it does have power. it's a matter of people clinging to comforts and distractions because most big corporations only provide us with those things, the essentials can be achieved through other means. the reality is temporary discomfort can lead to future success, everyone is just caught up in mindless consumerism. as for laws, unjust ones are made to be broken and breaking laws doesnt mean you'll get punished instantly or at all.

people just make excuses because they want to keep their current lifestyle and have power without disrupting the system. you cant have everything, it's going to come down to choosing less in order to have more later.

you only feel hopeless because you're thinking about maintaining your current way of life, thats the only reason anyone feels that way.

revolt yeah, because boomers can die and the system in place will still have power and keep people down.

have you ever watched legal immigrants take over a small town with their families? the way they help each other out provide each other with jobs and housing and suffer until they get themselves on level ground then they branch out from there and keep sending money to pull more of them here?

people need to do shit like that with each other for one thing, for another there's strategic things to attack in many ways

you arent going to win people over by advocating for the genocide of their own families

you start small then branch out, you get people together willing to help each other build and train and then you go from there while people work on educating the masses.

like i said we're already outside of society may as well go the whole way.

>playing into the same system that hasnt worked for decades
What are you typing about m8? In what way has the West not been advancing above and beyond all prior generational expectations? Your ancestors would swap places with you in a heartbeat, they would not recognize your demoralization at all. That is learned behaviour, you've been mindfucked m8. Hopefully your future self will not recognize this unfortunate blip.

You are poor because you spend all of your money, it really is that simple. The people who you consider to be rich save methodically, that's the only secret there is to becoming rich. I don't know the stats for the US (I imagine they are higher though) but here in the UK if you have £400 a month to spend after outgoings, you are slap bang average. If your bank account has more than £50K in it, you are in the top 10%. Neither of these are particulary high barriers, are they? The vast majority of us aren't born to this, though, so we have to work for it. You can join that top 10% on minimum wage, even. Granted it takes longer than if you are earning Average Wage (£26K), yet the point is any of us can do it if we set our minds to it. Something that a good 80% of the rest of the world is denied thanks to the exact commie bullshit you are advocating for here.

The booomers didn't fuck you over. GenX really didn't fuck anyone up but ourselves. Put the red flag down and start planning your life financially by decade all the way up to retirement. It's not as daunting or scary as you might imagine; it's your lack of engagement with your own life that is the root problem here. Sort it out, chap.

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>you arent going to win people over by advocating for the genocide of their own families
Which is I'm not saying this in a public space, but rather entertaining the idea in a shitpost on pol. In reality the only way to ever achieve a semblance of what I'm talking about is through revolt, and forcing boomers to choose between giving up their possessions, and living in special retirement camps, or a nice warm shower.

im talking about living in a country where votes dont matter, miltarization of the police against citizens is growing, mass corruption, invasion of privacy, infringement on free speech, infringement on gun laws etc and so on are massive problems due to the federal government

you're talking about cash i'm talking about actual issues.

Do tell me user, how do i stop spening money at those corporations? Lets take amazon for instance. Even if i decide to stop shopping there and go to a mom and pop shop (which dont even really exist anymore) they will be running there PoS system likely on AWS which gives amazon money. Every major corperation is like this. You cant get away from it. They hace endless capital to insert themselves into ever aspect of everything. You lose before you even start. Your fantasies of cutting ties with mega corporations is the fantasy of a child who doesnt know how the world works. Grow up

I thought all genXers were dead from a lifetime of cocaine and heroin addiction

the problem isn't just boomers though, you're scapegoating.

no actually my views of how to not participate in the system come from my time spent living as a junkie where i didnt contribute shit to any coorporation and still had clothes food etc and so on

Gay thread for gay fags.

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