Wil the Hispanics become 'white' or will they forever be linked in the 'people of color' coalition?

Wil the Hispanics become 'white' or will they forever be linked in the 'people of color' coalition?

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they are filthy animals and will never be 'one of us'

Who comes with these retarded terms. The average castizo, mestizo or indio tiraflechas have nothing to do with Spain.

That being said, there are people of pure iberian descendence in Latin American countries, and these people are white. They aren't the average spic moving to America, however.

The term 'Hispanic' also includes Spaniards, so your question has already been answered. You probably mean Latinos/South Americans. I think that the definition of race is always in flux. It seems almost entirely arbitrary at points. Not all Hispanics are black, or indigenous, or white, or mixed, etc. It depends.

El Paso women are Ugly

those people get to claim theyre colored
the rest are just off white. offwhite includes Ocasional-Cortex too.
it's always the not colored people who get all uppity about colored people (like "them") being oppressed.
coloreds dont really get uppity until (((someone )))teaches them to be

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It solely depends of the amount of White dick they are willing to take.


Depends who is holding the noose.

The guy in the middle. lmao


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They like it specifically for that reason. They want to be European. They don't even realize this.

Hispanics will become the new Americans like the Turko-Rhomaics became Greeks.

Puerto Ricans don't say orale and they're worse than every other Latino that does.

the whitest (and smartest) among them will operate like jews: white when it suits them, and oppressed minority when it doesn't

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How so?

Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are actual subhumans.

> Wil the Hispanics become 'white'

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they should be bleached to make more canelo babies

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Optimistically, they will integrate like Italians did.

Pessimistically, they'll continue to be shitheads.

Italians are actual european meds though, while hispanics are almost always half med half indio. Why didnt obama become white?

>Optimistically, they will integrate like Italians did.
I do see this happening but it'll take time. Newer generations of Latinos born in America come up with more American values and such, but still have a certain frailty and loss of identity that comes with being American. It's a recurring problem with hyphenate-Americans. They cling to their culture to the point where they want to be anything else other than simply American. Conversely, anyone who claims to be solely American is immediately interrogated even by their friends. I think Hispanics will be more sensible some further generations down the line. First get "Latino Americans" are easily worse than their immigrant parents, but that depends on various factors.

Some Latinos are white, some aren't. It's the same way with blacks. Latino is a culture, a geographical concept not a race.

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First gen*

Can you turn a turd back into broccoli?

Chicanos who have been here for multiple generations are often trashier than the first generation to be born. Studies found that foreign ethnic youth who grow up without speaking their paternal tongue in their household often correlate with greater degrees of social and familial troubles than those who do.

I did consider this. We just don't see Chicanos often here in NY. It's anecdotal of course but the Americans of Mexican descent I come across are usually pretty decent, only ruined because they come up in hoods or with stereotypical black friends. A far cry from Chicanos mind you, but yeah.

Italians went through the same thing with the greaser fad which also included Mexicans in the western US.

Yeah, I know. That's why I can see some hope in this regard, if you can call it that. I'm of Italian descent myself.

you cant "become white"
you either are or you're not

This should be true but isn't. Definitions of race change all the time.