"Hey so now that the race war is over.....can you let us in the ethnostate? We're all white."

>"Hey so now that the race war is over.....can you let us in the ethnostate? We're all white."

Attached: screencap.jpg (1871x1729, 626K)

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But they're not.

The second one from the right has potential. I'd let her ride my dick before she was exiled to the camps.

Witer than u Muhammed

Attached: 1562156999205.jpg (541x499, 120K)

>The second one from the right has potential.

This and the second from left.
I'd fuck them and chuck them into the ovens.

but you act like niggers

>well of course follow me
>leads them to a covertly placed concentration camp with acid pools

Degenerates like you get the oven too

Move the star!