How can you be an incel when it is so easy to import a Ukrainian/Russian bride
How can you be an incel when it is so easy to import a Ukrainian/Russian bride
I'd rather fuck a wetback
Which websites can I find them on? Asking for a friend
It's also easy for you to lose all your money to them.
>Ukrainian/Russian bride
Why would then they'd go from being regular incels to broke incels and their meme brides will leave them the second they get a green card and suck them up of all their money. Also Russian women while hot are fucking nightmares to deal with.
We bought all of them. Hoped for blonde children. Failed. So sad.
1) She's got to stick with you three years. You get just enough sex to keep from divorcing and deporting her and she spends every last one of your Yang Bucks on herself.
2) She'll sponsor her brother Ivan once she's hear.
3) Opps, turns out Ivan is really her boy friend (and may really be her brother) and part of Russian mafia and kills your incel ass.
4) As a widower, she gets to stay.
Even if she's on the up and up and not with the Russian mafia, she uses you for three years, gets permanent residence. and divorces you.
Go stick your dick in a glass of ice water.
Same thing
I believe it.
Can't blame an Arab for trying
Daisy haze/summers
Koren and russian mix
Top notch tits
damn what a qt
Another pic?
I'm only 21, barely any money
get a passport and leave your stupid country forever
women are casinos and the house always win. they even take the house when they are done with you. It's all a gamble though to you might win the lottery and/or jackpot with a single adult white woman and go 50+ years.
How easy is it?
He's american so he'd end up paying some global tax no matter where he lives...
How many rupees does it cost?
Flag checks out
This isn’t the 90s anymore mail brides don’t exist anymore mutt,
Gotta source where I can purchase said mail order brides?
Yeah, and get stuck with a gold digging witch in the house.
>mail brides don’t exist anymore
True, they're all digital brides now
I can't afford her
hohols are aids ridden gold diggers
ruski whores are gold diggers spying for the fsb
hard pass
Is there a weight restriction for applying?
even russian and ukrainian escorts hate me with a passion
Yeah, lay off the burgers.
>importing sleeper cells
All women are gold diggers pal.
How can you be an Incel? That's what puzzles me to. I'm inclined to think it's a made up thing. Some idiots will believe anything.
Blimey, she's beautiful. A name?
Mom's got your #
You're on the wrong track buddy
you could also just pay a whore, I don't get it
>you could also just pay a whore, I don't get it
I think that a lot of incels want a relationship. Then again, I don't know why they'd want that if they think that women are a complete and utter horror show.