With the exception of Austria, all Central and Eastern European countries are dirt poor in comparison to the West. That’s not even “paycheck to paycheck”, that’s “poverty to poverty”.
Why are Central and Eastern Europeans so poor?
Other urls found in this thread:
>why are the countries where the jews live hoarding wealth
gee i wonder. lurk moar newfaggot
all the white mans money must go to achmed and modongo
Life is cheap af here.
>Jews live in Switzerland, Belgium, Iceland and Luxembourg
just... have ... sex... faggot
They have less "money", but everything costs less "money", so it doesn't matter.
Swiss banks are where kikes hide money. I already told you to lurk more newfaggot.
We had wars ever since we founded our kingdom, devastating wars every century, Ottoman invasion was called "two weeping centuries of Croatia", also 0 pop growth coz of it. In Croatia, our elites/nobles were regularly wiped out, and then we had 45 years of Communism unfortunately while being in the same state as barbaric Serbs.
At least they’re not cucked my kraut friend.
Low IQ
They are basically Nigger 0.1