Is this based?

is japan based?

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anime is the opposite of based.

Japan used to be based AF ~150 years ago. Now they are absolute shit-tier weaklings.

It's bad that those Japanese guys lying on the floor look more alpha then those basedboy orbiters.

Nothing wrong with spending time with your mommy.

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Is this the Radiohead video syndrome?

More based than those orbiters

You need to go back

t. weeb from 4channel

You're literally on an anime imageboard

newfag doesnt know why Jow Forums was made for. im not surprised.

Attached: is it autistic.png (96x122, 30K)

Based implies foundation tier construction materials for a foundation of a structure. Therefore Anime is accurately suggested by user in answering OP to be the opposite. It would be the pinnacle of the structure, an accent on the roof spire.
The inference in asking if something is based is whether or not something is degenerate in that it is detrimental to the structure (like a rotten wall) or if it is built on top of the foundation with respect to the materials grade and construction grade of the foundation.

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To re-appropriate anime and be used in a based manner.

Anime is for faggots.

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What the hell am I looking at?

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you have this one but with furries? its for my collection.

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Attached: japan israel lgbt.png (1200x799, 2.25M)

Grown men fantasizing and loving cartoon characters. This is how japan falls, and not because of the bombs. Thanks jews!

Promotion for an anime adaptation that is about teens getting closer to their parents, mothers especially.

i love the look on the worthless roasties faces while the s o y i m try to act like theyre not more beta than the lap pillow chads

Look at those gaijin staring in disgust. They wish to ruin Japanese culture and replace it with their own. This is why gaijin needs to get out and stay out.

You are on an anime image board retards

every place has losers. Look at you.

Japan is a functional Incel country, america should learn from them, all these beta incels in the picture are all career man and not killing anyone around

i am on mongolian basket weaving forum