New Video from the alternative hypothesis:
The People's Veto: What Do You Guys Think of Alt-Hype's new video?
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It's in line with the escalating tensions of the time. But will it lead to anything? I doubt it. I do like the idea of taking on the progressive mantle though. Conservatives just want to keep the levels of Somali enrichment to current levels, there is no real talk about reducing both legal was well as illegal immigration.
I like the sentiment but the three arrows pointing up is a gay ass logo
It was gay when antifa used it, turning it around on them LOOKS gay, but the fury leftfags will feel is worth more than your aesthetic sensibilities.
If he and other nazi's want "us" to come at him for going against the law and doing what ever they want, we will. Let him and his buddies try to secure a state by force, he will be killed and no one will lose sleep over it.
Also, I just reported the video for advocating for violence. He can veto himself off youtube.
Shut up, shitlib.
bump while I watch
The punished hype has had enough at long last.
I disagree. I like the idea of punching up.
He's just talking about the logical end conclusion, this is probably how it's going to be in a couple of decades
You dont even need to get to his level for what hes advocating
Libertarians have been advocating decentralization and state nullification of the federal government a a while now.
On Jow Forums its only the newfaggot natsoc retards that oppose decentralization
I mean it's something pro-active.
We need more neo-reactionary responses to the current power structure.
Didn't he turn into a total cuck all of a sudden?
Can't even be bothered watching this shit. He's like a slimy eel. You never know where you got him.
What White people need to realize is that the US government is not legitimate. They have not been legitimate since 1913 and at the very latest, since 1965. They are an illegitimate puppet regime.
Seems like he's been watching some Mosley
His website sure looks cringe and bluepilled
>His website sure looks cringe and bluepilled
that website is one of the best resources around for race realism, what the fuck are you talking about?
if people actually did what he suggested, it would start another civil war.
t. shitskin
The black pill hit him hard, but the videos are still worth watching.
How does one get into contact with cool-tapes? I think he makes pretty cool maps and shit and I want to talk to him about it.
also, why is he using "establishment racists"? first of all, to those uninitiated it sounds like he's referring to the republican party and second of all, it grants the left the framework that racism is fundamentally wrong, which is all they need.
And if people don't?
Good? Kinda brief and kinda weird but good i guess.
Eh. So long as his content stays the same. Seems a bit like optics-cucking though.
Weird that he changes his name but I agree with most of what he says. He's fine when he's not sperging out over an irishman not considering him a countryman or whatever and is a worthwhile asset. His channel is good for people already sympathetic who like the empirical approach
he's got a faceberg that I've reached him on before
Fugg, I'll have to make another profile then
he has a Twitter @freesoilyeah
There is one guy on twitter who knows him
The law isn't absolute or have you seen the invisible chains that supposedly bind us?
>everything from welfare to income tax is unconstitutional why shouldn't the only true americans, Mostly the whites, walk away?
Thank (You)
He uses gay font. FAGGOTS this is more important!!!!!
Wow you leftfags really are against "the man" these days aren't you?
I think it was fucking glorious. For a gay man... Fingers crossed he goes Hetero like Lindsey Graham did.
>Advocating atomization of the US
China|Russia|EU|Mexico is pleased
nice appeal to the state to commit violence on a citizen expressing a political opinion, followed up with an appeal to the corporation to censor him.
Great job comrade.
it's better than uniting on behalf of Israel
The left already is doing this, you cuck
Not at fucking all
They play on
>they pretend to be the downtrodden but are actually punching down
>we are the ones punching up
is actually pretty clever
what's the worst thing Chinese can do? they're bug people.
Low-tier bait, but you should definitely kill yourself. I will be donating money to Alt Hype and American Renaissance in response to your retardation.
The blackpill is the realization that individual has no power and there's no organization to form a coalition.
It's a Cassandra Syndrome: where not only are you witnessing a slow train wreck, but you're on the train.
Yea thats not how it works in practice moron