Fourth Italian Triumvirate Incoming

As Italy apparently is heading to new elections, i will now present to you what for us would be the best (and probably the most likely) new goverment of the Country: The based Salvini-Meloni-Toti Triumvirate

Quick rundown about them

>Salvini and Lega
You know him well: the memelord and his party is the leader of the populist memetic cath-all force. Masses will vote for him and his speciality is conving the mass of non-voters to return just to vote for him. The League/Lega was born as a confusing mix of north separatism, nazbol social politics and somehow capitalist politics. Since Salvini takeover they became the leading force of the right wing, with a mix of populism and right wing economy focused on small, local economy developement. Even the most biased pool recognize he will likely be above 30% in any electoral situation

>Meloni-chan and her fdl
Meloni is leading the current reincarnation of the oldest right wing party post-fascism, the social italian movement, founded in 1946 by former die-hard fascists
Her party is living a little golden age, with the support raising everywhere around 7-10% especially in the center south. Thanks to their more fascist-like economic and social focus compared to the more capitalist league, they will probably attract the diehard fascists that dosent trust completely the former nazbol Salvini, especially voters from Casapound and Forza Nuova

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Giovanni Toti and his upcoming center right liberal party
Previously the "Liberal" role in the italian center right was took by Berlusconi and his party, Forza Italia. But the party is quikcly dying since last elections, and now Giovanni Toti, former right hand man of Berlusconi, Governor of Liguria and the strongest supporter of Salvini inside the party, left them when Berlusconi refused foolish to step down before the party died for good.
Toti is planning to create in the next month a new party, that will cath up the traditional electoral base of Berlusconi (riches, boomers, housewives) back to the new Salvini-leaded right, and to stop them flee to the left when Berlusconi will collapsing for good.
Unlike Berlusconi, he recognize Salvini lead and will be the """"moderate"""" face of the triumvirate

If Toti manage to get at least 4-5 %,more than possible, the coalition will likely lead the goverment ALONE. The first full right wing goverment since Fascism

look at that nigger with dyed blonde hair. does she think she's european?

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Me in the back

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The only point were they may have divergent positions is regarding economics: Salvini like the liberals is more right wing, while Meloni is more oldschool social statalist. Probably she will accept a more capitalist approach in exchange of some strong social reforms

as i recall, those didn't end well from rome.


>"C'è una riforma a settembre, fondamentale, che riguarda il taglio definitivo di 345 parlamentari.
>E'una riforma epocale, tagliamo 345 poltrone e mandiamo a casa 345 vecchi politicanti", dice il vicepremier Di Maio.
>"Se riapriamo le Camere per la parlamentarizzazione,a questo punto cogliamo l'opportunità di anticipare anche il voto di questa riforma... e poi "ridiamo la parola agli italiani. Il mio è un appello a tutte le forze politiche in >Parlamento: votiamo il taglio di 345 poltrone e poi voto", dice di Maio
Di Maio literally begging Salvini-sama

If you have brown eyes, black hair, or brown skin, you have nigger blood. US and Italy both have these non-white mutts pretending to be European.

The first lead Rome to victory after victory; the second opened the way to Augustus: the third (and current) is still miles better that the former ones in the last decade

Sure thing Hernandez Maria Miguel "George" de Pamplona

kys mutt, Meloni-chan is officially our queen

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Official two previous threads here

How do I get a blonde Tirolean qt to move to Riviera with me?

Oh you again. You will be welcome in Liguria germanbro, as long as you dont act arrogantly like the other Teutonic tourists

> You will be welcome in Liguria
grazie, my Roman friend.
Still eyeing a fine region, thou I'm tilting towards Genova or Savona


Shillvini is just a populist nigger rooting for pissrael like zion don.

Possibly the worst people Italy has ever seen

>photoshop bitch
>bulky incel
>race traitor

Do you mean that meme doll that is the photoshopped version of Giorgia?

Suppose you book an escort.
You go to the location she told you.
When she opens the door, you finally see the older version of the chick from the pics... And not even that good-looking.
What do you do, user?

And race traitor

Have some nuance.
Just compare him to any other European leader.
Would you rather have Merkel inviting millions upon millions of migrants every year?

Genova is not horrible. Many south americans, but recently the first right wing mayor in the history of the city is doing a good job in security. Moving can be a bitch tho, as the major bridge is still under construction after a tempest destroyed the last one one year ago
Savona is very nice, althought expensive

If any nigger were to take his place there would be no difference in the level of his reasonings

have a Vox-chan

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>no proper response
here's your (you)

> Many south americans
meh, better than niggers & Moors. My options for a woman just get wider with them.
What kind of districts are Albaro, Sturla & Nervi?

>former nazbol

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>qsq solo mancano 3 anni per risconoscere la mia cittadinanza italiana
buon sentimento

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>better than niggers and Moors
Equadorian and Peruvian gangs notoriusly go around roads and train weilding machetes. Still they are usually kept in check

Togheter with Castelletto is the rich zone in the center city. Very expensive and both left wing bastions

East side of the city, so nicer,cleaner and more middle-class friendly. Also is away from the zone dependant to the collapsed bridge so movement shouldnt be a problem

Zone for the generally wealth people who want to live near the sea and the beautiful eastern coast. Expensive but worth it. Quiet and with gorgerous places like the massive garden

> Equadorian and Peruvian gangs notoriusly go around roads and train weilding machetes
Didn't your government recently ease those gun laws thou? Can one use them for self-defence without ending in jail?
cheers for the insights on the districts. Where in the eastern part of Genova are the best beaches at?

>Didn't your government recently ease those gun laws thou?
Carry permit is still behind 7 layers of checks and bureaucracy, the new laws ease the home defense situations

btw I want her to post this when she gets into the governing team

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We have all the stuff to do for fucking EU, if there is no government IVA will go up

Nervi have beautiful shores, althought not bery big. But the east side is still preferable because you can easily reach the gorgerous beaches of the area of Rapallo/Santa Margherita. Rapallo area is so gorgerous that Nietzsche wrote Zaratrusta during a trip there if i remember well. Erza Pound also loved the place

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Forgot about guns and gangs question: i pointed a few rares cases in the past, so dont worry that much. Also nobody would look you down for gunning down someone approacing you with a knife or similar stuff

there's time before new elections get actually called in. I've read October 13 as a possible date, there's some time to fix that.

I bet mattarella-cuck will try anything to create a technical government and to implement austerity

recap for those living under a rock

> Carry permit is still behind 7 layers of checks and bureaucracy
meh, what else can you expect in this side of Atlantic
> the new laws ease the home defense situations
like getting scott free for shooting at a burglar without killing him?
> Nervi have beautiful shores
that's fine but I want to go to swim as often as possible, so a proper beach is the deal breaker for me.
Rapallo might be a fine escape destination for a small holiday

Che subumano dimaio

Quale partito devo votare alle prossime elezioni?

Lega amico mio

should probably mention that while the laws are there, you're still forced to go to tribunal for 10 years with barely any progress and be at the mercy of judges that don't know the meaning of unbiased

Sadly Rapallo is still recovering from the devastating moonsoons that destroyed his coast the same days the bridge at Genoa collapsed. the shore is still under recostruction so no way you will able to go swinn there until next year
Santa Margherita Ligure is the right place to you according to what you want and need. Gorgeorus sand shore with a gorgerous sea. Or Camogli is you want a paesagistic old school Ligurian town as a swinning scenario

he'd have to expatriate or ask for political asylum in bruxelles, it would be a total shitshow

>like getting scott free for shooting at a burglar without killing him?
kind of. It's still not on par with the "castle doctrine", but way better than before. No chance of reparations for the injured burglar, and protection from consequences if the assailed was under stress or perceived a life threat.

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>If Toti manage to get at least 4-5 %


however if lega floats around 35% and FdI around 10%, they could make it.

spotted the kike

Finally! Va fanculo ai negri! L'italia fascista vivro ancora! Non sono finocchi, sono Italiani!

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Liberi and Uguali was an even meme-tier party and still almost entered the parlament. Toti have a lots of support among the local RAS of the Forza Italian party in the South that are joining him, and having the support on the territory is the key to lure voters,. a 4% would be still a success

Di Maio made a mess trying to make M5S the new moderate party of Italy.

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Toti might genuinely be the 2% missing for a majority

Di Maio can suck my hairy ballsack, no room for anything less than death-squad tier Fascism in Italia Nuova!

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> you're still forced to go to tribunal for 10 years with barely any progress and be at the mercy of judges
does the other party pay for the judicial fees, if you win the court battle?
I had been eyeing Margherita too, but it's too far away if I'm going to work in engineer field. If not and I end up in marketing, then that could be a fine option.
I was thinking Albaro might be the best choice in case if I've to stay near Genova's centre, as there seems to be a fine beach area. If not even on the eastern part, I might as well start to look a place from Savona
> No chance of reparations for the injured burglar, and protection from consequences if the assailed was under stress or perceived a life threat.
non puoi tenere il piede in due scarpe

eh, I wish

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How easy would it be to justify a "percieved life threat" though? Could you simply say in court "he pulled out what I thought to be a gun and was verbally threatening me".

from what Godforsaken language did you auto-translate this phrase, Swahili?

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LMFAO why the fuck is Di Maio campaigning for that? I thought he was some southerner populist, how is asking for northern states independence gonna please his voterbase

M5cucks will probably kick him out as "leader" and replace him with Alessandro "please clap" Di Battista, the political version of a class representative in high school

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Sure the west is gorgerous too, and actually the west side of the city is more industrial, so it would be probably better for job opportunities in your field.
>Center Genova beach
If you want to emerge from the water with a third eye like the fish from the Sympsons, sure why not. I highly discourage you from doing so thot

yes, if the reconstruction of the scene fits the investigation.

Cheers, time to blast some niggers.

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>Quale partito devo votare alle prossime elezioni?
Con Fratelli d'Italia dai il voto a una vera sovranista, una che schiererebbe la marina militare per speronare le ONG. Ma le servono voti per farlo

Which ones should I be looking out for in the Oceanic / Asian region? I know that not all parties choose to have a representative in the foreign "regions"

I don't mind commuting, as long as I can get to a beach. Wester part of town is out of question thou lol.
> If you want to emerge from the water with a third eye
yeesh, is it that badly polluted?
oh well Rapallo/Savona it is then.

Fratelli d'Italia ha delle posizioni ambigue sull'euro. L'UE è il MALE, non lasciamoci distrarre dai negri oggi, se non smantelliamo l'UE domani saremo sommersi.

Siccome saranno al 100% alleati e d'accordo quasi su tutto, puoi votare liberamente entrambi in base alle tue preferenze. Consiglio però la Lega perché serve un suo risultato dominante e perché avere un alleato chiaramente "ausiliario" è sempre meglio di due più "eguali"

>L'UE è il MALE

this t b h

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Can undestand. The west zone of Genoa is notorious more filled with workers and immigrants. Whatever place you will chose anyway you are still welcome bro

>yeesh, is it that badly polluted?
Depends on the tide and the winds, but i wouldnt take the risk anyway

non so se la gente si rende conto, ma il capo politico del (al tempo) secondo maggior partito andava in giro ad urlare il FUD della bancarotta ed invitare un'invasione tedesca, come se non bastasse quella economica

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I hope till your election a few more german boots will bring in more migrants, than Lega will get over 50% of the votes and can finally stop all influx into europe from africa

Bravo, abbiamo bisogno anche di meme con bagnai per la prossima memeguerra

spain is still cucked

The interior minister will still be Salvini still October tho, even if tecnically he will not doing anything important enough to require the goverment vote. Having more immigrants would be bad optics

I hope so. It's impressive, they keep sending immigrants and every time for Salvini is like a goldenmine of votes

>prossima memeguerra

I am so overdosed with happenings lately that I don't know if I can take another meme war for new elections

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Fuck them, before they come to us they either stay there or in france, most of them speak french so would be a better option

It is not about the numbers it is about the ships with privileged leftist german cucks as crew trying to force their will upon your nation.

check those digits and find the strenght
we will burn until only white ashes are left

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Spiaggia Sturla & Spiaggia pubblica in Quito al Mare seem nice enough, so the eastern part is not completely out of question


>tfw can't organize a coordinate italy/pol/ effort both here and on 8ch

hold me lads

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isn't 8ch still down?
Do you mean the zeronet version or 9ch?

Rete 4. They had conte declaration and he attacked salvini. Also confirmed crisi di governo

It is still down and no way to know if and when it will be up, that's why I am sad and enraged as fuck, so much valid content going to waste without the crew hanging around 8ch.
The zeronet version is pretty much a confirmed honeypot because it was not set up by 8ch staff.

I found the source myself, thanks for nothing

notice the first sentence

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