Continuation of previous thread
Italian government has fallen, new elections in october

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>Salvini drops the curtain: "There is no longer a majority"

is italian pussy as great as they say?

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It's over.

The Jew has won.

Soon Europe and America will be rootless, Afrcianized cattle.

Lay down and accept the inevitable.

Attached: It's Over.jpg (942x2062, 509K)

How is this a happening if it happens almost every year since after ww2?

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Declarations by the various political forces

>We do not want extra armchairs or ministers, we do not want reshuffles or technical governments: after this government (which has done so many good things) there are only elections

>Zingaretti (leader of Pd, globalist leftist cuck party)
>We are ready for the challenge. In the next election, we will not only decide what government but also the fate of our democracy, of our country's international position

>DiMaio(leader of M5S, antiestablishment centrists until now in coalition with LEGA)
>We are ready, we are not interested in the armchair and we are never interested in anything, but one thing is certain: when you make fun of the country and its citizens, sooner or later it comes back to you. Sooner or later you pay the consequences

it is

> and we are never interested in anything

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As Italy apparently is heading to new elections, i will now present to you what for us would be the best (and probably the most likely) new goverment of the Country: The based Salvini-Meloni-Toti Triumvirate

Quick rundown about them

>Salvini and Lega
You know him well: the memelord and his party is the leader of the populist memetic cath-all force. Masses will vote for him and his speciality is conving the mass of non-voters to return just to vote for him. The League/Lega was born as a confusing mix of north separatism, nazbol social politics and somehow capitalist politics. Since Salvini takeover they became the leading force of the right wing, with a mix of populism and right wing economy focused on small, local economy developement. Even the most biased pool recognize he will likely be above 30% in any electoral situation

>Meloni-chan and her fdl
Meloni is leading the current reincarnation of the oldest right wing party post-fascism, the social italian movement, founded in 1946 by former die-hard fascists
Her party is living a little golden age, with the support raising everywhere around 7-10% especially in the center south. Thanks to their more fascist-like economic and social focus compared to the more capitalist league, they will probably attract the diehard fascists that dosent trust completely the former nazbol Salvini, especially voters from Casapound and Forza Nuova

Attached: Fouth triumvirate.jpg (600x450, 46K)


>Giovanni Toti and his upcoming center right liberal party
Previously the "Liberal" role in the italian center right was took by Berlusconi and his party, Forza Italia. But the party is quikcly dying since last elections, and now Giovanni Toti, former right hand man of Berlusconi, Governor of Liguria and the strongest supporter of Salvini inside the party, left them when Berlusconi refused foolish to step down before the party died for good.
Toti is planning to create in the next month a new party, that will cath up the traditional electoral base of Berlusconi (riches, boomers, housewives) back to the new Salvini-leaded right, and to stop them flee to the left when Berlusconi will collapsing for good.
Unlike Berlusconi, he recognize Salvini lead and will be the """"moderate"""" face of the triumvirate

If Toti manage to get at least 4-5 %,more than possible, the coalition will likely lead the goverment ALONE. The first full right wing goverment since Fascism

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It is most likely what will happen user, polls show no alternative, we just have to keep the advantage and dodge jewish tricks like technical governments or delays. Mattarella will throw as many as he can to us

Toti is a risk he shouldn't create a new party, he risks to take votes from salvini as well. He should run with FI and split after the elections.

I assume mafia arrests were to prep for stable elections?

Being first ruled by fascism cor decades but getting commiefied all of a sudden left us a bit confused...

In November we will have an alt right government as Poland and Hungary.

some salt from r/italy guys. It's back on the menu

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What happened?

How much more butthurt can Brussels and Berlin have then, especially if new elections raise Greens to be the biggest party in Germany

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So fucking cringe, classic redditfags

Fuck your Vittoria Puccini.

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Bump from America. Excited for this!

Salvini become Prime Minister now?


Guys I'm fucking dying.... my sides..... this is too good.....

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Toti is trying to reach the moderate liberals that dont want to vote for Salvini, but also know he will win and want someone who protect their interests in the new goverment. He and Salvini both would be ok with a 4-5% support for the new party that would also be realistic

They are not into mutts.

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look at source or read recap in previous thread, government has fallen, most likely new elections.

how many are they now? 6%? I mean most of them already switched to lega because they dislike berlusconi, toti could steal them back

In November

I think Vittoria is infinitely more beautiful, degustibus I guess

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Now stupid leftist are gonna rig the elections with Merkeluglu and Makronuglu in change


>Everyone's wet dream

Do they mean Soros's wet dream?

Does this benefit Salvini?

they want to hold elections the 13th of October it seems

probably he meant other reddit fags

Toti won't even reach a 3%. He is weakest than Berlusconi who is a dead man walking. Next government will be full right and extra right with Lega and FdI.

most likely yes, read source or recap mate. It's all explained in the first 3 posts of the previous thread

Let's hope so, jews play weird tricks when they are cornered

From pic:

>Because otherwise, if you vote in October, the center right will win enough seats to be able to change the constitution without a referendum.

>If we let Salvini govern, we will keep it for at least twenty years.

And these are our enemies speaking!

>Should I move to Italy now, or are you guys full?

People who switched have no reason to vote back to him as their parties will be allies in the next election, and people who didnt jump to Salvini will found in Toti someone who will act in their favor in the new govement. League and fdl togheter are expected to take between 36% and over 40%, so even a 3-4% of Toti voters could be decisive

I just checked the opinion polling and Lega is the frontrunner with about 38% but they will still need to join up with M5S (17%) to form a government.
How is this any different to the current government?

so, how mainstream is lega/salvini now?
do people still treat you like a nazi if you support him?

how popular is salvini among you people?

>pic not related

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> Catalan on his knees sucking a fat white neckbeard
nothing surprising

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Salvini has something like 40% of the votes according to our medias.

If you're white enough you can come. All europeans welcome. This is a crucial moment, if we win now we have really scored
In Italy 40% is enough to have a majourity. Even if Lega doesn't arrive there, and they could, considering polls always give them 3-4 points less, there is still FdI meloni, another far right party, currently at 6%. Even then if they don't reach 40% there is still FI with Berlusconi, everybody would like to avoid that though


Lega can form a government with the Brothers of Italy (Georgia Meloni).

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That's a funny picture.

for 20% of the country you are a nazi if you support him and that's a bad thing. For the other 80% you are still a nazi if you support him with the only difference for them it's a good thing.

*Giorgia Meloni (typo)

40% is a majority? How does that work?

>>Meloni-chan and her fdl
Brothers of Italy must have the Ministry of Defense. If we listen to the advice of General Santo, we cut down immigration by 90%, and not just that of NGOs. The Tunisians continue to arrive undisturbed at night with the small boats. We have to put men at sea with the order to shoot and we need someone who has the courage to give that order
> translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=it&tl=en&u=https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/italia/13360552/immigrazione-generale-vincenzo-santo-piano-dieci -points-stop-invasione.html

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You are welcome.

Whites are always welcome

Says the worlds original mutts, Romans importing every exotic phenotype from around the world for 2000 years.

W Giorgia-Chan

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Yes they can
42% needed
lega ~38%
fdi ~9%

Attached: Meloni_Crosetto.jpg (796x600, 72K)

>do people still treat you like a nazi if you support him?
Yes, and it's good bacause most itaians liked the nazis and fascists

In italy the group that takes 40% or more is bestowed enough sits to form a majourity. The reason is that never in Italy anybody or any coalition got enough votes to go over 50%

That could be better. Give me a while

Does Salvini really need Toti? Lega is polling around 38 and FdI around 7, couldn't he do without him?

Italy anons, if I claim citizenship am I allowed to vote in elections while living in burgerland?

You wops are a fun bunch. Could you give me a bogdown on what this all means?

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I'm curious if they actually win, and it's a dream scenario, after how long constitutional changes will follow? We can expect really a different italy after 5 years and in 2022 they will also elect president of the republic, it's a dream scenario guys.

Bonus parlament seats for the winning coalition if it reach at least the 40%. Italy never had a goverment who completed the 5 years mandate, even when the parties were basically two (internal factions often caused the downfall of the one-party rule of the Cristian Democrats during the cold war years), so they always tried some bizzare rule to help create a solid majority

Probably not, but if you're over 80% white you might aswell give it a shot

If we get a new election Salvini becomes DVX 2.0

Wishful thinking, that's if they manage to keep momentum until october. Who knows

The only exotic phenotype is my 20 cm of dick.

At worst if he steal votes would be still be inside the triple coalition, so no big deals. If instead he will be voted by at least the 3%, it would be 3% more seats for the coalition, and could be decisive if the pools are overstimating the Salvini support

So no possibly harm and only eventually benefits in recruiting him

Could be, but you shouldnt ask native italians about it: we dont know how it works for new citiziens for oblvious reasons

yes, abudantly for now. The question is though if polls are reliable and how the elections go.
I'm afraid the procedure would take too long, the date floating around is 13thy of october

gOD i want to impregnate giorgia

For this reason adding more allies like cannot do any harm. Fuck pools. I bet they are boosting Salvini above what they think in hope to cause a Backlash delusion and to scare leftists into counter-voting in masses. At least this is what i would do after the Trump pools case if i were a leftist

>Quel sinistroide pezzente
Cannot trust him, even if he's a genius.

>pizza pizza pasta pesto
how's my italian?
can i get my citizenship?

until now in every elections they always gave him much more than the polls showed, if that's the case even now roman empire 2.0

God I cant wait for you to get another Berlusconi event.

That’d be pretty sick. Good luck boys.

>Italy will finally have a manly man minister of defense

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This is your change to get rid of Salvini. The world is watching Italy, don't disappoint!
Hungarian and Polish retards need to be left isolated in their populist lunacy.

>2022 they will also elect president of the republic
it would be the definitive step
the president of the republic is also the president of the supreme defense council. every hostile act involving the military, like a naval blockade, requires its approval. Mattarella could still sign if forced by an overwhelming majority

I'm thinking more about the constitution, it could finally be rewritten

This comes very sudden after the law to make immigrant boat smugglers actually illegal and a crime, no?

Is this the jew showing his powerlevel?

as long as russia is propping up v4, there is no isolation

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The real citizenship is the friends you made along the way, Marius...

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Welcome if you integrate, Ronaldo.

Honestly if those two morons hadn't attacked France and just let our political process carry on there wouldn't have been a war and France would have ended up aligned with the Axis.

It's not sudden at all if you followed italian politics. A lot of people were asking for this since months. If anything Salvini is confirmed as uber chad because before putting the government down he made sure all his anti immigrant laws passed


>it could finally be rewritten
the majority must exceed 50% if you want to do it without referendum

>implying changing govs is a problem in a parliamentary democracy
Get lost

we are practically there user. Think of the possibilities. We could finally have consitutionally recognized the ethnos of the italian people and the duty to defend it.

>italian elections
>just in time for brexit
we are going to have one hell of an October boys

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In Italy jews are supporting Salvini

...who gives a fuck about Italy? Italians don't even care about Italy.

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Off topic, is it a bad if im born the day after Mussolini died and the day before Hitler died? Or is it a good thing because i channelled their spirits?

we care about our families.