I fucking LOVE the real Europe and I am not ashamed to admit it

I fucking LOVE the real Europe and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Attached: eu-map.jpg (1374x1245, 719K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>lookie at my drawing, mommy.
Not your mommy.

Attached: taking away your crayons.jpg (800x500, 132K)

what do you have against austria and the swiss

>considers Estonia & Latvia core European
>doesn't consider Poland
But wait
>considers Czech Rep. & Slovenia (fucking KEK) core European
>doesn't Austria & Swiss

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What did we ever do to you nigger. And no, meme land is baltic clay.


Now you love us? You gave us a shit line of Kings, almost destoryed us 2 times. On the verge of destroying whole Europe, flooding us with Niggers and Aloha Ackbars.

You show your love in a strange way Krautchan.


Attached: 4A04DBAF-138D-4456-98D7-583FAE29D32E.jpg (212x238, 6K)

>Now you love us

Always have. Always will.

Attached: affligem-dubbel-30cl-500x500.jpg (500x500, 37K)

Thanks for loving Spain