What happened that these threads never get any traction anymore?
Austin Rogers
Last nights one was busy enough (30 posters). Traffic is bipolar and we only get constantly busy threads during happenings and elections. Remember to use 4plebs for archives of the threads.
Thanks mate, will do. Kinda sad that 30 is considered a lot though, I mean I'm used to it but maybe 60-80 would give me a bit more hope that we're not a complete outlier in this country
It's impressive considering we are a tiny country.
Robert Gutierrez
Don't know. That ZeroNet shit was a honeypot and the site has been down for awhile.
Christopher Edwards
Fair point Not up to date, is lesserchan down 'cause of the shooter in the States a few days back or something?
Carter Clark
>Not up to date, is lesserchan down 'cause of the shooter in the States a few days back or something? Yes. The site is down a few days.
Benjamin Long
Parker Ortiz
Whats the story up North? Heard the PSNI got BTFO.
Samuel Richardson
Sad to hear about that missing girl over in Malaysia. But I wouldn't go to a dangerous 3rd world hellhole like that in a million years.
Chase Rivera
How many stories have we seen about Girls being raped and killed in countries like India and Malaysia? Probably hundreds, and people still go. Now a kid is the victim. It's going to be a horror story when they find the body. Fucking animals over in those types of countries. Seen a story recently about a group of Poos that raped a 3 year old to death.
>just got back from holiday in donegal (where i was born, my family grew up there/derry) >went to a place thats like a stately home park but also has a kids place with my nephew >young white attractive mothers everywhere >not a single fat person in sight anywhere >not a single racemixed couple and barely any non whites whatsoever
god that was like freshwater for my soul
Nathan Ward
Donegal is comfy alright. Pretty red pilled as well. Only county to have a majority that voted No to abortion.
Leo Gray
Howye lads
Nolan Stewart
Yeah i was pretty proud to see that Funnily enough, my dad was over there too, and he's pretty much (Sadly) a hyper leftist Always harps on the poverty = criminality argument, so i put it to him why the poorest area of the republic had clean ordered streets, virtually no crime, no police presence whatsoever and friendly people >i-it's t-the culture as well, i-i never denied that! (man who denied that)
Cooper Barnes
Thanks for the info. Never really used the site personally but still, I'm not a fan of it essentially being blacklisted either Sounds nice, user. My uncle's from there. Any nice places to visit or live? Would the locals be okay with a Munster boy, even if he was of mixed heritage (I know, I'm a disgrace, I'm sorry)?
Xavier Davis
Grand. Yourself?
Austin Jackson
site got linked to shooting, and their host cloudflare shut them down. No companies seem willing to host them now, maybe they'll move to Tor?
Henry Kelly
>No companies seem willing to host them now, Yet Facebook has no problems after numerous suicide live streams, CP groups, and the ChristChurch shooting. Double Standards are a joke.
Nathan Gutierrez
Ireland lives! Ireland marches on!
Brandon Reyes
Alright, I suppose. Bit lonely today after a a small party, but otherwise I'm fine. How about yourself? >dad's a hyper lefty Mine too. How do you cope? Mine won't shut up about Donald like it even fuckin' matters here, I always feel like he's trying to convince/indoctrination me into his views
Benjamin Howard
Well we always go to Creeslough, which is where our farm was years ago, the house is still there. Just down the road theres Ards national park which is beautiful, lovely beaches and stuff. Magheraroarty, Bunbeg and Falcarragh have some nice beaches Slieve League cliffs are a beautiful place to walk, and Glenveagh/Oakfield Park are beautiful historic houses with wonderful grounds to walk around in. Usually hit all of those places and climb a couple of the mountains like Muckish and Erirgal for a view and thats the week done. Sorry if that was a bit detailed
Cant speak as to what the locals will think as i was brought up in England and just sound like another brit to them i guess ;_:
Elijah Perez
we argue, a lot. He's pretty ok to discuss with though. I pretty much ate directly out of his hands until i was like 19 and was full on lefty bollocks like him, then got ferociously fucking redpilled upon leaving the suburbs/reading and watching about politics He never goes full SJW and tries to shut down the discussion, he just believes one thing and me the other. We try to critique each others viewpoints - knowing we wont really change the others mind but might develop our views a bit (at least thats how i see it)
Jacob Perez
>Mine won't shut up about Donald like it even fuckin' matters here, I'll never understand how someone can care about Burger politics while our country is being destroyed by corrupt politicians.
Brody Ortiz
Not to bad
Recently the NP
It’s whitepilling to meet like minded people irl. Learning to not wait for the system to change in order to change myself and my future
Caleb Martin
*recently joined
Me grammars all over the place today
Elijah Campbell
>Sorry if that was a bit detailed You're fine, sure I asked for information and you gave it and I'm grateful for it, definitely places I'll check out next time the holidays roll around. As for politics with my family, especially my Dad, I just keep quiet most of the time. Sister's really volatile too. My Mom's okay, she disagrees with me on nearly everything except Islam's barbarity but she'll at least listen. I respect her beliefs more so than the others because at least she's thought of her answers rather than regurgitating whatever was said on the news as the societal norm Honestly I think he wishes he was American. He constantly belittles our culture, history, accents, traditions, everything really. I love him but he's a smug bastard still. And he watches John Oliver and Samantha Bee and unironically finds them both "funny AND informative", which says a lot I think. Also sorry about the blogposting lads, I guess I find that it helps just chatting sometimes, even if it to people I'll probably never meet
Christian Phillips
Irish built america, we have every right to care about it's fate.
Can anyone recommend me literature or online stuff I can show my nationalist father how IRA were infiltrated by Marxists years ago and Sinn Féin are Marxist degenerates? I’d like to get him a book or something. He knows about the NP and is interested by is still a shinner by simple past familial allegiance
They are kike puppets and all the Marxist shit is being brought here by Yanks.
Benjamin Bell
id like to know this to i think the IRA are based as fuck for fighting for a free ireland but their politics are fucking awful
Joshua Perez
Just show him the Shinners pushing trans shit and Abortion.
Blake Hill
Basic Gestalt: Soldiers were based and the politicians were traitors. Gerry Adams is a British Asset and a pedo.
Alexander Hughes
I heard something vaguely about some pedo happenings in the movement, fucking hell
Chase Gomez
>all the Marxist shit is being brought here by jews FTFY
Xavier Fisher
I know that’s easy but he’d be more pushed from them if he read some articles or something idk, and the FBI and British collusion in shit... maybe that’ll do it...
Jordan Russell
Adams brother was put in Prison for raping his own daughter and there was a women who called out SF for protecting a pedo that raped her. Adams is also linked to Antifa Ireland (pic related), which was founded by a pedo.
MI5 “turned” a couple of top IRA leaders by honeytraps involving young children. I remember reading about that. You can look it up.
Liam Sanchez
Tbh I’m American born, but I don’t care about politics in this country anymore. It all seems so fake and gay. I’ve traveled through west Ireland, and I want to return there. I come from an ethnically Irish background. I don’t care about the future of the USA the way I do for Ireland. If Ireland is lost I would feel like very little hope in this world. I feel loyal to Ireland before any other nation.
Nolan Lee
Proof that the founder is an actual pedo? So many times on here people called pedos but it’s mislead.
On the point of antifa in ireland - do they actually have much grounding aka are they taken seriously? Is there some party called saoradh or something up the north calling the NP fascists? What is their basis of this argument?
Antifa on Twitter have a tech team tracking down ‘fascists’ on the web where the fuck do they even look
Evan Ramirez
These are the only ones I could find on short notice. >Mary Lou said she is struck by the number of men that attempt to 'mansplain' her job. archive.fo/HrUKf
>Sinn Féin's Liadh Ní Riada says she would wear a poppy as president. archive.fo/7NpCQ
>Sinn Fein push more Marxist Shite. 'Afrophobia'. www.twitter.com/sinnfeinireland/status/1110585867746328577
>Sinn Féin stays silent on naming of election candidate during case. archive.fo/XpPvf
Jack Ortiz
Move so, though I'll be honest with you most people here see fucking shitskins with citizenship papers as more Irish than an American with some actual lineage connected to the country. You can still fit and find your place in our society but you'll always be viewed as an outsider first, I'm sorry to say
>>On the point of antifa in ireland - do they actually have much grounding aka are they taken seriously? They have no support and are hated by normies that know of them. Even r/Ireland shat on them a few years ago. >The Journal pushes Pro Antifa article, gets ripped apart in the comments. archive.fo/1yKwD
>>Is there some party called saoradh or something up the north calling the NP fascists? Yes. Linked to Antifa Ireland. Claimed responsibility for the killing of Lyra McKey (a journalist that was investigating a pedo ring up North). Pic related is a post from one of their groups. They are hated by people thankfully.
some retard boomer filled my father with shite about white supremacy and how trump is bad and i had to deprogramme him from it for about an hour and at the end he agreed that its all imported shite from muttistan
Ethan Young
That’s ok. I just want my children to be Irish. The longer we stay in this country the less Irish the generations forward will be. I know that what you’re saying is true, but I don’t care. I want the language revived and the nation of Ireland persist. One day, when I have the funds I’ll return. It’s time for the diaspora to return.
Kevin Perry
anyone see ben gilroys video of outside yer ones house the retard called the guards and was threatening to break the windows of the car
Owen Lee
Yeah. Her group of nutters are doing a 'protest' against the Google Protest on Saturday. Had some unicorn hashtag on twitter which was in the trending tab despite the top post having less than 30 likes and retweets. NGOs are involved as well as socialist parties. If NGOs were not given any money from the government, this crap would end overnight.
Sebastian Perry
My buddy’s blackpilled in ireland. He’s been a dublin man all his life and thus a backwards view of what being Irish is. He’s only been alive the last two decades of which the last dregs of any semblance of spirit left in dublin have been destroyed. He’s starting to believe it was always like this and there was never a good time ireland had and this place is a shithole, everyone looks ugly and overweight, and lifeless.. he laughs when I am so hopeful on what ireland could be, he doesn’t understand why I am so invested.. he wants to move to Canada or Australia. Is there any point trying to convince him to stay or have a healthier view on his identity?
Elijah Morales
>most people here see fucking shitskins with citizenship papers as more Irish than an American with some actual lineage In my experience, people don't consider either Irish. Foreigners in my area never LARP as Irish either.
Eli Jones
>he wants to move to Canada or Australia. That's like trading cancer for AIDS.
> everyone looks ugly and overweight, and lifeless
> u most people here see fucking shitskins with citizenship papers as more Irish than > an American with some actual lineage connected to the country
I always thought Ireland was still one of the better countries to live at in Europe
Landon Miller
>he wants to move to Canada or Australia. this is why everyone hates us, we move the world over instead of sorting out our own patch
Brody Murphy
>this this is what will kill us more than the niggers coming in. our entire country is a holiday resort. tourism and immigration is what our economy depends on and it expedites our replacement when we literally have more prospects in leafland than our own nation. i dont blame him for being blackpilled, i blame people like you who still have hope. the sooner our lads realise how fucked we are, the better.
Wyatt Morales
Yeah, just running away from problems we have the responsibility to fix.
Brandon Roberts
The Plastic Paddies that came from America throughout the years have given Irish-Americans a bad rep. Most people think Irish-Americans are all LARPers with no heritage.
Ethan Roberts
We didn't go anywhere, we are still here. I will never leave and I'm sure anons on here wouldn't either. What emigrants do should have nothing to do with us.
True, African americans are 13% of the country yet do 50% of the crime. Africans are probably grand though, we should bring more in.
Jackson Walker
Yeah I can understand that as well. The prism through which Americans see Ireland and Irish people is really cartoonish. I’m a quiet American stoic type, and I got on pretty well with people in Ireland. I just felt right in rural Ireland. My family is from the west anyway.
>Africans are probably grand though, we should bring more in. No
Carson Green
Why is tallaght a shithole?
Carson Russell
>More prospects in leafland. Let me assure you, that is completely false.
t. leaf
Christopher Gray
>Plastic Paddies This is the nail in the coffin for the Irish, being completely unaccepting of the repatriation of people with actual Irish ancestry. Its disgusting. Imagine hating someone who is more proud of their Irish ancestry than a majority of the people living here. All because they are not aware of "modern" Irish culture.
Owen Foster
Beef farmer here Support farmers against Larry Goodman. The fucker is robbing us blind. He'd take the eye out of your head and come back for the eyebrow. Thanks lads
canada and australia is where our skilled youth go. labourers and professionals. a lot return, sure but we still lose too many people to emigration. ireland is a miserable, mismanaged shithole propped up by chinks and brazilians stealing our young guys jobs because the wana learn english. and we launder money for corporations. we're a third world country that just happens to exist in the first world. i know so many talented and bright young men who legitimately think they could carve out a better living in canada than here and it seems right to me
Aiden Bell
KEK. My Grandad used to say "He'd take the eye out yer head and tell ye yer better lookin without it"
Zachary Phillips
Why are Yanks so thin skinned?
Daniel Robinson
A for effort on the pepe
Noah Davis
>Larry (((Goodman)))
Evan Flores
fairly prescient quote
Sebastian Richardson
>34 posts by this id
take a break, boyo
Adrian Robinson
John Turner
There is no taking a break from noticing things...
Take it from someone who was born and raised there, the cards are stacked against you in Canada. While a lot of the memes are not real, the ones about diversity hirings are. Also, the Irish do absolutely nothing to integrate with Canadians. When you move to Canada you live and associate (almost exclusively) with other Irish people. The complaints you have about foreigners here can be applied to the Irish abroad as well. But in all fairness, fuck it, I really don't mind you guys at all and got along well with the ones I met in Canada.
I do agree with you about a lot of the issues with Ireland. It isn't my place to really get heated about it though. I am an immigrant after all. Its not my business to tell you guys how to run your country, and would never act as such. That being said, my fuck the government here is absolute shit. They pick pocket you at every turn, are completely corrupt and rife with nepotism. Its never the best man for the job here, rather it is whichever relative of a TD needs a job. Insane taxes with no benefits. The list goes on. Good thing you guys have an abundance of top tier pussy (until you see their faces).
Lucas Barnes
seriously, lad. read something. use your autism for good
Lincoln Bailey
have you got any reading recommendations lad?
Jose Thomas
Does Éire/pol/ lift? If not get of yer fat ass n' go to the gym. Every Irish nationalist should to be more shredded than a Chinese man on an escalator
I am not a yank. Also I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding of North Americans. We are not thin skinned. We just take zero shit. People take it as us being offended, when the reality is we are just more brash and up front. Basically just not ashamed or afraid to tell you you're a faggot when you act like a faggot, you faggot.
My question is, why do Irish men gossip like women?