Why doesn't the right-wing do anything to fix this?

Why doesn't the right-wing do anything to fix this?

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F: A mass shooting by a 19 year old police officer in a pickle rick shirt high on opioids prescribed to reduce the pain of his preventable illness.

>imagine being able to babysit niggers, chasing out spics, dealing with potatoes, and tiptoe around antisemitism to criticize Jewish agenda and still be expected to fix these problems

hes right so everyone stay the fuck out and all shitskins leave right now

>Blames America
>Doesn't know about Jews.

Why are niggers and mexicans in gangs shooting you not an option?

People deserve to die of opioid overdose.

Black people Rap all day about shooting other people and cooking crack rock. But nobody gives a shit. Only blacks are allowed to run around shooting people.

Because most of it occurs in 'Left' run areas.
The left do not care about their slaves.

Because people would get upset if all niggers and jews were executed

remove nonwhites, who exploit welfare and you would have enough money to get healthcare
remove nonwhites, and the police wouldn't need to shoot at overly aggressive criminals
remove nonwhites, and you wont have shootings done by nonwhite or whites who defend their own people
remove nonwhites, and you will have better life opportunities for whites

If you cant afford healthcare, most of the states have something in place to take care of your healthcare needs.
Stop fucking up, you wont get police attention. Dont resist, you wont get shot.
Mass shootings arent nearly as common as you believe they are.
dont take fucking drugs.
finally: get the fuck out if you cant figure out how to control yourself. you arent wanted...fucking moron.

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What do you mean "fix"?
Variety is the spice of life.

a. medical malpractice
b. suicide by cop
c. crisis actor in a drill gone 'hot'
d. Pickle Rick overdose
e. none of the above

The only people who are dying due to lack of affordable health care are those with jobs who don't get a free handout and instead are being crushed under the burden of illegal useless eaters.
Your chances of dying in a mass shooting are inconsequentially low
If you die of an opioid overdose you're no loss to society and nobody cares.

The right voted for Jews. I thought this is what you unironically wanted.

Attached: Goys4Trump.jpg (810x1122, 367K)

Where i from we know better. Simple.

If assholes tell us they dont nlike like the lbgtfo then for most of us it is a REASON to go.

Im no asshole like that. I dont visit a country with political prisoners. Never have, never will.

>implying there's a problem

G, old age, because you're highly unlikely to die of most that shit.

But dying of old age is what's normal. The order deaths are a problem.

Why would we want to do anything to fix the perception that it's awful here and immigrants shouldn't come?

Why do you leave out the left being bought by jews, 75% of Dem campaign contributions were from jewish donors.

You are 1000 times more likely to die because of alcohol and tobacco related accidents/diseases, but whatever, it's always the evil guns.

Yeah but that faggot is acting like they're the new norm. I have a higher chance of dying by car than all of those combined.