This is the very top post on reddit right now. absolute propaganda being mindlessly circe-jerked.

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fuck spics

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>goes to reddit
so... you make yourself vomit?

>pictures of brown children crying that will make you say "fuck having laws and sheeeeit"

She's been given the opportunity to go to epstein's dungeon, why is she crying?

You have to go back.

Obviously it was a front if customers didn't keep paying

Good. Mississippi is overrun. You do not hear much English spoken in a Mississippi Walmart. It's awful. People need to know we have a major fucking problem here.

Why don’t you just kill yourself? NEET bitch

You have to go back too.

Is she gonna eat that pizza or just sit there and cry?

>Imagine paying money to a website because a user courageously posted this picture

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Hey, you gonna eat that pizza and Sprite?

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deport that cry baby now

There's spics in Mississippi? lol as if that place couldn't be any worse

why are those spic children so fat

a better question is how, whos overfeeding the illegals

Really? I thought Mississippi was a swamp land full of nigger haters.

Be honest Jow Forums is there anywhere left to go?

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That's a nice looking 'za. Generous pepperoni to say the least And she has soda. Why the face?

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What delicious looking pizza, all alone and with no family.

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Kids belong in cages

No. Unless you think living among Asians is preferable to diverse future hellscape that will be the United States and Europe, which it probably will be. It would still be pretty shitty though.

Her fatass is just mad they only gave her one slice.

Her fatherhusband is being deported, don't be so heartless.

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it all makes sense now, that's the main reason democrats want open border
>family comes in
>parents go out

>Unless you think living among Asians is preferable to diverse future hellscape that will be the United States and Europe
At least if you know their language they only treat you like scum instead of subhuman garbage.

All 3 kids in that video fat little spic diabeatos greedily gobbling their free pizza and guzzling their free sodas whilst sat in a comfy gymnasium all at the cost of the American tax payer.

My hometown airs the tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in Spanish first now. We're fucking doomed. It all started with Hurricane Katrina when Bush let a bunch of illegals invade to steal work our people needed rebuilding. They didn't leave, bred, and now more are pouring in from the border. We're absolutely fucking doomed.


That is what I see in the photo too.

Pretty generous with the pepperoni, that's awesome.

Are you talkiing about South Florida?

you have to go back

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Poor fucking baby. INVADERS MUST GO.

Not the fault of the law breaking parents at all.

Of course this is circling Reddit...anyone who speaks out against the narrative eloquently enough gets banned.

The time for talking is over. War is here. What we do now determines everything.

Probably tears of joy. "You mean I don't have to go back to Mexico AND I don't have to have Mexican parents anymore?"


Lol oh boy!

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Look at how fat they all are. Ladies and gentlemen this is why you don't allow spics in. They all are welfare leeches. Not only that, notice the "red white and blue" t shirt the spic in the background is wearing. Totally wasn't given to him and asked for him to put on just for the picture to envoke some leftist tears. Those spic kids all need to go too.

He's fucking lying! The Asians were not deported, the Hispanics they employed were. And he's full of shit because I can guarantee you those places are open today. I know the area and restaurants well. He's talking about OEC, Express Hibachi, etc. They're all STILL open. He also said NEAR, which means Madison or Flowood AKA Where The White People Are.

Fuck no. More niggers here than anything else. We do have some based Vietnamese though.


Fuck every variety of dAGO

A bit further south than that. But I don't think it really matters anymore. They're everywhere. The Delta is likely the poorest region in the entire country, and they pulled a lot of these unwanted people from that area. They were there stealing work from the poorest of the nation's poor. These people are NOT needed and they are NOT wanted.


Oh ok. I think I know where you're at then. Yeah, heavily Hispanic in that area. Of course, the area I'm in is also heavily Hispanic these days. I've been seeing Muslims walking down the street too and it pisses me off. The Delta is literally a third world country. They don't need immigration, they need opportunities. Of course the niggers are too fucking dumb to vote for their own interests. They still do whatever the DNC tells them to and now they're telling them to support these leeches. It's never been right after Katrina. Hattiesburg caught a lot of that filth and crime has risen every year since.

so how do leftists argue that immigrants taking all the jobs is a good thing still?

Holy shit I'm diamonds right now!

They get like ten different types of snap wic free lunch. We literally pay taxes for them to invade and be fed to breed like veal calves. It fucking discusts me. Anchor babies need to be cut off from citizenship without some form of merit clause. Children of illegals are not us citizens period.

Those kids and their families need to come back. Its not bad here if you move to a state where cartels don't operate. I have an engineering degree that I got for free, only in exchange for hard work and dedication. Companies hire engineers by the dozen with livable wages. If they want the american dream they can do what I've done and get there legally.

*fake crying

>That comment
Fucking delicious

Oh noes! Not the restaurants! How will I ever eat?!

Just a spoiled faggot. We have a large hipster millennial population surprisingly and they're completely fucked.

Those two boys look pretty happy.
Whats wrong with America when even your illegals are fat fucks?

A recent British study showed younger people are more authoritarian than their parents, there is hope.

Do you need deported senior?

i sure do feel sorry for businesses profiteering off the backs of imported slave labour

We shall see. I know quite a few based zoomer due to the age of my brother-in-law. The white girls are coalburners but even the gays and blacks are pretty hardline. Quite a few HATE furries.

Allow me to share a pearl of wisdom my mother told me until I learned

Dry up that damn crying before I give you something to cry about


Lots of people don't seem to know that the average Chinese restaurant is effectively a front for immigration and indentured servitude. They make the bulk of their money by importing people from China by sponsoring them in their restaurants and then pay them shit wages and work them insane hours because they can pull their employment at any time and they will be sent back.

I wish they'd arrest the leadership of that plant too. Trust me. I've been railing against this for years.

This wouldn't have happened if they had stayed home, worked hard, and made their country better.
We may call ourselves the United States of America, but we limit ourselves to 50 states and a few random military bases.

>Phone poster
Goddamn thread quality is getting worst

and theyre all fucking obese lmao fuck them

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Hmmmm...she is eating pizza. Message?

>muh ethnic food argument

Wasn't the news just last week that Trump pussied out on mass ICE raids?

have her parents tried.... not breaking the law?

wacky concept, I know but it works


LOL. Who will fashion my onion volcano and fucked up martini?

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Antarctica I’ve been saying this but we should colonize there white only nation where slavery is allowed.

Can I move to Mississippi if I’m not a Southerner? (Not a Yankee either.)

And then the boomers go on about the hard-working, family-oriented immigrants Who Make America Great, just look the manager in the eye and shake his hand firmly, and after a summer you can pay your tuition, and then you’ll have 10 great job offers, and then you can enjoy some tasty ethnic food that us boring white bread could never do on our own.

>okay honey, now make sure you put both hands up to your face. Good! That's perfect, now hold....we got it!
>5 minutes later

>American childs

Mexican kids break my heart, a lot of them seem like good kids but they’re so far from poor diets, and they’re obviously in an impoverished and alienated (and sometimes abusive) environment. I knew only one guy who turned out right, in Texas, where he served in the military and now works with sick/disabled kids.

*so fat from poor diets, yes I’m phonefagging

I love how they can acknowledge that illegals make up the entire staff of dozens of local restaurants, but that it isnt a problem or sign of

wtf yo
i thought the journey they through made them spics thin and scrawny half skeleton need immediate help or they wont make it
yet they were fatfucks?