Double Standards

Jow Forums will defend this.

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how did the brown dude not get shot

both are the same group, op.

wh*Teboi was scared

Because antifa is a group of radicals, while the alt right is a decentralized group of people. Typically, alt righters act on their own and do their way of what they think its right. They however are cowards and don't represent actual alt right thoughts and ideas. Antifa is a centralized terrorist organization who attacks people. So yes, antifa is a horrible organization and the alt right has never done anything wrong.

Alt right is a movement. Antifa is a organization.

it's clearly a gun-free zone

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>one is member of an organized group
>the other is just a retard shooting people left and right
You don't call blacks commiting crime as domestic terrorism for a reason.

What double standard, retard? Do shooters not get arrested, while milkshake-throwers do?

Nah they're as much of an unorganized mass save for some select groups. We could make the same argument about far right militias that exist across the USA.

>comparing crazy lone wolves to an organized terrorist group

I can picture in my head the guy who drew this
>very long nose, but not ridiculously massive, from the surgery
>black, knotty hair
>last name has Stein in it

Antifa is really centralized. You have diffrent factions within your organization.

bash the fas bash the fas

Whats to defend, the fact that the left can't meme.
I don't understand please clarify.

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Antifa attempts the outward appearance of a cell style, but their internal leadership and funding is all centralized.


>not another nazi
is this cartoon expressing the ohio shooter?

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I think this shows more that the left are so disconnected with reality that they think throwing milkshakes actually solves things. The actual moral of the story is that they should get guns and fire back. All that would happen here is they would be shot right after they threw it.

My god I really want them to start a civil war, they have no idea what it is like to actually kill another human being and they would spend most of the war cuddling puppies for therapy.

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So you are saying they are organized into terror cells. Makes sense.

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antifa (everyone has to think the way we do). Its dangerous to think different.
>listens to music that says to think for yourself

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pretty sure the shooter went to jail but hey in liberal land any false narrative is possible

>"taaake that !"
I feel this was made by dobson

>implying antifa didnt also commit a mass shooting that same day
>implying antifa wouldnt cower and shit those perfectly drawn cutoff black denim shorts
>implying antifa has brown friends
>implying they werent the overwhelming aggressor for several years
>implying the artist isnt a faggot
>i like the beaner stereotypes in the first image though

Someone actually spent time on this faggotry lolololol

No I'll never defend shitty webcomics.

Yeah, cause throwing milkshakes at peaceful politicians (in another country) is totally relevant for mass shootings in the US.

Hard to imagine the stupidity that went into this piece of shit drawing, kek.

art's too good to be Dobson, the characters actually feel properly constructed

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The left has the government, which has the military. Don't fool yourself. Even if 20% of the jarhead chads defected to fight for the right, we'd still have to fight the entire remaining U.S. military, the shitskin hoards, and the antifa types.

>b-but muh military is s-so redpilled!!1!

I know a lot of military personnel from where I work. Many, many POC, black even. It's a mess.

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From the first two panels I assumed this is going to be some kind of false flag comic but it turns out it's about muh white supremacy muh unjust police. Guess I should have expected that.

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>Americans own more guns than all of the world's armies combined, majority are in conservative, rural states
>an American insurgency of even as small as a million people would be near-impossible to quell
>muh rockets, tanks, drones, etc
no. that makes the situation a humanitarian crisis, and you're still asking Americans to kill other Americans. we wouldn't bomb ourselves like we do middle eastern countries. massive ordinance and foreign enemies could help fund the insurgency with arms like we do to other places

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Kek. Here, take a (you). It's well deserved. Spend it wisely.

Great meme.
It's powerful and all.
I changed my opinion about everything in my life and I'm now becoming a tranny.

>The left can't meme
>It's as if they lacked brain power
>and creativity


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Matt Bors has never seen a black person. I know because he lives in Portland. the Antifa here ain't going to run at anybody with a gun, they're too busy crowding streets to get into shouting matches with Patriot's Prayer and all of that.

The local papers like the Willamette and the Mercury are trying to pump up the chapter here as some Nazi bashing super group. But really it's just accepting a bunch of idiots as your saviors/allies just because they hate the guy you hate.

Fucking kek.
The white antifa sois that actually throw the milkshakes get retconned out of their own fantasies by browns.

When has anything close to this ever happend
>1 post by this ID

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2 posts by this ID

I obviously created this thread to show us all how fucking retarded this comic is.

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