Trust the plan
He's bringing the Chinks to heel
we know
No, he really isn't. I may have believed you if you said this in 2017. Not now, sorry.
Why do you say that?
Those chink farmers in Kansas won't know what hit them.
Because trade wars are easy to win?
The fucking insectoids arent the problem. Our elites are the problem. And what the fuck do I care what Chinks do in the south china sea? Stop our greedy traitorous elites and China will go back to being a second world bug colony forever.
The gooks are on the verge of financial collapse. Drill down on HSBC firing their CEO!
For who? People that put little dogs in baby strollers or people that eat dogs for dinner?
based, now all the chinks getting free government housing and foodstamps will be homeless and starve
This board is going to be over run by Chinese shills they already took over Zero Hedge we need to fight then lads.
Pretty easy when you have a self sustaining country
There is nothing of necessity that we get from other countries. Lots of shit we want, but if it came down to it we could do without. China is way more reliant on us buying their shit than we are in needing it.
>Lots of shit we want, but if it came down to it we could do without.
lol you seem really optimistic that people are willing to lay down their own comfort in order to beat China.
You are a fucking moron. Literal braindead nigger IQ. HSBC wouldn't have gotten caught if someone else was president. Same with Epstein.
Yes, China deploying the military to subdue the masses in various cities around the continent clearly shows that things are going swimmingly well there.
Oh im not saying it wouldn't suck. But China would be FAR worse off. Their people couldnt eat. Talking worst case scenerio here. They are already about to collapse in roughly a year.
Again, their nation is collapsing as we speak. We already won.
>Lots of shit we want, but if it came down to it we could do without.
No you could not.
America's empire is fully interconnected with the world and as such this isolationism meme is a fantasy. America would crumble overnight if it pulled out from the rest of the world because the USD would become trash.
You know why your debt means nothing? Because the dollar is the world's reserve currency. As long as that continues then you can spend infinite amounts of money. Money is printed out of thin air in America and it still has value because it is the reserve.
Pull out of the world and all of a sudden those trillions of debt become very real though. And they come down like a ton of bricks.
>Their people couldnt eat.
The Chinese government has never once cared about that.
Claims claims claims but no real evidence to speak of.
Guys, when qtardos say "trust the plan" is there a specific plan they are on about? Because I have never cared enough to look into it. If there isn't then he might as well be saying "hold right there, don't do anything just yet"
Please respond
Awesome, what did trump do?
If you don't see the plan you can never understand it
Mentally ill as fuuuuuck.
That's true by nature. If nobody can see it then they can't begin to understand it. I'm guessing your trolling me or something. There is no plan
I know right, glad there are no actual qtards here. It's insane that it was even once a thing, I'm even more glad it's just a joke now. How crazy that everyone was just believing in a 'plan ' that nobody knew what even was.
You need to go back that's the most Reddit gif ever
Cringe and boomerpilled, qtard. Filtered.
Their food tech has been advancing rapidly through this and is about to surpass ours.
Why else do you think they would ban all food imports?
Honestly q was a larp. It's worse than slenderman