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How can we rehabilitate white supremacist?
Levi Wright
John Brooks
by not having brown supremacists in our countries
Ryan Thompson
By debunking white demographic replacement
Josiah Ward
remove all non-whites
Grayson Rogers
Alexander Rivera
By stop creating white supremacists. Theres one thing the levy is right about racism, it is learned. White guys like me, were raised to not see race, and treat everyone equally. Growing up I had your typical boomer parents and was taught not to have pride 8n something I couldn't control, that were all the same inside, and I genuinely believed that. Then I moved off for college. I noticed that in the media people are always talking shit about white males are the source of all the problems, but I haven't done anything. I was told whites have no culture, and whites can't do this or that. I've heard whites cant use spices, yet Europeans conquered the world just for spices. I saw I the news that when a white kills a black it's a hate crime but when it's the other way around, hes just a "teen" even if he is 25. I saw how those niggers tortured that autistic white guy on facebook live and nobody bat an eye. Then came in IOTBW, I decided I'd give it a shot. So I put a few posters up, was smart about it and didn't get caught. Racism, racism and white supremacy echoed in the headlines and news segments of ku university and local news outlets. The same for other schools and towns. That's what did it for me, it wasn't "white is right" it's not "it's better to be white" it's simply "its okay to be white", it's okay that's all, but it's not. Not in this society, it's not okay if you're white. We build this nation and suddenly it's not okay that we live here?
Jordan Hughes
>Then came in IOTBW, I decided I'd give it a shot. So I put a few posters up, was smart about it and didn't get caught. Racism, racism and white supremacy echoed in the headlines and news segments of ku university and local news outlets.
Thank you for your service. Just letting you know that this Halloween will be another major IOTBW poster date.
Chase Fisher
You can't. I managed to be distracted for a decade but I never developed any trust or faith in liberalism. I just nodded and went along to make a living and not make waves, drowned my doubts and fears in intoxicants like a good goy. When opportunities dried up in favor of imported labor I had nothing to lose being honest with myself again. tl;dr bribe us with jobs, families and a sense of purpose. It works.
Nolan Myers
by recognizing that it exists for a reason
rising white nationalism is a predictable result of the demographic/immigration changes that the left and corporations have been pushing for electoral and profit reasons
watching the left try to fight against it is hilarious and retarded because they are the central cause. it's just like those conservatives who cry about the rising popularity of socialism yet they avoid thinking about how it is a direct consequences of the shortcomings of their own ideology. it's like putting out some pinhead like ben shapiro and have him talk about the glory of unrestrained capitalism, as if that is somehow going to convince people who can't buy a house, can't afford an education, or pay back their loans, etc.
if the political system is not utilitarian enough then you should expect political paradigm shifts like rising socialism and nationalism
Joshua Brown
It's fucking hilarious that you assholes actually believe this ends any where else other than your total extinction for the crimes you've committed against our People for the past 6000 years or more.
Why do you even come here? You can't stop what you've created.
YOU did this, bitch.
Keep pushing.