Everyone has abandoned Drumpf. I used to support him, even though he actually lost the 2016 election.
I know I speak for everyone here when I say we should all vote for Democrats in 2020.
Everyone has abandoned Drumpf. I used to support him, even though he actually lost the 2016 election.
I know I speak for everyone here when I say we should all vote for Democrats in 2020.
>even though he actually lost the 2016 election.
Kek stay mad faggot.
Not voting for a Democrat unless they explicitly come out and say they’re going to deport more spics than Donald. Probably just won’t vote at all.
It does not matter what you think, or who you voted for. Trump will lose regardless because he has not kept a single promise to his constituents.
what a buffoon. I honestly don't know why anybody voted for this clown, but hillary won the popular vote
Your right. Based Mommy Tulsi 2020.
Tulsi>Trump>Controlled DNC
>Everyone has abandoned Drumpf.
Except all of his supporters.
So in other words literally no one, and you're making shit up.
Here's an entire website dedicated to making people who say the retarded shit you do look like the retard you are.
Stay mad shill with your shit Drudge image fakes
Trump was always an unrealistic buffoon with silly policies. The only reason he does the small amount he does regarding immigration is because he has to satisfy his white nationalist base of retards. Meanwhile the real threat of Iran looms over the world and Trump does ZERO about it.
drumpfkins on suicide watch
>fake ICE
>fake wall
US wants to eliminate China to become China
I"M NOT MAD FUCK YOU SHE FUCKING WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep shilling harder faggot.
Didn't like all the foreign invaders they arrested yesterday get released to breed more welfare recipients already?
>voting for a woman
>for anything
>listening to the repeatedly failed policies of a neocon
Kristol, Fukyama, Wolfowitz, et al are probably the dumbest strategists in the history of US policy. Pants on head retarded. Their neo-liberal friends in the DNC (Clinton, et al.) are equally retarded.
Cope harder, faggot. How many promises did he NOT keep?
Trump landslide
migapedes on suicide watch
It's over.
>eliminating dictators who slaughter innocents by the thousands is retarded
This is why your meme president is collapsing.
From a purely acceleration its point of view, yes.
The democrats and republicans both hate us and want us banned from earth.
The republicans expect us to support Trump no matter how hard he screws us.
The democrats can't help but let us live on if we back them.
We know they will turn the heat from simmer to boil faster than anything else, then they will be the target of the general uprising.
They are too stupid not to let us.
Look how Trump continues to troll them.
We know the election means nothing in the end.
This illegal is shaking at the thought of ICE kicking in his door. Who is really coping here?
>M-muh Iran
Get glassed, Moshe
You did no such thing commie faggot.
They always do. The point is not treating them like shit while you do it.
Just like the point of sanctuary cities is not allowing the GOP to foist more and more of the cost for enforcing immigrating law onto blue states and cities by demanding that the federal government handle their own immigration enforcement. All so they can pass some tax cuts for the rich or some pork along to their buddies.
Calling them "sanctuary cities" is just PR.
Obama deported so many people because black and white working class Democratic voters have no interest in anything like open borders - even if they do want to see a fair immigration system, not some pay-to-play setup. The next Democratic president will continue that trend, as well, and only the fringe immigrant right's groups will cry foul, so long as the immigrants are treated humanely.
Hmm. Weak bait faggot.
And, of course, she fucking lost. Big time
Take your meds, schizo.
>Falling for a photoshoped headline
>Being this stupid
Go back to your flat Earth cult.
8 fucking replies before anyone calls out photoshop. Go back to plebbit summarfags.
Andrew Yang has come out and said he will deport all the spics.
You fool! You should realize by now that voting is meaningless and not going to change anything with so many scandals and corruptions going on. By now the realization should be that the owners of the country get everything they want regardless of the decisions and outcomes in election day and that's what counts for them!
And here's a story about fake news that stretches a long way back.
Everyone knows it's shooped you fucking idiot, no need to point it out. I was responding to the Hillary won meme. Also check the catalog, same faggot has been making the same shit threads all day.
>pic related
He should do something like this to tip people off.
Our country failed the day we decided to play world police on behalf of Israel. If Trump leaves office without starting a war he will be better than our last few presidents despite everything he failed to deliver.
>(((fellow former Trump supporter))) here
Why do you care who won, just watch all the scandals and corruptions that have been unfolded. Do you honestly think that doing anything useful for the populous would benefit the ruling class that bases their business conducts on stuff that are so insane that people should rather question why there is no one stopping them? The only winners are the elites and you know that!
The only reason I don’t like Trump anymore is that he’s too moderate.
To vote democrat would still make no sense for me and most other people here.
This really does remind me of this...
I'm not going to vote democrat, I'm going to memeblast the fuck out of Trump. With my giant Meme Laser. That fucking one percenter thinks he's smart by tricking me with his "more jobs" and "secure borders" but it's only gonna happen once faggot and now me and my image manipulation programs are coming for you and do you know how many mindvictims I have from my photoshop wmd? There is no way in hell that Trump will win after I point out that only the rich have benefited from his admin and that's just the beginning. I have so many ideas it's not even funny. You're fucking dead, kiddo. I'll work day and night to ensure you lose after what you did to us. Do you think this is a joke? Do you have any idea who we are? I kek in the direction of the glowniggers fucking with me. What are they going to do, arrest me for using a portable version of photoshop I somehow acquired well over a decade ago? Suck my fucking dick glowniggers and I just want to tell you that I"m honored because I thought I was the biggest loser ever but then I came across you who actually monitor the biggest loser ever and so HA! NOW YOU'RE THE BIGGEST LOSER BITCH
Read about American history faggots and lern that I'm more American than you because I uphold values like Freedom and you actively oppress us who exercise free speech and even worse you newfags even believe everything written online is 100% serious and true and for that I say a healthy FUCK YOU NEWFAGS FOR RUINING THE INTERNET
It used to be fun. You glowniggers and your whiteknight IRL harassment crew gotta go tho
the illegal pours in because you said you would build a wall when you didn‘t
We can't let him have the nuclear codes
Lol! You'd think shills would be better camod at this point. But they just can't help themselves.
>sorry lads, everyone has lost support for trump
>*cough* mumble mumble even though he ACTUALLY LOST *cough*
>please click my globohomo.
t. Matt Faggotkike Drudge
nice try shlomo
not being controlled by special interests is the big one
What’s better, 4 more years of complacency and probably infringement of the 1st and 2nd amendments by Trump OR a Democrat with an onslaught of attempts to take away semiautomatic rifles and tons of panic buying putting MORE ar-15s in the hands of people willing to die to avoid becoming like Europe?
Either way, attempts will be made to chip away at our rights. Too many idiots will still kiss Trump’s ass when he does the infringement.
I'm jealous of your president, we need someone like that. Are Trump & Q going to save the world?
>That headlines
Is it real ?
>I know I speak for everyone here
>op is and always will be a massive faggot
Even at a time where the majority of Jow Forums is anti-trump. Even when he is being called out for the kike he is.
You still don't fit in. How you manage to be paid for your horrible posts is beyond me.
>he doesnt recognize drudge
but you want some real clown world rage for magatards to defend?
>C-cope! Haha g-gottem!
Yet nobody believes when they're told spics have alienated everybody - not just us, not just niggers, but every single other last race
Hispanics have made enemies out of everybody and their end is just a matter of time
>it was her time!!!!!
Drink bleach
Obama legitimately did deport more spics, though. Trump talks a big game but he doesn't actually give a shit.
what does one expect when nothing got done
the left can't meme
you have to go back
Classic XCOM, Pepe, and 2016 politics. I never thought I'd see it all together.
>they explicitly come out and say they’re going to deport more spics than Donald
They already did.
>their end is just a matter of time
But they breed like cockroaches. Almost as tho shitting out taco niggers is some kind of sport. The creepy thing is that even tho the men work hard and I respect that, they seem to be genetically incapable of doing anything outside of their job. I mean like ever notice how Mexican areas of big cities are pretty shitty? WTF is up with that? Is it because they work 12 hour shifts for some some kike then dont' gaf after and just drink beer and dance to that weird polka they seem to love?
He's already backtracked on gun grabbing. As usual.
>believing Drudge in the current year
>Trump will win solely on the factor that he isn't publicly calling white people nazis, declaring that white people need to pay reparation and be killed or locked up en mass. There are enough people who will vote for him, simply for self preservation.
Yes, hello. Fellow republican here. I too regret my vote for drumpf. Let's all vote democrat in 2020
also fuck white people
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is ing hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Trump will win in 2020
>the left continues to believe crisis actors dont exist
>Please vote for my party goy!
>I know I speak for everyone here when I say we should all vote for Democrats in 2020.
I think we should kick shills like you teeth down their fucking throat. what do you think about that you dumb smelly cunt.
>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is ing hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
No you aren't you dumb fucking spic.
>I know I speak for everyone
You shills make me fucking sick I am literally going to pay people to vote for Trump/
americans should stop voting, and do everything they can to obstruct the formalization of new laws, until their govt can prove itself trustworthy. even if a standing party had a sub-20% approval rating & voting margin then they wouldn't be able to do shit from a legal-standpoint if their constituency made enough noise.
oh uuuh and don't vote for the fucking dems you dipshit
are you fucking high?
Oh! This MUST be true. I’m giving up on Trump now. I’ll be voting for Kamalah Harris and not that evil Tulsi.
>slaughter innocents
Dictators that slaughter muslims should be given peace prizes.
Look: if u are still excusing Trump's bullshit, then you are somebody HE WOULD insult.
Disagree!? Read his own damn words!
Almost all of the stuff listed there is what most Republicans have done.
Most of them were released by ICE
>He’s at 73%
why is trump such a liar?