Tucker Carlson vs John Bolton. Who won?

Let's get this straight Jow Forums. John Bolton says Iran is basically the world hub of terrorism. Tucker Carlson says basically 'well if that's true why should we do anything about it?'

Is that a good ideology? Isolationism is honestly a half baked stupid idea that would get us all killed so I don't feel like Tucker made a good argument there. But what is the right course of action?


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Give Bolton an m-60 and make him go invade Iran. Then when he fails recognize Israel is the biggest state supporter of terrorism, not Iran.

He said he didn't want boots on the ground.
Do you think Iran sponsors no terrorism at all?

They sponsor Shia militias in Iraq which scares the 9-11 Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia. That isn't terrorism it's self defense. Look how the Saudis are using their oil wealth and military to starve Yemenis then tell me which side is the terrorist.

Fuck off kike shill, the US isn't fighting your wars for you.

They support Hezbollah in Lebanon but again that's just self defense vs the neo-colonialist zionist murderers in Kikeistan.

Bolton has never won anything in his life but awards from jews

Glass everything south of 40degN and watch the world's problems all go away.

The Saudis are terrorist supporters no question.
I disagree with the US support of the Yemen genocide which Trump has continued to allow by the way.

What do you consider the Ayatollah to be? Peaceful? Give me a break.

Do you know what a fatwa is?

Here's a video of Christopher Hitchens talking about Iran


Oh believe me you will be

Just another tiny-dicked neocon war criminal.

Iran has never sponsored an ISIS like FUKUS + Israel + Saudi + turkey all did. They were never al-qaedas Air Force in Syria like the US and Kikeistan have done. Who's really the terrorist? Bolton,pompeo and now trump.

He just said a more westernized government would not occur naturally in North Korea and it has. So Christopher Hitchens isn't always right.

>be Iran
>be Venezuela
>be Libya
>be North Korea
>be one of only countries without Rothschild world bank
> be constantly attacked by media and USA

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm seems like jews to me


I know what a fatwa is and Kikeistan, in its current state of promoting terrorism NEEDS to be wiped off the planet. Biblical Israel that actually follows gods law can then rise. But kikes are kikes and I'm on irans side there

No. And stop messing with the middle east or the next century will see Europe go with China and Russia. We will literally backstab the US in the back.

People are supposed to believe that Iran has been sponsoring Isis and terrorism around the world because our own governments are telling us this is the case. Should we trust our own governments 100% of the time? Gee I wonder

destroy iran

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nill kiggers

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The right course of action is obviously to install a pro US democracy in Iran. This should have been done 10 years ago, before they were just months away from a nuclear weapon. Not only does Iran threaten our greatest ally with a nuclear holocaust, they’ve also funded terrorism that has left thousands of US troops dead and maimed. Tucker and his ilk will only take the Iranian threat seriously when another 9/11 happens.

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Why can’t Muslims get along with other Muslims? Christians stopped slaughtering each other based on religion a long time ago.

>Hezbollah in Lebanon
the enemy of the jew is possibly my friend

Shia muslims/iran are responsible for about 1% of the islamic terror attacks against the US. Saudi arabia and Israel are the hubs for terrorism directed at the US and I do agree we should go to war against both Israel and Saudis and put in puppet governments in both nations.

Trump put this pile of Zionist cancer in a position of power and influence

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How has a more westernized government occured in NK? Kim Jong Un is still in power.
Those photo ops with Trump changed nothing.

Europe going with China and Russia is a serious problem, as is Russia being pushed towards China due to the ridiculous sanctions (cooked up from the Russiagate conspiracy) which Trump has been extremely weak on by going along with the sanctions without making many noises against them.

Annoyingly, they also just handed a waiver to the Chinese to trade freely with Iran in spite of the sanctions (they were anyway, but it's ironic that they are now admitting that the sanctions have really just harmed US allies).

Russia however, sells the majority of Chinese oil. That cannot be understated.

Iran sells about 15% of Chinese oil, Russia sells the bigger chunk.


Saudi Arabia are an enemy for selling the oil to China alone in my opinion too. China being the real threat to the US by any measure.

Muslims are a tool of the billionaire elite class of modern society.
The only reason they still exist is to create fear and if possible they want to use them to subjugate our societies and bring an end to democracy.

The first country Bolton mentions is Israel. Does anyone actually believe this guy gives a fuck about America?

maybe we should stop sending young rightist men to die in zog wars for oil, and the middle east in turn will stop terrorizing us for the damage we do in the process

blood is thicker than holy water

No one won cause Bolton's still drawing breath.

"funding sunni and shia terrorism on an equal opportunity basis"

this sounds really suspect, can we get some citations john?

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I get a sense of unease when I find myself agreeing with the majority on certain things.

It is obvious for instance, that the left had intellectually dishonest reasons for opposing the Iraq war. I am getting the same feeling from the right when I see Tucker Carlson arguing with Bolton over Iran.

An intelligent person has to trust their instincts on these things. My instincts say something is amiss.

I also cannot deny that Hitchens is telling the truth when he says the Iranian youth hate their government.

Yeah like it worked so well in Afghanistan, Vietnam and Central America.

Tucker is either controlled opposition or has completely hidden his power level.
50-50 chance your gut feeling is right.
Bad odds.
Continue to observe him and remember to always make your own decisions.

>How has a more westernized government occured in NK? Kim Jong Un is still in power.
>Those photo ops with Trump changed nothing.

Watch and learn young fellow.

Neoconservativism is the ultimate final redpill. This war would have been won years ago if you Code Pink ferries would gtfo of the way.

American youth hate their government. Should iran invade Washington state, supply ATGMs, recoiless rifles, etc to the haters? Walmart shooting would be the good old days if that shit starts.

the anti-war people, especially the ones LARPing as anti-zionist, are funded by israel. israel's #1 strategic objective is to get the US to leave the middle east (ie turn it over to israel). none of the arab countries are viable states ... israel has nuclear / biological / chemical weapons and they do not. mossad can off any leader whenever they want, hell they did it to JFK.

bolton is unironically the true anti-zionist in the administration. hence why you see the bolton must go memes.

that being said i dont think bolton is a genius or particularly apt on policy. a ground invasion of iran is crazy, and we should be forming an alliance with them rather than going to war if at all possible

Top Tuck.


Neoconservatism is just Communism by a different name

These are canards. Afghanistan would have a functioning democracy if we had the troops we needed there, but pussyfoot peace doves Obama and Trump are too scared. Vietnam was about stopping the spread of communism in Asia, and didn’t work because the left wing media in the US trashed the war. We largely haven’t done shit in South America but try to stop shit hole commie regimes like Cuba from spreading. Clearly you’re an uneducated loon who loves dictators that mass murder their own people. Fuck you.

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What I mean is, it's clear there is this movement taking place that's decrying the old 'warmongers' but in effect I also know that the US is an empire. And a big redpill is that the US empire is better for the world than what would come after it, a Chinese empire.

I don't want a Chinese empire, I don't think any of us would prefer a Chinese empire to a US empire regardless of how many problems the US empire has (and I'm aware there are many problems).

Is Bolton right? Probably not. But one thing is absolutely true, Saddam was starting to drop the dollar and that would hurt America. Could it have been avoided? Maybe so.

There are plenty of crooked reasons behind why the Iraq war happened and why it became such a mess but there are things at the core of it that were real problems that had to be met head on and that is one of them.

The US government is less oppressive than the Iranian theocracy though.
What you describe is what men like George Soros are sort of doing in effect, pushing anti US Government sentiment via the left.

>israel's #1 strategic objective is to get the US to leave the middle east (ie turn it over to israel).
What do you think would happen then though? Israel is only small, they don't have the manpower to really 'take on' the ME?

Bolton is the US version of a Jihadist. Fuck this neocon prick.

Butthurt because you can't read a history book? Propaganda helped Hitler's cause but your propaganda only hurts what you're trying to pitch.

No, the theocracy hangs degenerates but doesn't try to install listening devices (via third party corporatists) in their citizens houses. The US get is one of the most oppressive on earth. You forgot what freedom really feels like.

lotta (((heros))) in the thread tonight

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>What do you think would happen then though? Israel is only small, they don't have the manpower to really 'take on' the ME?

that is where the bit about bolton's strategy being bad and his brains a bit lacking comes into play. the way you exercise real power is assassinations and information warfare. the neocons want to play high tech aggressive and violent war because they are mostly chickenshits.

if you want to put boots on the ground, fucking send 10 million guys and do a house to house sweep for all guns and whatever on week 1. you can clean a country out with minimal losses and close the fucking border EZPZ. this is actually way the fuck cheaper than dropping $5M bombs, too.

once you have 10M boots on the ground, you say hey guys we want to be friends. we're going to teach you all english, give you free labor to build out modern infrastructure / sanitation / etc. you pay for it, we just help since we're here already. have some elections, a stable country for a few years and then we'll bounce knowing we're friends. if you back stab us though, after we treated you this well, we have political capital to send you back to the stone age. don't abuse the benign superpower in history, or you'll regret it.

but really fuck all that. just decapitate any country that is not compliant. eventually they'll run out of guys that want to be hostile only to get their brains splattered the next day.

The peace negotiations just now occurred with the Taliban, but not the Afghan government.

>everyone moral enough to stop dictators from mass murdering people is a propagandist!


This board is supposedly the pinnacle of thinking behind Trump’s meme presidency. I thought I’d be arguing against chess masters. Instead, you’re a bunch of checkers children. Keep sucking Iranian cock.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's a picture of US soldiers protecting a poppy field, the harvest of which will be sold legally to pharma companies or illegally via heroin to US consumers. Am I right?

the point being, it is trivial to exercise domination over a foreign country if you have the stomach to do what it takes, ie put some lead in some heads. mossad has no qualms blowing brains out at the leadership level. they dominate US politics because they are willing to blow JFK's brains out. controlling the middle east is nothing for them if US pulls out

US needs to get back in the business of asymmetric warfare. having technological superiority is great, but using $5M bombs as a matter of course is fucking stupid. just splatter the dudes brains at the top that is the problem

who knows? thats whats so great about these wars

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Interesting point here too. China / Russia and the ME in the future. Afghanistan has the worlds biggest supply of Lithium. No way in hell the US can let that be free for the taking.

Again, if the US pulls out it leaves a gap. Israel is actually becoming very cozy with the Chinese lately too for what it's worth.

Bolton is such a faggot, he’s only worth it because of mustache memes

>Again, if the US pulls out it leaves a gap
no never end any war ever again?

You haven't had to live under theocratic rule, it's worse than the US.
That doesn't mean the US doesn't have problems though. Just that it can be much worse.

Those domestic issues have not been solved by the citizens too have they? Where is the well maintained militia to keep that from happening? You got lazy.

Iran only funds and helps shia muslims because they’re basically Iranians and they are persecuted but Sunni nutters. Aside from the face cutting and bleeding ritual (which is probably pre-islamic too), Christians in that area are the best followed but yazidi and shia. Sunni should be exterminated, they’re violent inbred and backwards extremists with few exceptions. It’s genetic at this point

The problem with Afghanistan is that the US didn't go in hard enough.
Do you think Rome would have done this in such a way?

right. it's bigger than though. the US economy, dollar, everything is premised on the US acting as the top dog. if the peaceniks ever got us to start being the beta cucks of their dreams US would be destroyed, which is exactly what israel wants.

who would be the super power if the dollar collapses? think about it.

the chinks can run a banking sector. the russians are pathetic losers the jews mopped up with communism. germans are cucked, brits lost their empire and don't even have a navy anymore. france, lol.

all israel has left to do for world domination is to convince americans to get tired of being the boss. the antiwar / antizionist LARPers are the front lines of pushing israeli interests

100% true.
Israel also has regional allies too, you wouldn't know it from reading on Jow Forums but Jordan is a big ally and unironically kills more Palestinians than Israel but no one ever mentions that. A lot of the antizionist LARP is really just a way to diminish US power.
It's like people are unaware that the US is an empire. Maybe it shouldn't have been but that's the way it is and here we are.

The EU is basically turning into a Chinese proxy of sorts anyway, LARPing as a German one. Ever since 2016 specifically China has become more invested than ever in the EU and that's only going to continue. Trump should have done more to take the EU down for this reason alone (amongst others)

The IMF are already talking of moving to Beijing within a decade. They'll likely do it within 5 years because the global economic collapse is going to begin next year by all estimates.

Go look at how many high ranking US Politicians and tech leaders are marrying their kids off to other high ranking Chinese official's kids. It's all over the place.
The NWO is absolutely wanting to move from the US to China. Just like it moved from Britain to the US empire.

>Isolationism is honestly a half baked stupid idea
show your flag, jew

The entire idea of an empire is a false dichotomy.
We are all individuals, and we have individual communities that we are a part of.
Our founding fathers had the right idea of freedom, however they were hindered because evil was amongst their ranks. Law and order is not the answer to fixing our societies. We as humans are inherently chaotic. Law is simply a tool used by aristocrats in order to subjugate the masses.
Evil does not spare good when faced with the opportunity, yet good does. Why is that? It's because the evil aristocrats have crafted society so that we believe utilizing the tools of evil against evil is evil itself. This is false.
Whenever evil rears it's ugly head, it needs to be violently put down. Law and order only get in the way of that. Military is not something we as a species need. We need to simply be left alone to live, and if people in our individual communities turn out to be psychopaths or murderers or even just thieves, they need to be put down.

>bolton is unironically the true anti-zionist in the administration. hence why you see the bolton must go memes.
As weird as it sounds it wouldn't surprise me. Even if John Bolton himself doesn't think that way, in terms of cause and effect it could be true.
This is an example of what makes me feel uneasy. Seeing the entire press saying 'Bolton must go' and turning him into this meme character. Feels like a psyop going on.

>that being said i dont think bolton is a genius or particularly apt on policy. a ground invasion of iran is crazy, and we should be forming an alliance with them rather than going to war if at all possible

Iran being an ally would definitely help matters. Get them to stop trading as much oil with adversaries to America in exchange for a cushy deal of some sort. They're badly in need of that right now too.
The other problem is that every 8 years it can get torn up though.

Empire is just the logical conclusion of civilisation. Civilisation turned us into factory farmed people user, but it's too late to stop now.

>mossad has no qualms blowing brains out at the leadership level.
I always said this in regards to Saddam back in the day and Baathism. There's no question that the war could have been done much better and was intentionally done poorly for crooked reasons (MIC welfare). This is often conflated with 'the US shouldn't do anything in the ME'.

Our natural state is simply to exist.
The progression of the human species is a false narrative created for and by the ruling classes in order to subjugate us. If not for evil, we would all still be living in tribes and deciding for ourselves what justice is.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. We've all been brainwashed from birth into believing in a system that was designed for total control of the populace and everything that has happened until this point has been leading us toward complete domination by the ruling classes of the rest of humanity.

Religion is a lie. There are no gods. There is simply us. We've simply forgotten our true traditions. Religion is yet another one of the thousands of tools the elites have used to control the populace.

American debt is meaningless due to the USD being the worlds reserve currency.
As long as the USD is so powerful, you can print money out of thin air and it still has value. That is what happens right now.

Start going isolationist and that debt is going to mean something and you will become a failed state.

I don't buy that.
Our natural state is how things are. Because that's the only way it could have played out.

I see no alternative being possible because I've seen this even in microscopic interactions.
If you have been in a group project of any kind with other people, you quickly see there is a chain of command that forms. Sometimes it's more collective than others, but there will always be someone calling the shots.

If the person calling the shots is too strong then people become unhappy with them and things can fall apart. If the person is too weak then another takes their place.

This microscopic version of human interaction plays out much the same on the grand scale. That's why I say it is fundamentally natural that there is an 'empire'.

Natural doesn't mean it's good, just that I see no alternative and thus have to talk in a pragmatic way.

yep. they fucked it up on purpose

im pretty sure you could get them to go along with a deal if only because they are desperate. but if you show a willingness to decapitate leadership .... well eventually they are going to go along with a deal regardless.

that being said, you shouldn't really need their trust at all if you construct a mutually beneficial arrangement. there are plenty to be had. they don't want the fucking saudi lunatics or the kikes dominating the region, and the pakis are pretty fucking bonkers too. iran WANTS to be our friend, badly.

In those tribes there is still a chain of command. A power structure.
Why does it happen?

Because someone else wants power for themselves.
Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

So you need what's called a balance of power to keep things safe and stable. If the balance gets skewed then things go wrong.

The chain of command is a tool used by evil to subjugate the people under them.
There is no need for a chain of command when all you have to do is farm and hunt.
There is no overpopulation when tribes are all that exist. SCIFI is a LIE. There are no aliens. There is only us. If something isn't broken (tribe lifestyle) then don't fix it.
We've already progressed too far. The only way to fix society is complete entropy and destruction of civilization so that we can restart.
This shouldn't be done by committing evil, however. There is no need to accelerate things. You simply need to be ready for when the breakdown of society happens so that you can protect yourselves, your family and your friends.

When somebody grasps for power in a tribe, what did we do in the ancient past?
We took them out back, and we all stoned them to death.
There is no room for hierarchies if we want humanity to be good.
There is no way to avoid killing if you want humanity to be good.
If you try to avoid committing evil in order to stop evil, you allow evil to exist.
Hierarchies are inherently evil.

In case it isn't clear to you all, the reason hierarchies are inherently evil is because hierarchies inherently place one human above others.
This is evil.

An observation can be made without inferring a responsibility on someone else.
We're kind of out of the "world police" business.
We're just dropping bombs now.

Chickenhawk couldn't figure out how to put 1 round down range, would bet a paycheck on it.

absolute brainlet tier thinking. hierarchies facilitate cooperation, as essential as anything for human sense of well being

anti-hierarchical tards are among the most extreme anti-humans of all the degenerates

It would be easier to make a deal with Iran than the Saudis for sure.
The Saudis have tremendous influence in the US right now and it's bad for everyone. Start buying oil from Iran and get Iran to sell less to US adversaries, this would weaken the KSA who infact are running low on oil anyway right now, they won't have their monopoly on it for too much longer. Their main oil fields are basically done by their old estimates. That's going to become a big deal in the next couple of decades.

>There is no room for hierarchies if we want humanity to be good.
But they form naturally.
Any big project requires a team. A team always has a hierarchy.

Some people are better at making decisions than others.
Some people are really smart and good at building things but timid and would not hold a group together.
You wouldn't have a functioning military if it was a democratic system for example.

Do you even Nicolaitan bro?

that retard bolton pretends like he doesnt know that the only reason america has ever been targeted by terrorists is because of our support for israel and other adventures in the mid-east

As we already have many agreements and deals in place with the Saudis, and zero with Iran, your words are kind of pants on head retarded.

Ok, this is epic.

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>watching fox news ever
>assuming we will consent to another war because some neocon faggot says we have to

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The Iran deal?

And the Saudis are not more 'sane' than the Iranians. Iran wants what's best for it, and right now what's best for it is to avoid US sanctions.

So what happens if the US says to Iran, 'We're going to blow your head off unless you make a deal with us?'.
This isn't a new thing. Saddam was under the US's thumb for a long time to pick one example. He started getting too big for his boots and he paid the price.
The other user is right though, the US has been bogged down by the way in which regime change wars were conducted.

Do you believe that the US couldn't have just taken out Saddam with one precision strike? Come on.

And read the last part of my post. The KSA oil reserves are running low. That in itself needs to be met head on.

I'm questioning if both are wrong, not just Bolton.
You must admit it seems suspicious that all of a sudden everyone is anti Bolton and 'anti interventionism' is being shilled hard.

>belonging to either political party
You are your own worst enemy.

>people not wanting to get into wars for oil tycoons and jews is suspicious and/or shilling
You are yourself a shill or more probably just stupid, naive and blue-pilled.

In addition, the problem from Trump is his cowardice to do this.
He's content to keep the sanctions on in this retarded perpetual tension. Meanwhile China grows stronger and stronger as China and Russia both avoid the sanctions.

I don't belong to either.

What you said is a very popular notion.
Read what said ^

Aka, if the US pulls out of the ME then someone else will take its place. You can absolutely argue about the ways in which the US is involved in the ME and that the methods have been bad, but one thing is certain. SOMEONE will take the US's place.

Also, question why this so viewpoint is allowed to be broadcast on Fox news.

t; useful idiot of the aristocracy
Big projects are useless.
There is no meaning in them.
Ultimately the progression of humanity as a species only leads to suffering.
Natural disasters that result in human suffering are not evil.
They are the planet telling us there is too many fucking humans.
Decision making doesn't matter when all you do is live together in harmony and hunt in peace.
Any tribe that declares themselves to have a leader is evil and if we still lived in a natural state we would have put them down.

>israel controls the press
>antiwar faggots get 24/7 coverage, major antiwar anchors, bush/obama/trump run as anti-intervention/isolationist and win, gore/mccain/hillary are neocons and don't win

doesn't really take a genius to figure out the antiwar movement is a zionist limited hangout

>I don't belong to either.
Then why do you bear the Republican party flag? What a stupid thing to say.
>if the US pulls out of the ME then someone else will take its place
Good. It's not our fight. We're being replaced by spics and need a civil war, not one for israel and oil CEOs. You should shove broken glass into your skull.

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Nicolaitans were simply yet another tool in the war against humanity by the aristocracy.

That's fucking hot, the USA is fucking up our opponents, left, right, center, and you're crying like the faggot you were raised to be.

The fact that you would pay attention to the news at all is evidence of your extremely limited brain capacity.

The US government exists to serve the people of the US not the people of Israel. The new laws that make it a crime to boycott Israel or highlight the role of zionism in funding islamic terror, these laws are treasonous

Anyone in the federal government whose political agenda is to serve Israel first and the US second is acting in treason against the United States

>the US government exists to serve the people of the US
do you actually believe this
assuming you aren't a shill for the deep state

So then we must forcibly depose every politician out of office and kick off an ethnic cleansing campaign.

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