Why has everyday life in Western society changed so much since the 1980s?

Why has everyday life in Western society changed so much since the 1980s?

This entire video seems like another reality. Strangers talking, that shared sense of enthusiasm, the lack of suspicion or anxiety. It's difficult to think that this was considered normal in a different era.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>the internet ruined it
>social media
>the Jews

We have this thread every day

The eternal millennials did this.

>We have this thread every day
What could you learn by viewing the responses to repeat threads over the course of weeks and years?

you forgot niggers

Seems like that videos been suggested to shittons of young redpilled people.

It's sad isn't it?

What probably ruined it was media fesr mongering, making people think the West is super dangerous (which is why kids can't just walk around alone anymore), plus Jews siphoning our money away/worse economy, and finally all the niggers and other minorities who have no sense of Western community and in fact distrust Westerners.

"Minorities" lol I actually mean non-Whites. We're the minority now.

High trust cultural society that was shifted back down to a low trust familial/tribal society. It's a race to the bottom, and we're winning.

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Modern society is our countries on Jews.

Truthfully, all of those things are minor contributors. If you want to boil it down to the direct cause, it's social distance and being closer to different groups. It causes a sense of unease and lack of trust. From there, the rest follows.

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The update to this vid where the same guy goes back to the Sev in the 2000s is just fuck my shit up f-a-m.

Diversity kills civilizations.

Yes. I feel it completely. It makes me sad watching this

That video is cringe.

2. Social justice shit

It's amazing that there was a time you could go outside and just live, not having to keep a watchful eye on niggers or have to worry about saying or doing anything and have some faggot record you with his phone to post on the internet.

Basically this.

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Kids can't just walk around anymore, though. There's no community, no family ties going back generations. Migrants everywhere. Sexual degenerates that once would have been ostracized or even killed ate now celebrated. "Love is love" means once your kids are legal, you can have a family orgy and there's nothing wrong with it. Masculinity is dead, and I say this as someone who's borderline radical feminist in that I believe most femininity is merely submissive behaviour for women to adopt to settle their place as baby factories and child carers- which means that masculinity isn't about manhood, but about humanity at its best. Humanity is dying. Logic and beauty are problematic. Capitalism breeds low intelligence consumer cattle and democracy values their retarded opinion.

Lastly, Israel must be destroyed.

It's cringe like a family reunion, in a time when complete strangers weren't exactly strangers.

and we should keep having this thread everyday

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Maximum comfy, I never skip watching when this gets posted

that as well as women are covered under the jews

Social media/cell phones

Female vote really kicked in.
It's all downhill from there.

It's because they try to trick you and say that the past wasn't really better. They try to erase and demonize history so they can sell you and control what you think. When you're given a real look on how it was their argument breaks down and people start to see modern times for what they really are

That's really sad, my friend.

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When laws are introduced on the basis of offence taken, people will always find ways to take offence as a means to weaponize the law in their personal feuds. It doesn't take long for people in such a social environment to begin treating every social encounter as a potential risk, and once social encounters become a minefield, society, unsurprisingly, changes.

It is known.

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The saddest part is seeing the one these guys make not long ago. Completely vapid and recognizable.

You need to be outside the US to experience this type of thing.

Also we were still almost 90% white.

Oh fuck. The 2014 update video for comparison.
I just watched it. Fuck, man. Just... Fuck.

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>Female vote
More like this was the point when women started being born and raised under the status quo. Older women who had been raised under traditionalism then introduced into neoliberalism behave differently to women who have been born into neoliberalism. The culture under which they were raised is a source of inertia, and once all the people raised under the old culture are gone (or are irrelevant), that inertia is lost and the descent kicks into full gear.

9/11, trump, social media, tinder

9/11 truly changed the world.

Imagine a graph with depression over time and the trend is going up

that french girl is so qt3.14 it hurts

nigger there was like 5 minorities in this video what the fuck are you talking about.

That is about the time fagging stopped in this country. What happened to all the fag masters I wonder...

They’r drunk.. You get the same thing at 2:30 am these days..

Better times perfectly captured in one video

The interne-


Technology has destroyed communal bonds by providing individualized entertainment thus allowing for people to bond with randoms around the world in echo chambers rather than being forced to interact within their own community. This is also why trannies exist in the form that they do now or dragon furry otherkin etc. We weren't supposed to have this amount of information presented before us with no filter. (society acts as a filter for what is good and tolerant, which is why bullying makes people stop their retarded faggot behavior)

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There were unspoken rules in Society that pretty much everyone agreed upon, the Libs would push the envelope every now and then, but the Libs weren't all aligned and marching in lockstep.

The college professors and the Hollywood actors and the Sports world and the politicians and the newspaper industry were all SEPARATE before the year 2005 came along, but the internet has connected all of those entities. You can hop on Twitter now, and Left-Wing Politicians are retweeting images of Sports stars kneeling during the national anthem that were printed in this morning's newspaper. The entire Left-Wing has been consolidated into 1 giant unified Voice.

The average white person REFUSES to stand up to it, the average white person REFUSES to cancel their $60/month cell phone plan, cancel their Amazon Prime, cancel their Netflix.... the average White person subsidizes the entire Left-Wing circus without a single care of the long-term damage it is causing.

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This is the generation that ruined it. They had it all. Hot women, a great social life, comfy houses and nice cars. But they got greedier.

Fuck dude, why did they destroy this? Why do they hate civilization? Why do they hate us?

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Yes. They always say “you say it was better just because you were younger!!!” yet it really does keep getting worse. Progressively, but not linearly.

Bro. You know that was a minute back when the French girl is white and blonde

>pay more to get less beverage
>capitalism in action

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Aside from the mannerisms which were certainly better in the 1980s, everything wrong with America is still observable in that very video. 7-11. Drunk college kids. Cashier is 30 and childless. Junk food billboards clogging your vision. Mexicans buying slurpees. What exactly are we reminiscing here? We look back at 80s and 90s America as some heavenly time-period when, observably speaking, 80s and 90s America was already a spiritually dead corpse.

No the damn millenialcucks ruined it.
They grew up watching the new star wars and ghostbuster. watching calarts and cuckflix, first consoles where the Wii and PS4, They listen to lady gaga and xxtentacion, they are attached to the computers and don't even know how to change a tire, etc

They REFUSE to boycott anything and just stick with the old shit or just make new shit like the old shit (not like it's needed anyways)

I think you're describing zoomers, not millenials. Millenials grew up watching the original star wars and ghostbuster.

No I agree with this poster, there's one or a couple of you that wont stop being obsessed with this video and its fucking CRINGE

Idk where your from but around here people are still friendly, maybe get out of your shitholes


people don't even have the money to come out and spend money really anymore

you want people to be happy but they have no place to sleep or food to eat unless it's gibs from the gov't

>Lastly, Israel must be destroyed.

Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.

Stop with "Israel." Just say Jews.

It depends on where you are. New York in 1987 was a crack and AIDS extravaganza. There was a midget with a blowgun shoring AIDS needle darts at people. Carjackings came into vogue and getting killed for sneakers was all the rage.

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at least it was illegal to infect someone with aids back then


I was talking to my mother about this the other day. It seems like, even a decade ago, was another lifetime entirely. Two decades ago was then another lifetime. I still have memories of my very young childhood, as little as 3 years old.
What is mindblowing to me is that more people are like you and me - sitting here like WTF is happening? Is this even real?

There is a sense of calm and camaraderie that only occurs when you are in a group with your fellow white Christians.

Yeah, that's a good feeling, when you are dying of AIDS

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But it was the same as the 20 year difference between the 60s and 80s. Night and day.

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the guys who filmed that video ended up marrying some women and having kids. they did a follow-up video inside the same convenience store, and it is so fucking depressing. watching it makes you realize that the world became soulless after 9/11.


My point exactly. Does this actually prove that we, the traditionalists, are the vocal minority? If society keeps "progressing," it will eventually collapse.

Le cringe.

I thought they were both pretty cute videos.

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I get vibes like this from looking back at 2011 facebook photos. No attention whoring or posed artsy photos, just funny moments and good times being uploaded. It felt like a much more innocent era at the time too.

How can you blame millennials and then go on to list things created by corporations that are designed to corrupt people and keep the population stupid. They grew up with all those things, and do you think if you grew up with them that you would be some genius and rebelled against them? Probably not, you'd be another mindless sugar addicted sheep. Why didnt the older generation prevent their children from becoming so reliant on computers, and prevent them from eating sugary bullshit while sitting in front of a tv all day.
I agree with you that they cant boycott shit, and that boycotting consumerist attitude and shitty media would fix a lot of problems. The problem is that they are already comfortable and think that because they are able to sit inside and watch netflix all day that any other problem around them is just 'first world issues' and doesnt affect their livelihood or the future generations. The worst part is that not only will they allow their children to be blind consumerists like their parents allowed them, but that they will advocate for it and bring their child in to go watch the 5th remake of some jew movie.

Do you see any POC ??????

you got your anwser

Fucking die boomshit

>murder shouldn't be illegal because that doesn't change the fact that you're murdered

This is further evidenced by the increase of multi generational homes because of poor millenials.

Checked. Not collapse, but become more obviously oppressive. There are still people who enjoy living in Brazil. That's as far as we will get in our lifetimes, Brazil levels of social disorder, the youngest of kids might see India levels, but that's a generation away.
Remember that the folks in this video were told at least twice a day that it was inevitable that they would all die in a nuclear attack. And the chad with the French girl is hopped up on coke, it's not as wholesome as it first appears.

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shitskins bought sugar to treat a gunshot wound from a bank robbery

This is not the white pill you think it is.

Boomshits and jews took away our futures.

It was a different time faggot

>I'm a feminist
tits or gtfo you useless wench


user you litterally inspired me

pre- and post- techno totalitarianism

>Nuclear attack inevitable
More like quite possible.

I'm aware of what went on in the 80s. I lived during part of it them. Working blue collar jobs as a teenager ages you a lot too. Parents were in to politics, all that typical shit. The way kids were raised was so drastically different.

>I am such an imeasurably retarded faggot Boomer, the Post

back when everyone in America was a Chad and Stacy

They did a psychology study.

More non whites means less community distrust and people don't talk to each other. Guard mode always on.

Really not a shocker.

goddamnit this makes me so sad

i was born in the early 80s, I remember my childhood and teenage years in the 90s, and it still felt an awful lot like what you see in this video. I remember being out with friends pretty much every single day, people were social, even in like 1995 people were still striking up random conversations in public and there was a general feeling of optimism.

At least to me it feels like the decline really kicked in once social media (specifically facebook) and internet culture in general started to become widespread and mainstream, and the advent of the iPhone/smartphones also contributed to the problem in a substantial way.

For everything positive that technology (specifically the internet) has given us, I feel there'll be a long term price to pay.

If I had some magic ability to turn back the clock, I'd probably do it.

Well actually the video was shot in Walt Disney World and there were always a lot of foreigners visiting the parks. But it was 1987 so the majority of American people then were white and Orlando was whiter too.

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you're a retarded shill

More like people ate healthier and there wasn't so much garbage in our food and female hypergamy wasn't so rampant

>Seriously trying to argue that it's the internet or that their aren't enough white people anymore and other such bullshit
No, the actual truth of the matter is that someone walking around with a video camera was a novelty in the 80s. Nobody was suspicious because everybody was thinking "hey if I just got a brand new video camera, I'd be playing with it too" and they're happy to ham it up. Literally everyone has a video camera in their pocket now, so when some stranger is walking around filming for seemingly no reason it's not particularly exciting and occasionally a little off-putting. This is immediately obvious to anyone not viewing the world through the lens of their political echo chamber of choice.

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i work the night shift at a gas station in a rural 99% white area and its exactly like this. lots of banter and fun. you guys are just autistic and/or live in a nigger infested area

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Because it's hard to sell people that you're better off just working for your money, what repurcussions will ensue upon creating the welfare state, such as the inherent consequences decreasing (not punishments) for a father forsaking the mother, and the mother making the father miserable, or acting callous. grandparents of families, at the time, would do everthing in their power to assure the success of the marriage, both parents would present their case, the grandparents would convene, and often, their wasn't a "my child's a saint" mentality as much as "yes we all have our quirks" mentality, and a social stigma would follow not only the mother, but the father as well, women wouldn't want to date the "dead-beat" father or anyone who was more likely to leave them, and the mother would be degraded as well. Both somewhat frequently deserve it, though it would be his or her fault a lot of the time. The wife was looked at as possibly having shortcomings when she attempted to marry a different father, that she was hiding when dating, as everybody tried to be mr, and ms. perfect and you couldn't tell. It was generally harsher on the mother, and people's sympathies for the mother would make condemnation of the father and his prospects because of their prejudices diminished.

Ultimately it's hard to discredit every little item added on. People have become snivelling worried things that can't desire independence from the governent for everything but mutual defense.

A mother would've told you getting the occasional gift was fine, but welfare places strain on either themselves, or businesses, and either way, they liked the idea of a working poor as compared to a poor unable to get back on their feet, and might have made some parable about how children never appreciate the things their given, but when they earn money they're much more responsible.


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theyre just nice because being on camera was such a novelty back then

100% this.

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pretty much. Most of the west has been spiritually dead since the 1930's or earlier even. It's just that the side effects hadn't kicked in as hard as they have now.

>Meme flag
Lol this has to be bait

>Technology has destroyed communal bonds by providing individualized entertainment thus allowing for people to bond with randoms around the world in echo chambers rather than being forced to interact within their own community.
I feel you brother, even when walking across the street to the store I feel nothing in common with the community and it doesn't help that almost all the young whites moved away. All thats in my area are spics and nogs and the only neighbors I really have anything in common just so happen to be two old guys: a boomer and a gallego.
I wish that I could leave but I have no degree and job and no skills and the only skill I made any progress in requires me to stay here to allow it to build up

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It keeps getting posted though. It was dumb the first time but the obsession with that lame as fuck video is pure cringe.

Don't worry, it'll happen to you soon once the muslims finally outnumber you

Oh no. Poor whitoid.

Why are there no white guys in this picture?

Don't worry, when the time comes I will gladly exterminate you animals for your crimes