From now on, you can NOT believe what you see in the media about trump supporters attacking antifa members

From now on, you can NOT believe what you see in the media about trump supporters attacking antifa members
DO NOT believe

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there is absolutely nothing wrong with attacking antifa members actually, killing them should be part of a government sponsored program

All violence is retarded Antifa. Bike lock basher, Dayton, Portland.

Attached: PAntifa.jpg (1334x750, 650K)

Low effort. Try harder.

Daily reminder that the only way to stop the Fed's false flag events is to show up, film it, and publish it independently. Feds HATE having to go through thousands of youtube/instagram/facebook videos and find excuses to delete them, because it can't be done automatically and redpills the viewers when they see innocent videos being censored.


pAntifa is getting desperate.

Attached: Antifapanties.jpg (320x316, 32K)

Let's spell out our whole plan to the very last detail on this crappy clipart digital flyer! Let's show those patriots what for!

well, for one, "our guys" wouldn't target random innocent civilians in stores, schools, etc for moral as well as practical reasons, and everyone whose not a cabbage fucking knows this.
Targeting innocent crowds at stores, schools etc is purely the purview of Team Honk and always has been.

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can one of you retards explain why you havent already done the same?

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Nobody falls for these except other right wing retards.

>antifa posing as not antifa

Assuming their faggotry and fishmouths don't stand out in the crowd

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how are we going to deal with the JQ without violence?

Systematic violence against subhumans is absolutely vital for the survival of the white race.

Those faggots would never show their face, especially if cameras are around. They be the first to flee or push their hand in front of one.

Best would be to blend in with and record counter protesters.

Lol i have been pretending to be antifa for a couple years now. My local antifa doesn't do shit except bad poetry events though

Who says we haven't? ;)

>august 17, 2019
what's going down?

Boogaloo in Portland, OR. Over 1000 bikers (Gypsy Jokers and others) vs Antifa in Waterfront Park.

Ted Wheeler, your not going to do fucking shit.
If your pussy ass force was too scared to go after antifa what makes you think they are gonna put themselves in front of the patriots?
You can't fucking stop us from coming and showing up. This is America, Ted, we will come and go as we please, eat shit and die. You deserve the guillotine Ted.

Attached: Cascadia.png (500x300, 18K)

What is the protest officially about?

Response to the assault on Adam Kelly by Antifa that was never prosecuted and censored by Twitter and others

Amended, Ted, you deserve faaaar far worse than the guillotine. You deserve to be tortured and raped to death by ms13, Tarred and feathered, and raped and tarred and feathered again, until you succumb to an infection and die of that.

Ney, you deserve worse. And I hope you get it.

What the fuck are you going to do about this post ted? Oh that's right nothing.

We don't forgive,
We don't forget.
Expect us.

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Oh it's on now.


Won't this confuse other antifatards who aren't in the know? All these faggots need to be shot.

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>yfw whites start to chimp out

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Yeah, fuck getting police to come and separate protesters, as if they do it anyways. Let those holding the rally bring their own weapons to protect themselves.

How does one go about finding their local antifa group?

Portland commies think she is literally a black white supremacist.

like you cant tell whos who

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