If we can lose our guns, because faggots in government dont like our speech than the 1st and 2nd Amendment are already dead and this government has zero legitimacy and violent insurrection will be the only option. Its my belief that anyone who passes or enforces a Red Flag law including cops, prosecutors, judges and legislators are traitors and deserving of death. I will not comply and anyone who tries to take my guns will be killed. Fuck yiur tyranny!
Red Flag Laws Are My Red Line
Commies always prefer their victims disarmed.
Men of America, rise up!
Tell the women (of both genders) to shut up!
The choice lies before you as it did our forefathers.
What will it be?
Agreed. You can be a free man or a slave. There is no compromise.
Hide your guns
bury them, put them in your air vents, anything.
stock up on ammunition and that shit, if they come for your guns give up the least effective one.
Won't help. If you are on data base they will just arrest you until you give up your gunz. Welcome to 1984 anons.
Then they better stack five deep on my fucking house because It'll be a tragedy Sheriff quadruple bypass wont be able to bring his family home KFC that night.
So now they are taking my guns and arresting me when I have committed no crimes? Sounds like a recipe for blowback.
Worse then that, I'm afraid. In conjunction with patriot act, shit just got orwellian. And since (((they))) know there are going to be resistors, they will be armed to the teeth. Like with heavy weapons and shit. If your rural, that only makes it easier since less chance of collateral damage and time to gather "evidence". Remember Waco?
It's a good thing I'm bored out of my mind and don't fear death.
God speed bro. Watch what you say on the interweb. 4ch most certainly is comprimised.
Also, resist posting photos of your collection.
>Watch what you say on the interweb.
I've already had the FBI visit me at work. They claimed I was the next mass shooter. That was 10 mass shooters ago. Fuck those faggots.
In my home... I have a Mosin and a Kabar.
take your sex schizcel and don’t post ur fucking manifesto here u glow nigger
My manifesto is thus: Kill ALL Jews, pedos and traitors to mankind.
I like mosins. Like the sound and accurate as fuck with iron sights
I just like the fact that I can blow a hole through my wall into anyone who thinks they're getting my shit.
The sound would intimidate most
This motherfucker ain't heard of the old boating accident.
I lost all of my boats in a tragic gun accident.
If its time for the boating accident, its time to use them
Just shoot all the traitors and blame it on a tragic boating accident