Trump 2020

Hey Jow Forums. user here. I heard you might be down about Trump. Maybe he hasn't deported enough brown people. Maybe he's too flirty with gun regulations. Maybe he hasn't built that fucking wall yet. Maybe it's real and he's not /ourguy/. Maybe it's just shills shilling shrilly.

Either way let me tell you why you should vote Trump in 2020: It will utterly destroy the left wing of this county. Democrats are barely still standing after only 3 years of Trump derangement syndrome, a full 8 will do irreparable harm to the party. Not only will the independents never vote for them again, the party itself will fracture into 2 or more distinct parties, none of which will garner enough of the vote for them to beat the GOP for at least the next 50 years. Sure the effectively one party system that will result from it will need to be kept in check, but that's a problem for future user to solve. The most pressing matter at the moment is the utter destruction of the most provably corrupt group of politicians in this nation's history. I know you're with me user, don't let me down.

Trump 2020

Attached: Babes for Trump.jpg (634x634, 68K)

cucked and cringepilled

tulsi looking good

does that shirt have boob flaps? it makes no sense

This is my hope.

Even if I didn’t like him, I would vote for him solely because of what OP describes. The left is irreparably corrupt and dysfunctional.

Show your flag faggot.

>uses whores to try to entice pol users
get out of here boomer noone wants shit like that anymore

Attached: zoomer kang burning the joomer.jpg (192x249, 11K)

Be honest with me. Have you ever touched boobs through a wet t-shirt before?

>Show your flag faggot.
My money's on him being the shitposting Jew.

I've been on this site since 2007 and this tactic has never not worked. Suck it dry.

Attached: Babes for Trump.jpg (960x960, 143K)

>accuses others of hidden jewery
>hides his own flag

Do you take me for a nigger?

>Do you take me for a nigger?
Based on your flag, yes.

I wish that wasn't a fair point.

Double points for not being able to accuse me of the same.

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She is fucking hot.

No, but I am in a facebook group for a podcast where we use "going to greenland" as a euphemism for suicide because joking about suicide will get you zucced. So there is that.

I think every US citizen should have nuke. I mean nobody will pull the trigger but it could be good to have as family protection.

I'm an alcholic, no worries.

>It will utterly destroy the left wing of this county.
No, it wont.
>Democrats are barely still standing after only 3 years of Trump derangement syndrome, a full 8 will do irreparable harm to the party.
No, it wont.

Attached: 2016 Election Results by Race.jpg (758x1024, 159K)

She has more craters on her face than the man on the moon

>implying you get an opinion

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Lefties melting down is hilarious which is the only reason I'm voting for him

I'm glad you guys are back. It was getting lonely around here

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As much as I dislike Trump due to him not fullfilling on a fuckton of important promises, I can agree the left will combust. Im voting for Yang if he is the democrat nominee tho, anyone else gets the nominee and Ill vote for Trump.

I never left my dude.

Attached: Babe for Trump.jpg (640x639, 95K)

You better be memeing you faggot. Yang is a commie ricenigger.

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