
Why are Incels always cringe, beta male, acne ridden neckbeard faggots? I’ve literally never met an incel in my life that didn’t give off twitchy Aspergers vibes.

Is the issue genetics? Or is the issue that they’re such losers in real life that they feel like they don’t need to put forth any effort into existing outside of the internet?

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86% of pol are incels

how can you be that salty about teenage boys


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did you guys bill grates founded michaelsoft in 1979

I looked EXCATLY like that when I was a kid

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>why do people that can't have sex have traits that are unlikable to women
>why do brainlets ask stupid questions
We may never know op

>be me
>be 6'4
>dont be acne ridden spazz
>work out
>well paid military job
>be incel

wait what

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more like 99%
t. the 1%

>I’ve literally never met an incel in my life that didn’t give off twitchy Aspergers vibes.
how do you know someone's an incel?

I didn't chose this life

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incel means involuntarily celibate. Women naturally wont choose cringy beta male acne ridden neckbeard faggots due to evolution. you answered your own question. proving yourself to be both fake and gay.

saged for good measure.

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why are you an incel? shyness?

I was going to post a sensible reply, but instead, fuck off OP you fucking nigger loving faggot.

You're no incel dude, I bet you there are plenty of holes ready to open up for you.
And yet, you decide not to pursue them, good for you, you still have a soul

and you were what, voted prom queen in high school?

One literally can't be an incel in Germany if reasonably good-looking and having a friend-circle. I lost my virginity at 16. Either you are a volcels or lying.

I doubt the military and well-paid claim too. Our military pays shitty.

Have sex incel

He's probably US army. Our boys in aren't exactly popular in foreign countries. Their best bets are jungle chink hookers.
Germany is paradise as far as military stations are concerned, otherwise. Cold War is over. Don't get the bitching.

How many of these threads are we gonna have each day?

Congrats, the hundredth thread this day, 0.02$ has been deposited into your account!

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99.9% is closer.

That kid's like 12, he shouldn't be having sex. What is wrong with jew?

>calling people unironically incels

You're fucking retarded.

some boys just need more time to grow up, hell I think most only approach manhood around 25

Lol, it's way more than 86%.

they don't want people to think unless they're easily controllable. they don't want people to become boomers essentially that could work on their cars, fix their power tools, repair their homes, etc. they want a slave caste that throws away everything and doesn't know anything about quality, only brand name.

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This.. I would estimate more about 94% ....this place seethes with sexual frustration in almost every thread.

What other reason would there be for being an incel, dumbass?

>twitchy Asperger's vibes
I'll have you know that women crave my autistic seed no matter how flappy I am.

>Decent shape
>No acne
>Clean shaved
>Get approached by women regularly

People think I'm a Chad. Then they talk to me and they know something is wrong with me. The tism is a blessing and a curse.

sex is being used as a tool of obedience, you're at the whims of the herd's insecurities. they've dehumanized sex as just a commodity, and these niggers think commodities are worth more if it has a special name or brand. it could be a piece of shit but as long as it has that certain brand, it doesn't matter.

why do they all wear glasses?

well they are incels cause they are acne ridden beta males. you can t have confidence when you have acne , thus you will close in your room and play video games all day.

they push casual hook up culture, if you're not doing the same you're an incel, a beta. they push homo degeneracy and hook up culture, if you're gay and not "proud" by being a cumdumpster for 40 different men a month, then you're an incel or a beta. they only want you to be hyper competitive with literal subhumans, that have nothing to live for besides getting their dick wet. while women with half a brain move up the economic ladder with ease.


Your a freak.

Probably have back problems too.

Incels kill you. Yet you think your still on the top?

Nope. Hobbits get the rope.

funny that women get no shit for not being literal sluts and never letting a man touch their nether-regions, or if they are literal sluts they're celebrated for it.

>having sex with only one person makes you an inc*l now

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Women are boring, annoying, and expensive.
Rather focus on myself and what i like, than get bored to death just to feel warmness around my dick

>sluts celebrated
You've been going to the wrong church, brother.

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Incels dont exist, there's alwayas a whale to ram
Incel is the the substitute term for gay now, women used to call you gay when you didnt want to fuck their STD hellhole, but since they're more PC now, its incel

This is all a retarded stereotype I've never had acne I'm not fat I'm clean shaven my face is more attractive then most other male's I come across and I'm not autistic. I simply can't interact with humans (especially women) and have no real desire too do so. Sex has always made me extremely uncomfortable when it is even just mentioned or talked about I exit the room. I've never had physical contact or an empathetic connection to anyone and I don't understand it or how I'd even begin to go about achieving it.

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Incel is an what the left uses as a quick shut-up action, similar to saying "racist"

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>Claims to be the 1%

>German flag
It's because you're autistic. No, really. Germans are one of the most autistic nations on the planet

It's over for sub-8 men, as all women want Chad and reject their looks-match.

by asking, retard