I come to illustrate gringos maricos, pic related is the emperor Rafael Lacava Governor of the best state of Venezuela...

I come to illustrate gringos maricos, pic related is the emperor Rafael Lacava Governor of the best state of Venezuela, future president and absolute god of / arepa /. Do you think that by mocking the management of Comrade Nicolás Maduro they will hurt the Venezuelan sentiment? They make me cry with laughter, Rafael Lacava will recover the economy of Venezuela, will make the bolivar revalued so much that 1 Bolivar will cost $ 20 USD. Keep this post, that it is not that I did not warn you and EYE we will not accept gringos in Venezuela unless they meet the strict requirements that we will have in migration.

Attached: la_cava_-_gobernrkrn.jpg_908698530.jpg (900x600, 53K)

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Fuck off gomez

Greetings, Mr. Cuck, has the black man already ejaculated inside his wife's vagina? I remind you that in 10 years we will be Latinos who will have all their white women eating our Guevo.

Hey whats happening in your country? havent heard about it in a wqhile

>the best state of Venezuela

jesus what is that like?

The mamadeadera de guaebos is turned on?

wtf r u going on about sudaca.

Attached: MV5BMTQ4MDQ5MzUxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTc5NjcxOA@@._V1_UY317_CR15,0,214,317_AL_.jpg (214x317, 10K)

Our glorious army is preparing to defend the country against the gringos.

Attached: militar furro.png (477x598, 567K)

Well, I explain to you, it happens that years ago a Chavez was mounted in the government, through an oil bonanza, torture, drugs and witchcraft of Vodoo origin and santeria was perpetrated in power until his death, after dying he has become a god in this country (it is not irony, there are cults to Chavez) after that Nicolás Maduro assumed the presidency with the same measures as Chavez but without oil bonanza so everything went to hell in education, economy, social, cultural, etc ... Right now there is a president in charge, Juan Guaicuck opposition leader who has not done anything to stand up to the situation in the country and there is also Pic Related, the most alpha of all Venezuela Rafael Lacava who has been doing works and taking out Carabobo State out of the crisis that the whole country is experiencing, he is the most profiled to make a change in Venezuela.
A song for you to be happy.

Attached: Lacava-4.jpg (960x640, 76K)

So that mason trumpo puppet who was put in, is he running the country?
Three presidents now?
Are you guys still lining up hours for food?

Friend, I notice a little bewildered, however as I am generous I will give you a brief explanation, Venezuela is a country that is made up of 23 states and a capital district, although it is a bankrupt country, of the 23 states that you I have mentioned only one has been able to cope with the great crisis and it is the Carabobo state, I invite you to document yourself and clear the fog of ignorance that strikes your mind, the Carabobo state has been able to be what it is because culturally it has been a superior state, the The independence of Gran Colombia was marked in this state and good with the management of Emperor Rafael Lacava, Carabobo has been able to be bigger than the other states are light years away from being.

Attached: 2726a4ef82760c1aa132d1ed650115a1.jpg (656x315, 25K)

Trencito de lacreo is coming.
wtf r u going on about sudaca.
Dracula's car goes for you, manolo

Attached: DoYE-g2XcAAO5EK.jpg (1080x810, 225K)

Do not forget to mention that carabobo literally means "dumb face", my nigger.

Geez just lurking this thread and I already smell like shitspic

>So that mason trumpo puppet who was put in, is he running the country?

The country itself is being run by unions, collectives, Russians, Cubans, Chinese, Iranians, Colombian guerrillas and neighborhood gangsters (see cota 905, petare, etc.). In political matters there is a very open fragmentation, each one administers his state or city as he pleases (normally they do it badly) except for the Carabobo state with Rafael Lacava who manages well.
In international politics the agreements of the communist side are with Maduro, of the Capitalist side with Guaido.
>Three presidents now?
Do not.
The presidents are Nicolás Maduro (Usurper)
Juan Guaido (President in charge)
Delcy Rodriguez (President of the fraudulent ANC)
Diosdado Cabello (The mind behind all the disaster and leader of the Chavista dome)
>Are you guys still lining up hours for food?
No, the economy is "liberated" that is to say products are obtained but at prices above the international value, that is to say if a candy in your country costs 1 USD $, here in Venezuela "los echaítos pa 'lante" sells you that same candy at 3 USD $. The consequence is that there is a massive migration of Venezuelans through Latin America and those that remain have to have up to two jobs and at least 3 more sources of income to be able to eat 3 times a day. I am an Engineer and earn $ 8 USD per month.

bro you sound like government propaganda put on here to push that new guy.

There are several versions about the name of Carabobo. One of them refers to a voice from an Arawaco language: Karau means Savannah and bo means Water. Repeated Bo acts as a superlative, that is, a lot of water or streams. Therefore, Carabobo would mean Sabana de Aguas or Sabana de Quebradas.

Ignorance sticks, the cure is to read a fucking book.

My dear user, Rafael Lacava is based, the same Chavistas resent their presence, it is rich in crib, it is a pro-free market, they do not like badly done things or marginalities, only they had to use a political color to be able to climb where he is, because in other parties he simply would not have achieved much because of the political irrelevance that exists in Venezuela, just as Trump used the Republicans to be president.

Attached: 1555262497097.jpg (928x576, 58K)

please make your country great again, so all these goddamn CRIMINALS leave my country

>bla bla vbla
>Aqui nadie voto por maduro mamahuevo
>Echaito pa lante

honest question here... what race do you think the guy in the picture is?Do you think that is a native American?

He is baiting just to burst some butts there in our ib. That guy he is talking about is a walking meme, he is a populist that likes to sing trap music, dance and spend money on free shows so he becomes popular among teens and young men.

I was addressing to you with education.