/ptg/ is beating up kids now

This white child took too long to remove his hat for the anthem, and a MIGA Qtard attacked him.

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Never too young to be taught a lesson.

Where his dad at god damn

Why didn't the commie brat take his hat off?

>the communist child has been disciplined, god emperor

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>these are the people who call you shareblue shills on Jow Forums

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>harming a child because he failed to honor his ZOG

America is beyond redemption.


>this happened
I guess if it's real he wasn't a jumping bean.

white people are so fucking disgusting

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The Vet is probably mentally ill, like so many other vets.

I was totally against this until I saw the kids stupid hat.
I mean really, you should see him with the hat on. You'd probably change your mind and agree with the man

Liberals do some cringy shit but that's just because they're weak. Republicans will always be the dumbest of the dumb.

Thanks for your service

I truly hope this troll looking faggot gets the chair.

come on and slam

You're quite welcome


>nice link you pathetic loser
>'was acting on orders from Trump'

that's as transparent as the masks you use to cover your huge diseased noses, kikes.
Go shoot up a nigger bar and die to some white cops.

>He doesn't well wangies
Micks have had contests where they throw large objects since the dawn of time.

Will he wear his hat during the national anthem again?

>these are also the people who call you a kike for saying Q is a larp
Jow Forums is not a good representation of conservatives

Thank you for your service

anyone who's still a MIGApede in 2019 is beyond saving

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The weak should fear the strong

Why is he jaundiced?

conservatives no longer deserve to exist

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You're welcome, my fellow American.

Sure, you weren't acting on Nancy's orders, falseflagger

Only a MAGApede would body slam a white child for not supporting Israel enough

If he would wear his hat during the anthem, he’s not white.

feral nigger


They don't really teach that stuff in school nowadays, nor do parents. I think the kid was just ignorant. That's not a reason to send them to a hospital, just tell them to take it off.

Oh yeah I specifically remember him saying you should do this!

Based. Fuck punk zoomers


Based shitskin subhuman should be hanged for treason honestly

The weak should fear the strong

Hello Chang

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Why didn't the zipperheads kill you in Vietnam you fucking boomer

In America you STAND for the national anthem!

>posts it over here where /ptg/ can't see it
>no proof

so based, this guy is a fag

This. If anyone is gonna suplex my son, it'll be me.

>Taylor Hennick was at the Mineral County Fair and Rodeo in Superior when the national anthem started playing. Things were quiet until she heard a loud 'pop'.

>'There was a little boy lying on the ground,' she explained to the Missoulian. 'He was bleeding out of his ears, seizing on the ground, just not coherent.'

holy shit lmao


The wellie toss is a noble and ancient tradition.

Kek chinks are worse than niggles

Just jelly that you can't wang yer welly boy.

>vote for the FUCK WHITE PEOPLE party goyim
Lolno kike

Little faggot bitch couldn't fight a real man so he attacked a kid. Hes no different than the antifa cunts cause of "muh feelins"

Fighting gooks is like fighting women. They're inferior commie bullets couldn't penetrate my American hide.

Also keeping your hat/kneeling during the anthem should be a capital offense

>Most poltards here defending this fuck, because his son did not stand for the national anthem

>Yet they want a race war and many of them are confederates and all agree on the demise of the USA

You guys are fucking hypocrites that deserve the bullet. The kid did not deserve that you cocksucking twats. Kiss Trump's ass you faggots. Even your own leader is against you twats.

>still doesn't get it

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National socialists are more chad and gentleman than these retards.

>>Most poltards here defending this fuck, because his son did not stand for the national anthem
This is bait but not even his son, random kid lol

bazed and anthem pilled

Both are the fuck white people


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I can't believe this actually works, I can get away with beating up children as long as I say Trump made me do it?

Welcome to the JAM

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Yes, Trump will also personally pardon you

He's not getting away with anything. Optics fags are cringing hard right now and rightfully so. Very possible the dude is a plant so the media can continue to equate whiteness with terrorism.

The story is sad but your post made me chuckle

Neither do Canadians, or Americans in general.
All of North America needs to be nuked.

Love those sources, OP.

House niggers don't get it?

>*hides flag*
>*kvetches about geography*

It is a fact that North America is the biggest threat to western civilization and, if nuked, we would live in a borderline utopia.
Modern leftism originates from the US and Canada, they must be wiped out.

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MAGA! This guy was just following orders.

Based. I hope he tore him in half like a Slim Jim and then burped in his face.

>export hollywood degeneracy to every country in the world
>export negro culture to every country in the world
>export pornography and whore culture to every country in the world
>export multiculti "nation of immigrants" culture to every country in the world
>export "Based Israel vs Terrorist Muslims" false dichotomy choice to every other country
>constantly inculcate foreign youth through propaganda that everything American is cool and if you want to be cool you have to employ these themes
>brainwash foreign students in your universities only to send them back as marxist agents to destroy those countries from the inside
>Spend billions of dollars protecting Israel from the inevitable destruction it would face from its neighbours otherwise
>Point the finger and laugh at those countries when they're subverted by your own treachery

Americans will defend this. Your Country is responsible for the absolute state of the West.

Help us remove the jew instead of whining like a bitch.



It was a dumbass red DC hat

Welfare queen beat up a kid. Nice.

The Troops are Welfare Whores.
Wish I could have been there to beat that veteran's ass.

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Go for it show us how its done!

White terrorists strike again

You wouldn’t dare to try. Larping faggot

The Fuck I wouldn't.
Just give me an excuse- like beating a fucking kid's ass for a hat.

>hurr I'd save the kid! I LOVE kids!

this, fuck Zogbots. No one with any backbone would join the US military.

Closing the asylums was a mistake
Hope this guy gets lobotomized and used for menial unpaid labor
Only thing crazies are good for

More like

>Servant of ZOG who got brainwashed so abusively that he spends all day looking for a reason to use violence to uphold the narrative of his programming
>Goes full Zion expecting support because
>gotta support muh troops!
>muh freedom!
>muh jesus!
>Shlomo comes in
>"Good goy! Now I'll just balance this good-goy treat on your nose...Now say Trump made you do it and I'll snap my fingers so you can get the treat!"

Nah, Just hate fucking idiot ass veterans and their god damned anthem.
Fuck you, Stick a flag up your ass and watch your wife fuck a nigger.

that'll teach that little asshole to disrespect his country

Head injury due to a traffic accident. Had nothing to do with his military service.

kys faggot

Americans compartmentalize everything;
As long as there are two 'sides', then it's always the other side's fault.
It's almost like it was constructed so that the whole would never accept blame for any of its actions.

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You guys are overplaying your hand. The normies won't buy the next one.

>implying I've had sex

his rabbi taught him to slam the kid

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ptg is literally a mental illness thread


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I also like to go to the local bars near the army base, especially when there are deployments.
So much Pussy.

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God, when will white people be stopped!

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Sounds like jews and zionist, but you know that. What is your excuse? You think most of Americans agree with this shit? Yet we're to blame? Blame the zionist neocon twats You must be a nigger. Putting the blame where it doesn't belong. Average anons aren't causing you to watch porn... lel, imagine thinking I spend my time brainwashing foreign faggots to think I'm cool. Holy shit. Stay mad, dicklick

A degenerate like yourself has no room to talk down to anyone