Colorado Man Arrested w 100s of CP images of Infants and Toddlers on iPhone

>A Boulder, Colorado, man has been arrested after he was found with violent, sexual images of infants and toddlers on his phone.

>29-year-old Wesley Gilreath was arrested after his iPhone was found on a public bus in Boulder in late May. Federal prosecutors are charging Gilreath of possessing hundreds of sexual and violent pictures that depict infants and toddlers. His phone also had a search history that sought more child pornography and was looking for a book that would help him gain a child’s trust.

>Gilreath is also accused of posting what he called the “Montana Hunting Guide” online. It listed mosque and synagogue addresses, as well as a refugee center, according to the arrest affidavit.

95% bet he has social media likes/RT of ANTIFA

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-08-08 18-51-00.png (352x417, 140K)

when will Jow Forums stop fetishizing newborns?

What happened to his eyebrows?

figures, it's like the Austin of CO

Actually looks like a demon... fuckin hell, why'd I have to see this just before bed..

How and why would anyone unlock his iPhone after finding it on a bus?

>100s of CP images of Infants and Toddlers


sorry italy bro. i'm sure we'll have some bad news coming from your neck of the woods when i'm going to bed soon here too.

Attached: happeningHoldAll.jpg (250x250, 11K)

They can say anyone’s a pedophile and they do