Are you voting for Donald Trump in 2020?

Are you voting for Donald Trump in 2020?

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Don't care about voting

Oh no! Absolutely not voting for that pussy grabbing orange cheetoh literal nazie, amirite guys??? LOL.

Yes. Unless it comes down to him and Yang, in which case I'll flip a coin.

Same for me goy- I mean fren!!


I will be voting Ron Paul

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I own a MAGA hat to protect me from this,
its an authentic one from Georgia

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Voting is gay and trumps a jew. So no

wow this is epic


Not sure yet but most likely no.

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fuck off CNN

Yes of course, why would I let Pedo Joe Biden get in?

Corporate Dem vs. Trump = I vote Trump
Progressive Dem vs. Trump = I abstain

I will personally be supporting a Jeb Bush or David French primary of Trump the buffoon. We should have given the Iranians democracy by now, and this fat orange loser just can’t get the job done.

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sanders is going to win

no because i don't live in mutt

I'm voting for that guy who's giving $1000 checks every month, to everyone.

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of course

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i kindof like this idea
or patrick little

if we get our rights back here in WA, then yes.


In the past few years we have had discussion about topics we never did befor trump because of trump. He helps us in that way.
Trump destroys the credibility of the Jewish media. No other candidate does that.
Trump causes nonwhites to reveal their anti white hate and that redpills white people.
I don't want a woman president.


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Not unless these things happen
>1 million illegals deported
>DACA shut down
>Ninth Circuit Court judge arrested
>Twitter shut down
>Google hit with bankruptcy-level fines
>Hollywood destroyed
>Pedophile bounty declared
>He ends his love affair with Israel

So I think my answer is

If he signs a gun bill I vote accelerationist.
The biggest commie I can find up and down ticket.

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It depends, but probably. At worst I will just not vote. The Democrats couldn't do anything to make me vote for them though.

i might not ever vote again
we shall see..

Nope. Sanders or Gabbard. Sick of cheeto man appealing to his billionaire buddies


Would if I could. He's better than literally any Democrat, even if he isn't a good Republican candidate. Doesn't matter if he sucks off jews when the alternative is the entire country being flooded by millions of immigrants, stupidly high tax rates and ridiculous gun restrictions being imposed. Yang and Gabbard are basically the same copy/paste democrats with a few slight changes - they both support massive restrictions on the 2A, Tulsi supports universal healthcare and Yang is pro-choice and wants illegals to gain citizenship. For me, Trump being pro-Israel outweighs the considerably worse concequences of electing a democrat.

all i care about is the sc nominations


>voting left
>for any reason

nope I'm a damn leaf, sorry OP


>voting for Trump?
Not after I saw pic related.

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*yang or gabbard. Sanders is a materialist cretin

fuck off shill

I would vote for this Stump over Trump, it can certainly do a better job running this Country...

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>Are you voting for Donald Trump in 2020?
You mean for the gun control? For no wall with immigration at an all-time high? For new hate crime legislation? No thanks.

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You can write him in

Exactly this. He isn't a very good Republican candidate, but he is over 9000% better than anyone the Democrats will nominate.
I look at Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh and I think how wonderful it is that Trump won and Hillary lost. Hillary would have put people on the court who made Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan look like a right-wing death squad.

I would say yws but muh video gsmes

>supports Israel
>wants more immigration
>fewest deportations of any recent president
>no border wall
>no sending Hilary to jail
>didn't drain the swamp
>supreme court full of Jews
>R u gonna vote Drumpf 2 triggur dem libs?
I hate you faggots so much.

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Brett Kavanaugh is John Roberts 2.0. He is completely onboard with globohomo white genocide.

what in the ever living fuck is that comic

vote trump everyday!

If he keeps going boomer retard on guns i'm not

who wouldn't?

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>instead voting for someone who wants to take all your guns, impose universal healthcare, give all illegals citizenship, open borders, fund antifa, raise taxes, allow abortions, place hate speech laws, repeal the first amendment, allow illegals to vote, fill supreme court with niggers...
Trump might be bad, but the alternative is worse. You're fucking retarded if you don't realise that.

This guy changed reality to where a sitting president is tweeting that Al Sharpton is a bad guy for the reason that he's 'hating whites'. His crowd shamelessly and semi-spontaneously shouts 'send her back' about a legal US citizen and congresswoman.

You'd be absolutely retarded to not vote for this one man cultural revolutionary army. He even got the GOP to stick with him through this, so they can't go back. Openly attacking anti-whitism has entered normalcy. Who could have predicted this change in a 3 year period? Another 5, please!

sitting this one out. hoping Trump loses so Jow Forums becomes fun again.

I really don't know.
I can't really see voting for him, but I can see voting against the SJW menace and have them cry uncontrollably when he gets his next term.

Remember when we voted for him in the first place because we thought he'd be the chaos candidate and pave the way for a more extreme candidate? Nobody was ever interested in his policies for their own sake. It was always a strategic move. I don't know where all you sincere Trump supporters came from.

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He needs to back down on the gun red flag shit. If it passes he'll be in trouble. Americans love their guns just don't take that away and he's guaranteed to win.

First of all! Fuck the queen and shut you Muslim cock sucking mouth. Fix your shit island before you say anything about America.

i dont want to, but i cant see any other candidate even being slightly better

>Are you voting for Donald Trump in 2020?
Nope. I'm now a vasic bitch anti-trumper on twitter because any other place will eventually gete removed with Trump's blessing.

Trump wants to signal against us for being racist, I can signal against him for being racist.

>I will be voting Ron Paul
This is a good idea. I was thinking constitution party, but this is probably a better idea. Not sure constitution party even gets on the ballot. So just write in Ron Paul.

2020, 2024, and 2028.

>2020, 2024, and 2028.
I will enjoy watching you magatards get red-flagged over and over and over again. I'll just turn in my gun because my own party wants to fuck me over on it.

I'm voting for Bolton's stache.

I will never abandon my GEOTUS.

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not if he touches my guns, but when TAPS and Red Flag fails then yes


Yes. There is literally no alternative. We live in hell.

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Yup. You think shits getting crazy? Wait till he's got 4 more years.

>bait post is off by 2
>what did K.E.K. mean by this?

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Yup and I am writing in his name 2024.

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I don't care, I sit on the side and watch both sides tear each other apart. Who cares if people say they are not voting trump, if he hires the right people they will make non-voters switch to support Trump.


That's the only reason I'm voting for him. ANARCHY!

sage nigger, you’re an absolute failure and Fischbein should fire you

only because there are no good alternatives.

>only because there are no good alternatives.
This is why you're going to get maximum betrayal.

I probably won't vote, it's a pointless exercise when your society is fucked up.

all of the candidates are terrible.
all of them.
but, not all of them want to turn america into a communist shithole or make us pay reparations.
if i'm going to get fucked in the ass i'll choose the rapist that has lube.

Why are you so damn rude man? This is why we should get rid of flags on /pol.

Damn almost got some sick digits, I will vote for Tulsi...probably I feel like shes going to choke it all away at some point for some reason she seems a bit retarded.

I still think I would vote for Trump over Yang because I don't trust Chinese immigrants period.

No and only kike loving pozzed subhumans will vote for him.

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yep, the PNAC isn’t half bad when you consider the alternative

>if i'm going to get fucked in the ass i'll choose the rapist that has lube.
I'm going to choose to abstain. To get revenge against the one who betrayed me.

this but unironically.

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>Are you voting for Donald Trump in 2020?
If all you guys are just going to vote for him no matter what he does he's going to abandon you on everything. Stay home or signal vote for Ron Paul or something like that.

>i'll leave the ass-rapist decision to the hordes of retards known as the public
good call, user.
maybe you'll get the one with the sandpaper condom and hpv!

1861: Baberaham Lincoln, the first GOP president, had his bluebellies round up copperheads in Baltimore and toss them in the old calabozo.
SCOTUS chief justice Taney wrote in an opinion that he had exceeded his executive powers. Babe ignored him.
2019: every swinging demodicke and vagene in a black robe is cockblocking everything Trump does.
He throws up his hands, grins: "Sorry goys. I tried!"

Are you voting for Donald Trump in 2020?"
I voted for a big stick. I thought the big talk would stop when he was sworn-in, but instead he fired the people who got him erected and moved in his refty daughter and kosher son-in-raw oy vey.
So, no. Like the Democrats and their Hilldawg in 2016--by cracky, he's so darned popular that he doesn't need my vote this go around.

Nope, I'm voting Yang

>Are you voting for Donald Trump in 2020?
Trump's most rabid propagandist, Bill Mitchell, was spouting lines identical to old democrat talking points on gun control.

He is Trump's voice. I know what Trump wants. He's not any worse than the Dems.

At least the Dems MIGHT give us free shit.

The US is coming to an end. It's all downhill after Trump. This is as good as it gets. Things will get insane the next time a Democrat is president, and if a Republican follows Trump he will be little better than an ineffectual place holder, think Jeb!

I am going to vote for Trump, not because my vote will make a difference - it wont because I live in California - but just so I can say I did, just as another middle finger raised against all these fuckers. I will vote for him because it will be the last chance to positively function within the bounds of normal US politics, the last call before the bar closes. I will do it for the shits and giggles.

Odds are good I will never vote again because there will never be another person worthy of my vote. Voting is like giving your blessing to something or someone. Since just about every other politician seems to actively hate me and what I believe in, I will not give them my blessing. Stop supporting the people who hate you.

>>i'll leave the ass-rapist decision to the hordes of retards known as the public
>good call, user.
>maybe you'll get the one with the sandpaper condom and hpv!
If Trump wants to legalize rape, I'm just going to try to fit into that brave new world. Oh, and I'll be raping him. On Twitter. Now a basic bitch normie. He wants to ban me everywhere else. Attack his ally Israel. Support BDS. Support Palestine.

>He's not any worse than the Dems.
*He's not any less bad.

Not a chance. Not even if one of you bribed me tens of thousands of dollars. Not a chance in hell.
I stopped supporting the kike-fucker the moment he went to Israel.

>The US is coming to an end. It's all downhill after Trump. This is as good as it gets. Things will get insane the next time a Democrat is president
Trump is not stopping any of it. Let's just get it over with. Trump wants us to cave on gun control and immigration. Let's just let him have that and let the dems win. I'm done trying and fighting my own party.

NEET faggots don't get to have their opinions taken seriously. Literally worse than some murderous Detroit inner city family

at this rate probably