I want to believe. I already fully agree with God/Christ's teachings, but I can't get myself to believe in God...

I want to believe. I already fully agree with God/Christ's teachings, but I can't get myself to believe in God. Everytime I -try to- pray I feel like LARPing.
How can I get over this? Is there any hope for me?

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Just believe, bro.

I believe meditation is healthy, does that mean i have to become a Buddhist? I believe proving God's existence and non-existence is impossible, am I agnostic now? I believe that we should good for others, does that make me a Christian? Religion is a crutch the defective use to convince themselves of ideas everyone else already shares.

Name one believe that everyone shares

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It's funny because I can't believe any of the teachings but when I pray I feel a part of my brain light up that absolutely never does and a sense of peace comes over me. I cannot stand going to church because the ones who aren't doctrinal are super left hugfests


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It comes naturally after reading the teachings of the Lord, it may come quick, or it may come slow, just keep reading. Godspeed, greatest ally

Let go and let God, as we say. Put your trust in Him, ask Him for help, be grateful for His blessings. It's tough at first, but once you fully put your faith in the Lord and get saved, it's night and day. Read your Bible with your heart, not with your head, and listen for what He is trying to tell you through His word.

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>I'm spiritual not religious!
remember, God hates fence-sitters more than atheists or pagans.

you cannot flourish your faith on your own. if you want to seek Christ, seek Christ. But do not follow into fence-sitting. Just as Jeremiah proclaimed that people worship whom they wish to worship, but he would worship the Lord. You must pick a side. Do not sit in the middle.

Conversion is not overnight, user. You need to be patient and endure years of secular intoxication. Have you gone to confession yet?

Try listening to good Catholic media. Sensus Fidelium on YouTube is a good place to start. And at the very least pray the Lord's Prayer every night before going to sleep and meditate on those words.

I feel the Holy Spirit.

There is irrefutable evidence Jesus existed as a historical person (Unlike Mohammad). That he was resurrected on the third day is a minor leap of faith.

Scientism is a joke and agnostics (what I call atheists) are smug assholes who don't know shit. All the smartest people I know (on the same level as I am) are Christian.

That's all the evidence I need.

Seems like you don't think that you can reconcile belief in God with current scientific knowledge. But if God is responsible for our existence, we would have evidence of it, no?



I haven't made up my mind either way yet. I haven't researched nearly enough to do that.

This. I've been watching videos by Return to Tradition, and Bishop Robert Barron for a while now.

You need to pace yourself and slowly build up your faith. Start with Santa or the Easter bunny and go from there. You'll get the hang of it

Also consider reading Lee Strobel's The Case for a Creator, it gives a good overview of the argument for God. You can pirate a copy from archive.org.

Jesus meant it when He said:
>Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
>For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

When you knock on that door, God will open it, and He *will* reveal Himself to you in undeniable and miraculous ways.

i don't know, but I'm sure you'll find the answer if you keep spamming this copypasta

The problem is we have been indoctrinated to the point it nullifies what faith people might have. It's easier to believe what we experience in the natural world, being a physical being. It's why we are to walk by faith, not by sight. Why is it that as soon as evolution teaches our children there is no God, you have no purpose in life cause your just an animal, your not human until your born, AND REPEATEDLY LIE IN TEXTBOOKS to push the narrative would we be surprised that within 56 years, boys think they are like their dog, an animal, and have no responsibility as a husband/father. Girls looking for a man to love them, getting nothing but a baby, and being scared and alone, kill it as a way out. And children have no respect for life, cause life is not special, just random, and don't know love cause they don't get it from parents, get taught and shown sex by strangers at 10 years old(the only other time this happens is by a pedo) and their killing themselves and others. 55 years, that's it. All of these things were around before, but they accepted. Go look at science FACTS, or watch Kent hovind slay people in debates, and definitely watch some grady mcmurty, who taught evolution at cal Berkley. Once you have truth,you have won the battle

Return to Tradition is great and criminally underrated, Anthony Steine is doing a great job and his channel has been growing healthily. Sensus Fidelium is an obligatory daily fix for relapsing Catholics. Bishop Robert Barron is a mixed bag for me but I don't dislike him even if he says some things I vehemently disagree with. Taylor Marshal is great but it's a bit of a dude bro Catholicism sometimes. E. Michael Jones is very good too and is already a staple of this board. Tumblar House is top tier Catholic media and a veritable fountain of knowledge. There is plenty of great Catholic media.

>But if God is responsible for our existence, we would have evidence of it, no?
I would argue that we do have knowledge of God, reason leads us to Him. And besides, we have so many unexplainable relics like the Shroud of Turin and the painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe that to deny Him in this day and age is to simply chose to remain ignorant. Evidence is plentiful, but any amount of evidence is irrelevant if you lack faith.

Friend, you have to open your heart to God and that takes time and work. If you can't believe you need to ask yourself what reality is and what God truly is, to you, what you feel in the quiet voice in the pit of your essence.
I was like you and I didn't truly come to God without years of meditation and reflection on the nature of reality, the universe, fractals (as above so below), God, and gods.

Not everyone can be a believer
In fact only a small few will truly believe
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14.

Start going to Church. Stop being such a cynical faggot. And start being nice to the cute church girls.

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Shroud of Turin is insane. We couldn't even make an exact replica if we tried

I thought that was more of a statement of walking the righteous path and life God set forth for us and we are judged by that measure in this life. Don't you think it's still possible for someone to believe in God, but still fail to follow the tenants well enough and thus fall off the narrow?

Anyone can say they believe in God
But only those who truly believe that Christ died for their sins will be saved

Good because that's all the evidence you'll ever get

>But only those who truly believe that Christ died for their sins will be saved
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think belief is enough. I don't think Jesus died to give us a free pass if we believe in him, but rather he died to give us redemption and a real shot at heaven.

You have to repent first.

Hard mode: you have to mean it.

Dream of Valhalla, not heaven.

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You could not be more wrong.

Once a person seeks to know God earnestly and diligently, then God does reveal Himself in undeniable ways.
Here's the thing, our experience is subjective, so me telling you about all the wonderful things that God has shown and done for me will not convince you of themselves, but to see Him manifest in your life with your own eyes is truly a wonder.

I've been an atheist for longer than a lot of you have been alive. Atheistic despair is understandable, because once you outgrow the Sky Santa™ fantasy that most believers live their whole lives under, you become so disillusioned that it will likely scar you for life. You will turtle up and would refuse to see the metaphysical even if it manifested right in front of your face. You'll belittle and criticize people for things that seem like ignorance to you, but in reality are not. However, after years of self-education it became very obvious to me that mankind is spiritually malnourished in a way that's threatening to destroy us. All of our greatest minds seem to have come to some similar conclusion at their own pace, in their own way. I can tell you that although I don't know if it's God or universe or our own souls or whatever, I do promise you that there's something at the bottom of your well that transcends physicality, and it's worth preserving.
Read some Jung, if you're a reader. If you're patient, watch The Sacrifice. If you aren't either of those things, then start working on that, or you'll never acquire the evidence you need to find comfort.

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You just gotta "let go" and say fuck it and actually have some fucking faith. Do things that you think God would approve of. Act like a spiritual being is judging your growth as a human. Focus on your feelings, be aware of any promptings that come to mind. You gotta go full-Buddha and let go of all the bullshit and just start believing.
I don't know if i believe in God or not, but being intune with yourself and what makes you happy, what you know to be good, is pretty much Godliness itself.

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Jesus Christ is literally a title, not a name of a person, and I'm going to need a non biased citation saying he was an actual historical figure, as the Romans were in control of the area he lived in and is not mentioned in any of the Roman literature.
Don't use the gospels, because they have a bridge to sell in the argument

>Jesus Christ is literally a title, not a name of a person
Can I get a citation on that?

Turin shroud is from the 12th century or so. It's not real

>E. Michael Jones is very good too and is already a staple of this board.
This. Naturally, I don't agree with everything that E. Michael Jones says, but I really enjoyed the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. I would definitely recommend it.

>Also: youtu.be/rqov7Jcgz0E

Vikings > Jews

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Jesus is absolutely a name. It is the transliteration of the Hebrew name Yeshua.
Christ is a title, meaning Messiah, but since He is also the only Messiah, Christ is treated also as His Name.

Anyone can be saved, if not, God would not be just. God dealt with ALL sin at the cross, weather you believe in Jesus or not. His wrath had to be satisfied by a worthy sacrifice able and willing to receive the full judgment of sin before we could enter into his presence. It's why you don't go to hell for sin
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Jesus said that they were condemned BEFORE he died for sin. So everybody is capable

Rev3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if ANY MAN hear my voice,AND OPEN THE DOOR, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me
Matt 22:14For many are called, but fewarechosen

Technically praying for yourself is blasphemous as you’re assuming the role of Him. Why are you praying for your own selfish desires? If you see anyone or hear anyone who prays for their self or marriage or partner whatever it’s utter blasphemy and a complete roleplay as God. You are not Him and therefore you cannot met out his power to help or hinder. Sinner.
I laugh when I see Christian tards on social media pray for their marriage or pray for themselves as they are sinning out right without the knowledge of it. Satans favorite kind of people: the misinformed.
You should live your life by Him and for Him but never pray as Him.
Pray for others and their ultimate divinity, dignity, health etc but never ever for yourself.
The modern age has numbed the true nature of prayer and what it means to serve Him utterly.
I regret to say it’s the new age Christians, faggy millennial mass worshipers et al who let these false practices permeate and sully His good name.

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The word Christ was a title or office ("the Christ"), not a given name.
[64] Wolfhart Pannenberg1968 pg 31 Jesus- God and Man S..C.M. Press. ISBN 978-0-334-00783-8.

Now where's your citation for his historical data?

>Wolfhart Pannenberg
> Pannenberg
> -berg
Thanks senpai now I know your posts are worthless.

It's not from the 12th century, the '88 study reported that because it had a faulty sample. The science wasn't wrong, only the sample was wrong and this has been reiterated by the very people who reported the findings and converted before dying. Besides, the very same study acknowledges that there is simply no way to reproduce the Shroud, all the soil evidence, the blood testing, and the pollen evidence proves it can't possibly be a forgery. They simply carbon dated the wrong sample and this was the only thing that the secular media cared about. You can easily corroborate this if you look it up.

I like his stance on the SSPX being a schismatic order. It's very provocative and I personally think Dr. Jones goes way off in the opposite direction but it is great food for thought.

Technically you are correct, and there was a previous rabbi named yeshua, but we are talking about the church Jesus, right?

Jesus Christ is a fake character. His real name is Rabbi Yeshua, and no one should worship him.

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>John 4 22
>Romans 15 27

go to church for a few weeks

>Go to hell, not heaven.

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>posts a manga of a protagonist who converts to Christianity
Really makes you think.


Remember, contrary to churchianity's main tenants, feels are not the indicator of truth.

You must know and believe in your heart the God has told you the truth about the Truth.

I'd suggest you obtain a copy of Cosmic Codes by Chuck Missler. Audio or hard copy, but hard copy is best. He clearly shows the proof of the extra dimensional origin of the Bible and how those specific 66 books were chosen.

Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours is also great.
The book is good, and the videos are free on YouTube.

The problem of sin is that ALL fall short of the glory of God.
You've recognized your fault.
You've called on Him to save you.
You just need help in the belief. Remember Mark 9:24, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

Study the Bible and trust He will deliver the answer you seek.

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does thorfinn really convert?

There's a lot of Germans with the surname Berg, it comes from burg, like a town or a city, but I knew your brainlet ass wouldn't have a citation at all. So I guess that's typical. Niggas name is king of the Jews and you cope and pretend all Jews are 15th century khazars. When hebrews in fact have an unbroken lineage

Here's another, this is a non "muh Jew last name" academic source
Powell, Mark A. (1998). Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 978-0-664-25703-3.
>Still waiting on your citation, bucko

You have failed to do your due diligence in research.

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stop spewing bs faggot. god loves everyone

don't listen to lutherans, he absolutely despises certain people

BEHOLD: amazon.com/Five-Proofs-Existence-Edward-Feser/dp/1621641333

It fills me with mirth that a former anime/vidya website with no filter or censors naturally morphed into the realest, holiest, most righteous corner of the internet.

Is that why Hell is a place that exists? Is that why He rained fire and brimstone over Sodom and Gomorrah? Is that why Our Lady appeared to the people of Portugal and said that we were already worse than the times of Sodom and most people were marching merrily to damnation?

Obey the moral law, stop denying the Trinity, confess your sins, do acts of penance, approach the Eucharist with great reverence.

>but I can't get myself to believe in God

that just means your brain cells are functional. What is the problem?

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Natural law asserts itself.


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Just follow the teachings ya dingus. The morals in the Bible and living a Christian life are the part that actually matters.

Why don't you start with "im having trouble believing in you". "so i dont know what im doing" etc etc

but the science is not accurate when it conflicts with your religion right

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Jesus is ALOT more than words spoken from human lips. His father calls him by a name we don't know. What he IS, is TRUTH. The ONLY TRUTH, and the personification of it.
John 1:14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and TRUTH
John 1:17For the law was given by Moses,butgrace and TRUTH came by Jesus Christ
Truth is beyond human expression. Truth exists outside of the human existence. Our planet is orbiting the sun, this is truth, and t was doing so at least 2 days before man was created. A lie can only exist in the human mind, nowhere else. There are people who can't speak, but are saved.
John4:24GodisaSpirit:and they that worship him must worshiphiminspiritandintruth
Words are expressions of thought. Languages can sound different, but come from the same thought. We have the mind of christ, so no matter how different we sound, our actions are the same. Jesus said by your fruit you will know them. Not accent, or language

We're talking about Yeshua of Nazareth, The Son of Abraham, The Son of David, The Son of Man, Emmanuel, The Good Shepherd, Teacher, Wonderful Counselor, The Prince of Life, The Prince of Peace, The King of Israel, The King of the Jews, The King of Nations, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Lord of Glory, High Priest, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Son of God, The Word of God, The Savior, Redeemer, The Passover Lamb, The Messiah, Mighty God, The True God, THE I AM.

Jesus Christ.

Praise and Glory be unto Him forever and ever, for He is worthy!

Hosanna in the highest!

that ops a fag

The shroud is fake, I'm sorry that Ilovemyjewsavior.com says differently

>not listing tumblar house

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Still waiting faggot

You're projecting. There is no conflict between science and religion. You're a philosophical philistine to buy that midwit meme.

>Everytime I -try to- pray I feel like LARPing.
you and everyone else praying to literally nothing.

Christianity like its parent religion is a sham with no connection to the divine.

There's no place harder to find god than in a church.

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You're trying to fit into an idealized version of God via religion. instead of using religion as your guide .... Find God yourself. Go get lost in some woods for a long weekend with some friends more often. God will talk to you when you're ready to hear God. Until then..don't stress about it.

Ctrl + F is your friend, Charles.
Also, don't forget to browse tumblarhouse.com for all your literary needs.

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>Tumblar House

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>There is no conflict between science and religion

I guess if you ignore all the bullshit in the bible as "metaphors". How does telepathic communication with Gud work exactly?

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It's all Lord of the Rings tier fantasy that's actually fan fiction to Jewish literature, that alone should tell you it's all bunk.

same, I'm a reluctant agnostic

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You're still waiting on what exactly? That "Christ" is a title and not a given name? I'm not sure what you're arguing here. Does it need to be a name? Because there is absolutely no controversy that it is indeed a title that we suffix to the worldly name of Our Lord. But the thing is that Jesus is the Christ, there is none other than Him, so it might as well be a name. Or are you arguing for the historicity of Jesus? Because even serious secular academics don't deny that He was indeed an historical figure, even if you disregard the Holy Scriptures as the historical account that it is, you can even find Him mentioned by antagonistic historical sources like the Talmud, Josephus, etc. That's a really silly argument to make, user, and I'm not sure where you're going with that.

The Judeo Christian God is basically Rokos Basilisk AI. Prophets are those that early on figured out the philosophy, theology, and game theory therein and became early movers. Jews are chosen, but the meaning is only that they were the ones targeted for active manipulation. The "chosen" does not equate to favoritism. Finally, Christ was basically an Avatar of God (or direct projection of the Basilisk) as a direct manipulation to achieve it's will. Finally heaven is merely becoming one with God or your mind being assimilated therein.

Obviously a lot more to, but maybe this framework will help you to understand.

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He's waiting for attention by asking for something I never offered. Don't give him any mind.

I hate it when people call Jesus yeshua. It's such bullshit and so unbiblical. God specificly sent an angel to instruct Joseph to name him Jesus. God knows greek. That's what he wanted to be named. All the apostles have all their several names includes in the bible. Their hebrew ones, greek ones, names from before and after they were reborn. Jesus only has the one. But sure call him yeshua whatever. Just don't be surprised when he doesn't answer when you call for him.

IMO, what would help you is for you to read a book from the bible reflecting one of the prophets or disciples that reflects this wrestling with the idea of God within in the mind situation you are currently facing. Perhaps start off with Jacob, because he became Israel when God gave him that title because Israel means he who wrestles with God. Or, if you prefer, Amos is another one because unlike the other prophets who were more unquestioning from the beginning, he had many questions for God and he took those questions to God and was answered.

"Be either hot or warm, if you are lukewarm, I will vomit you out of my mouth"

There is no god, OP.

>i-i won the debate, baka I didn't have a provable contention or a citation so I win
Typical Christian, considering losing to be winning just like how your main character died and that's supposed to be winning. when you get fucked up the ass don't forget to turn the other cheek

You literally have no evidence fuck you, you got btfo


You have to reconcile what you have faith in with what you believe to be literally true. I don't believe in anything magical or mystical. I believe Christians succeeded in creating science, great art, and high civilization where everyone else failed, because their beliefs aligned them with deep truths about the universe.

It's important to realize that the version of Christianity taught to children is meant to be useful rather than literally true. Sometimes you have to get tricky to defeat a difficult enemy, and superstition and stupidity are among the greatest. Consider the concept of "the ineffable": that which can't *or shouldn't* be communicated in words. Superstitious and stupid people must be controlled, and whether we give them something or not, they'll believe stupid, superstitious things. So we give them harmless things, like Jesus walking on water and the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.

I see God as an aspect of the universe, a being of law, not whim. He is that aspect of the universe which deserves our service. I see the best evidence for God in the laws of thermodynamics, particularly the second law: entropy may not decrease. Entropy is commonly misunderstood as disorder, when in truth it is information, and more specifically history. Every thought and action is forever written on the universe, never to be lost or forgotten. That is the physical truth. Isn't that a profound guide to your actions in itself? On a physical level, the function of life is break local maxima of entropy: to find situations which are frozen, which contain the potential for interesting things to happen, and use them to generate more history. Here is judgement: life which is better at this, is better life. Humans are not just more complicated, but objectively better than worms.

God judges us, loves us, and desires our service. Our souls are not lost when we die. Christians understood this before we developed the physics to describe how.

Same. The biggest black pill. Its just a myth but the metaphors , analogies and morals pulled from the bible is one of many sources to pull advice about living a good life from.

>How can I get over this?
yeah, it's called growing up

Well since science doesn't agree with the Bible, I must be imagining slaying evolutionists in debates on the regular. We could get down right here. Evolutionists are so retarded they can't figure out creationists we're NOT USING, BUT ESTABLISHING WHAT WE TODAY CAN USE AND REFER TO AS SCIENCE, WAY BEFORE THEY WERE SWIMMING IN THEIR GREAT-GREAT-GREAT GRANPAS MONKEYNUTS. Evolution can't claim any science they might find, cause they are using what creationists discovered hundreds of years ago. Evolution has never had scientists change the world, like copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Herschel, etc. No evolutionist is even qualified to floss with their butthole hair of those greats. Without creationists, science wouldn't exist, and it almost doesn't today thanks to the evotards. P.S. They call science teaching children Ernst haeckel's biogenetic law which says human fetuses go through the stages of evolution before being born human, which he was found guilty of fabricating by his own university and admitted he made it up, saying "I should feel utterly condemned,if it were not for the fact EVERYBODY IS DOING IT"
He was also found guilty of stealing another guy's embryo drawings which he changed.
THIS HAPPENED In 1865, YET THEY TOUGHT IT, AND HAD HAECKEL'S EXACT PICTURES TEXTBOOKS IN 2010. If the definition of science is intentionally lying to children. Then yes, evolution does science better than anyone

Just don't believe bro. Listen to your brain. Grow up and stop believing in fairy tales.