Why are white women addicted to white cock?
Why are white women addicted to white cock?
Fuck you and fuck your retarded thread.
no, fuck janny and his BBC threads staying up for hours and the constant sliding bullshit he allows
janny is just going to have to stomach seeing white straight sexual activity
White is right
If I was a janny I would purge all of these fetishized threads about dicks because that shit belongs on /b/.
sometimes posting straight white people having sex forces janny's hand and he removes all porn from the board, including the BBC and cuck porn which he leaves up for hours (but he freaks out when he sees white people having straight sex, I wonder why)
based and redpilled
Get this degeneracy out of here and go back to /b/ you fucking summer fag. This is why I hate summertime.
>Actually made a good shitpost
...These are truly the end times.
Holy mother of based.
Also, mods please ban this fucking degenerate.
maybe if janny did his fucking job it wouldn't be here
Why do I find non-black cocks boring? this board fucked me up.
No us black women are
You are probably American.
Americans are known to be cucks.
Maybe you should stick to reddit then, memeflaggot
Tits or GTFO
Its Truđť–Š though
Yes she is.
The Jannies do a shit fucking job at maintaining this board of peace.
youre all incels stfu
not bad, kid
You're a credit the leafs. FUCK JANNIES, oh and uh FUCK NIGGERS too while you're at it
>can't even greentext
Kill yourself.
if you don't want to see porn don't look at it, it's meant to burn jenny's eyes out not turn on other people
Is she allowed into the ethnostate?
The eyelashes gave it away to me. She cute.
When you put it that way I can't exactly blame you.
I'm Coyote Peterson, and this... is calling the janny a nigger.
I'm here on the boards of /tv/ at 4channel.org, where a vicious beast called "the janitor" lurks in the shadows. His diet consists of hot pockets, and he spends most of his time jerking off on his anime body pillow. But with a little dedication, I think we can lure him out, to see his fabled sting. Also known as a "ban", the janitor's sting can hurt for up to 3 days on average, but in rare cases, have had residual effects for a lifetime. Oh... I think I see one. Yeah that's it. Over there in his mom's basement. Do you see it? Oh wow, what a big fella. Look at the fat rolls on his abdomen. While most would call him disgusting, you have to admire mother nature and what she's created here. Alright now that the janitor is here, we'll bait him into giving us his dreadful sting.
Kids, don't try this at home.
Janny... you're a nigger.
It's like an intense burning through my entire ip address
You can see it turn black around the border of the ban screen
That's it for us here on Brave Wilderness
true. been trying to flirt with all the whitebois at my job but most of them are shy twink types. its awful cause that is the type of whiteboi I like
Why not?
Can't get any whiter than that.