
Do Jow Forumsack's actually believe in christianity/god? Are people just larping, because its popular here (making you normies that Jow Forums hates right)? Do you actually believe that there is absulutely unprovable, unexplainable, paranormal skyman because of a single old book? There is literally the same amount of proof on batman (even more if I may).

Who am I? Im an atheist, BUT I belive that christianity bears many good values for society, but with many I disagree. Im also not a pagan as I said, but I believe that it bears much more meaning to the nation than some middle eastern religion.

What do you think anons?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Will not respond for quite a bit, since its late for me.

>Do Jow Forumsack's actually believe in christianity/god?
>Im an atheist
>christianity bears many good values for society

White Christians are the only white people that still make enough children.
That fact alone disprove any anti-christian rhetoric


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8ch went down and /christian/ board poster came here its neverending spam now

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>White Christians are the only white people that still make enough children.
>That fact alone disprove any anti-christian rhetoric
Black people are the only people that still make enough children.
That fact alone disprove any anti-minority rhetoric

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Based. Roman Catholicism is just what happened when Roman Polytheism turned into Roman Monotheism around Sol Invictus (previously Mithra).

>All these rabid 8/pol/ faggots crying because Christianity still exists on 4/pol/
When will they learn?

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>Based. Roman Catholicism is just what happened when Roman Polytheism turned into Roman Monotheism around Sol Invictus (previously Mithra).
its really not, Sol Invictus wouldnt have ruined europe, it was pretty based, all about conquest and authority while keeping a healthy pagan base for morality

fuck you stop lying azll the christians came here when /christian/ on 8ch was shut down

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>White Christians are the only white people that still make enough children.
>That fact alone disprove any anti-christian rhetoric
They race mix the most

I meant that 8pol is bitching and crying here on 4pol, obviously the sudden influx of Christians are because of 8 going down. But we were always here.

John 3:16 nigga

then fucking go back and stop spamming this board with your nigger and jew loving threads

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>Roman Catholicism is just what happened when Roman Polytheism turned into Roman Monotheism around Sol Invictus (previously Mithra).
What happen was Constantine's mother converted to rabbi worship and she found him a scamming christkike bride to marry.

Constantine then murdered his political enemies, culture, and shut down the philosophy schools to declare himself the soul representative of god and all creation as father of the church.


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you re forgetting the 16 centuries of persecutions of non christians by christians, the destruyction of all universities and library, to prevent anyone from gaining access to knowledge, the christian mobs, the european crusades, the torture chambers, burning people, the inquisition

less than 5% of whites in the empire were christians when constantine converted

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Nobody whos an actual pollack is a christcuck

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What I meant was because of that transition from Polytheism to Monotheism, they lost their Polytheistic ideals.
Not a pedo, but that pic is of a pederast.

fuck cucktianity and the kike on a stick

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I don't believe in God because of the bible.

>Persecute Christians
>End up being persecuted
>Cry about it
pretty funny

>>Persecute Christians
lie invented by christians
christianity disappeared wherever christians were persecuted

>any muslim land
>commie countries

you were never persecuted in europe, and you only exist through tyrany
you lose your tyrany you die, simple as

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people who claim to be christian on Jow Forums only do so because of memes. they like the idea of a cross wielding knight killing shitskins. none of these self labeled christian actually care what jesus taught, and most of the time these people openly reject and despise jesus' actual message. further, it is almost imposible to find someone who has actually read the bible and knows all the words of jesus and all the prophecies he was meant to fufill.

its funny tho, these Jow Forums "christians" meme about "the synagogue of satan" when that phrase entirely describes them and other adherents to their blasphemous doctrines

>further, it is almost imposible to find someone who has actually read the bible
people who have read the bible and still consider themselves christians are insane and should be instutionalized

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I do because it's the truth.

If you're white (e.g. light eyed) I'm willing to bet you a staggering quantity of money that your great grandparents were Christians who went to church -- the same church -- every Sunday. Separating the United States from God was as fundamental a change as separating our currency from gold, and every bit as important a step in demoralizing our civilization.

As a European, most devout Christians I have known were very soft spoken, held back, shy type of people. The sort of people that try not to swear or say anything bad about anyone. Religion is more of a tradition than a literal belief here, but Americans on the other hand are always very Christian, especially the nationalist types. I am quite confident that most people merely larp as Christian and don't actually believe it. They larp because religion and tradition has always been a conservative standpoint. The average true Christian is some guy who never got into fights at school and never had any strong beliefs about certain topics. Basically people who want to help all refugees, oppose racism and all that. Because don't forget that Christianity is a very anti-war religion, it never had any systems to fight holy wars. The concept of the Crusade for example is a Catholic non-biblical invention designed to compensate for the lacking of holy war in Christianity, the Crusade is not part of Protestantism and not part of Orhodoxy. So yes, most right wing Christians merely larp as Christian, and ignore scipture to serve their goals. It's also a silly religion where you must believe that Jesus was 100% man and 100% God and you must accept original sin and repent. It's a religion of apologising for your own existance.

pedos are based, they'll never reproduce thus ending this cycle of continuity
homosexuality is the greatest characteristic trait one could have


>they'll never reproduce thus ending this cycle of continuity
opposite logic. That's how they breed more

1st. I understood your joke
2nd. homosexuals actually do a greater service if and when they do, for they prevent others from creating children aside of themselves

gnosis is by definition cuc'king. The Pope is one, it's what occultism is at its roots

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Of course not. Only children believe in fairy tales.

>homosexuals actually do a greater service if and when they do, for they prevent others from creating children aside of themselves
Maybe but the trade of is breeding more Africans

Hey everyone it's that time of day where all the kikes and their little slaves are spamming "muh Christcuck" threads again.

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you kikes really need to learn to not go so heavy with the same buzzwords

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sure, niggers can suffer reality for all I care, at the very least their populations will dwindle once they stop getting coddled

>Hey everyone it's that time of day where all the kikes and their little slaves are spamming "muh Christcuck" threads again.
We all know Christians here aren't christian. You only attack Germanic culture and push anti-evolutionary-biology (like communism

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Your talking points are pleb tier and your thread is shit and this topic gets posted multiple times a day. Also, you're not as smart as you think you are.

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You do realise that Rome had thousands of cults living in relative peace with each other, it's the fact that Christians were offended by people practicing other religions because Christianity rejects the existance of all other gods except yahweh, this made people dislike Christians at times. Now, there's actual evidence to suggest that Nero was right and the Christians did in fact start the fire of Rome, which made them targets.

>at the very least their populations will dwindle once they stop getting coddled
No they're moving into fag-lands to breed bisexual roasties while the men like you play as roasties

>you're not as smart as you think you are.
You worship a fuckin rabbi as the Creator

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>you're not as smart as you think you are.
It doesn't take any great intelligence to figure out that Christianity is bullshit.

it'll happen in due time because their kind isn't intelligent enough to sustain such heavy populations, once those smart enough to keep things running are gone they will destroy their environment and cull themselves

What do you even think gnosticism means?

The whole thing is a larp, only someone who lacks critical thinking skills or was in a position where critical thinking skills were not required could possibly truly believe in that bullshit.
And yes, larpers, it IS bullshit.

Now, now, before you type up a lovely essay and call me a Jew, because I don't worship Jews, answer this simple question: YES OR NO, DO YOU BELIEVE IN TALKING DONKEYS?

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>Black people are the only people that still make enough children.
Blacks are heavily "christian" and yet still obtain plenty of abortions. Christians do not defend values in this society, in fact they have pushed institutionally for many progressive ideas since the CIVIL WAR.

Even more facts.

With God, all things are possible.


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>they're moving into fag-lands to breed bisexual roasties
>men like you play as roasties
more dysgenics
Evolution sorts it out, unfortunately the future is looking pretty Chinese unless they fall apart soon

even that black baby your white wife just had? lmao remember to be a good Christian father and raise it as your own, it's what Christ would do if he wasn't a virgin.

With delusion, all fantasies are valid.

all 9's baby

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>durr Jesus was Jew you should worship tree
How about you read Aquinas and then come back to me.


No. You'd need to be retarded to buy into such an obvious farce.

>There is literally the same amount of proof on batman
Yeah, there's a historically verifiable account of Batman's resurrection with multiple witnesses who gave their lives just to insist it was the truth, resulting in the most-scribed book in literal history being compiled, right?

Jews hate Christianity because they go to Hell.

Why did Christians tear down the tomb of Alexander the Great? Even Julius Caesar and Augustus visited his tomb to pay respects. This doesn't stop Christians from praising Caesar, Augustus and Alexander though.

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>read Aquinas
Read Siege and then come back to Jow Forums, this is a white supremacist anime forum not a (((sunday school))). If you knew anything about Aquinas you'd know he was called a heretic for trying to reform christianity to try and make sense. They only sainted him DECADES after his death, kind of like how they only wrote down Yeshua's story DECADES after HIS death.

The capitalization I use is for emphasis, just explaining it since you are clearly a little slow.

just because jews hate christianity and jesus does not mean that christianity is good. do you know what else jews hate? blacks and muslims, yet they have no problem using them to hurt you and your country. are you gonna say that blacks are based now because jews hate them?

>mfw i have become BASED SATANIA POSTER

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>once those smart enough to keep things running are gone they will destroy their environment and cull themselves
The NWO order needs them as pryamid slaves to build the neo-gnostic-neoVatican in Israel under a Communist-slave-technocracy. You fags are being used as a weapon to pacify opposition and lower the breeding of smart people. You're Eunuchs and temple prostitutes

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Autism boy has the autism how's that working out turbo autismo

this, stalin and trotsky hated each other. We should oppose both of them

>Read Siege

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>1 post by this ID
do you believe in talking snakes? wahaha

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I'm not Christian though.

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and did you read the rest of Origens Contra Celsus ?
Did you quote from that as well ?
Did you see were he claims Jesus actually lived ?
Did you read where his entire diatribe wasn't against Christians as much as it was a diatribe against a doctrine of a divine intervention in history that is incompatible with Platonic axioms and statism?

Do you have this book that Celsus wrote ? Nope. that's because it doesn't exist.
Except as his words are quoted by a Christian scholar named Origen who is giving breath to all opinions to find the truth.

Celsus claimed at hero shrines, the gods can be seen in human form and they do not appear only once “in a secretive and stealthy manner like the fellow who deceived the Christians.(muh Statues)

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>the jews WANT you to read SIEGE, instead just read the bible it tells you to turn the other cheek and feed foreigners that's what's based
lmao'ing @ ur life, senpai

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OP is most likely Jewish. Daily reminder that Jesus wasn't a Jew.

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and this is why we don't let France make any decisions

you re literally controlled by jews to destroy europe and america

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>Christians disappeared wherever they were persecuted

>Muslim lands
They're still there, user, still holding out

>commie countries
>what is Eastern Orthodoxy

This is such a brainlet tier post

Oh yeah controlled by da Jews.. Give it a break.
The west exists because of Christianity

Why you never attack islam buddha or judaism? Fuck you.

Western Civilization = Roman Empire = Christianity

>“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”

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>the jews WANT you to read SIEGE and larp as natbol satanic-gnostics
>the jews WANT you to read the Torah and worship A RABBI
>the jews WANT you to watch anime girls and turn gay

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>Why you never attack islam buddha or judaism? Fuck you.
Islam is too easy
Christians promote judah-ism as anything more than a larp
Christians attack Buddhism so why bother?

Maybe not but Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism that claims the same genesis as its own and the same God Yahweh.

>Western Civilization =
White civilization
>Roman Empire =

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Funny because pre-Christian Empire controlled Jerusalem, whereas Christian Roman Empire lost it quickly. Not to mention the Roman Empire, although officially a Christian empire, was stil made up of thousands of non-Christian religions for the most part.

>Maybe not but Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism
Judah-ism came after Christianity. You mean Middle Eastern monotheism

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>BUT I belive that christianity bears many good values for society
By what principle? Subjective opinion?

Islam is just as bad, although less weak. But historically, lots of Islamic empires had been subverted by Jews. It were the Jews who made most of the weapons for the Ottomans, although there were quite a lot of French among them too

his name was yeshua bar-yozef, on his grave he was titled Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews... was they just kidding about all that?
confirmed for never read SIEGE
wtf do you mean maybe not? jesus's whole claim to being the messiah is that he was a jew.

Okay, not Judaism but the religion of the Israelites, there's still a strong connection between Judaism and Christianity, the fact that the people who have caused us so much problems have religious links to us is a problem. Jews might reject Jesus, but they still mostly follow the teachings of the old testament and the Law of Moses the Black

I see it from a practical point of views , Christianity is needed or society will descend into moral decay. I don't believe in God myself but I see the need for some type of moral code.

Christian Rome controlled Jerusalem as long as pagan Rome.

All of western law is based on the Christian Roman law of Theodosius and Justinian. Try again.

other way around, jerusalem controlled christian rome

western law arose as the negation of theodosius's laws over time. You can see the weakening of the church as monarchs are replaced by "democracies" and such. Honestly you are conveniently ignorant, like a goy should be.

Nope, Constantinople wore the temporal pants and Rome wore the spiritual pants.

Replacing Theodosius and Justinian's laws of great antiquity and true justice was the work of the Jews and the very path to our present state.

At first, try to imagine a universe in which all truths were not scientific truths. The idea goes from almost impossible to virtually certain. At that point, everything is open.

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>he actually thinks his judaic death cult had nothing to do with judaism
>he actually thinks Rome continued to exist after splitting itself in half and adopting wholly foreign customs and religion, essentially castrating itself
Julian the Apostate was the last Roman. RIP hero.

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Best day of the Roman Empire's life.

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romans conquer jerusalem in 70 BC
roman empire becomes official christian empire in 380
roman control of jerusalem = 450 years

muslims conquer jerusalem in 637
christian roman control of jerusalem = 257 years

and then in 1099 the Christians actually get off their asses to take back their belowed holy city and they control it for 88 years until Muslims take it back, and muslim rule continues until 1917 when british forces take it and then give it to the jews

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Rome didn't really control Jerusalem until 70AD.