Is Civil War coming to America soon?

What do you think? Is it just a meme? The media is laying down the anti white propaganda pretty hard these days. They still havent proven the manifesto of the walmart shooter was actually his and the 8ch owner denied it. The media doesnt give a fuck. They want civil war and its not looking good imo. What do you anons think?

Attached: The Civil Race War 2.png (473x507, 223K)

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They want us dead. We have no choice.

Redpill is: The kike elite wants a civil war because Trump is in fact- winning on every aspect of his presidency. They're scared as fuck to let their carefully prepared, anti-white, pro-jew,satanic narrative vanish away

I thought for a second it said South Africans look to trump on their day of rope

If I die, I die a rebel.

Attached: 1dc71be4e03675fa54f569d07ef3fca8cad951f48f51ff71e07d37f8fb7a2fc8.jpg (233x250, 9K)

gosh I hope so, but let's be real. as soon as I cut off the power and internet to one city is exactly how long it will take for them to surrender.

cmon now frog, the only thing trump is doing is gaining ground on the protocols of the elders of zion. he took bumpstocks, what will it be this time? red flag laws have already killed people
how much longer until all 4channers are put on redflag lists for "mental health" conditions?

Attached: rubio red flag.png (1526x1094, 823K)

I doubt it.

That being said, I would definitely not be on whatever side most of Jow Forums picked. I’m a teacher so most of you would assume I’m just a government leech and socialist brainwasher.

But I think you underestimate how dangerous a civil war in America would be. This isn’t like the 1700s where 40 miles took a week to travel and muskets took 2 minutes to fire a single shot. America is full of stories of grieving widows and widowers just grabbing a gun, traveling across oceans, and devastating enemy towns in fits of despairing rage. Now imagine that there’s no oceans or borders to cross.

>Your wife is killed in an attack
>You lose your shit
>You go rogue and attack the closest enemy city

That’s the reality of what a civil war would be like until hard borders were established. Endless bloody rogue guerrilla warfare perpetuated by people who just want you to die for your sins.

Reality check...They are villianizing and demoralizing whites. It's obvious anons, even to non-whites...