This perfectly describes Jow Forums's hypocrisy.

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People who hate ILLEGAL immigrants

>implying anyone from Jow Forums trusts jewish DNA testing

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Imagine being against "illegal" immigration because some social construct called borders.

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>everything is a "social construct" goy

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The 23andme shills are glow niggers farming for data mining. You were that dumb, weren't you leaf, you actually offered yourself up to zog willingly and paid them to do it.

People who hate violent stupid subhuman immigrants who contribute absolutely no good to the country but instead actually cost that country's peoples just to keep their worthless asses alive.

Of all the things that never happened, that never happened the most.

>all immigrants are illegal and non-white
All Canadians are stupid and should be banned.

immigrant != migrant

there's a real difference

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>a fucking leaf

Why do you hate whites?

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Because whites created all the world's evil.

Why do you hate whites?

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Why do you hate whites?

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Because you're all pathetic and discriminate against POC.

but by that same token then we created all the world's good too, or more precisely, it would probably be MUCH more accurate to say something like:
whites created their share of the evil in the world but also created WAY MORE than their share of the good in the world

Your "pioneers" turned a forest garden into an urban sprawl disaster. Then they turned everywhere else into an urban sprawl disaster. No one would wan to leave their country if not for glownigger fuckery. Jow Forums acts like they hate glowniggers but they basicly work for white supremacist aims, turning every peace of greenery on the planet into concrete.

>Social construct



The only people on here posting about DNA tests are glowniggers and kikes making slide threads

I was talking to my turbo liberal native american friend and he was insisting that the endgame is not having borders because they were created by the white man and because his ancestors did not have borders between them and their neighboring tribes.

I don't understand why any white person would unironically believe that though.

Yet you discriminate against whites

Imagine expecting me to pay taxes when illegals don't have to lol


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A country isnt a country without a powerful border, even 3rd graders know that...
And since borders aren't important leave your door open and your lights on at night, see what happens.

Fucking pioneers and their urban sprawl. Oh wait, looks like the U.S. didn't even have the population of modern-day NYC until over 200 years after they arrived.

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Like anyone gives a fuck about your guilt trip bullshit.
Ok. Next time you travel to a foreign country, go ahead and torch your ID and passport. Go to Iran and do that. After all, borders are imaginary. Put your money where your mouth is leaf.

Huh? I don't have anything against immigrants. I'd rather live in a city inhabited exclusively by violent criminal Moldovans who overstayed their visas than ever see another shitskin.

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>Right-wingers constantly complain about high-skilled legal immigration from India and China.
>Right wingers are only against illegal immigration.
Pick one retard. I hate this argument so much, it’s the most disingenuous shit ever, basically right-wing pilpul.

>imagine wanting to protect my wages

Lmao, POCs killed each other throughout history. It's whites that broke their fights while giving them rights.

>India and China
>high-skilled labor
Pick one

People hate them because they cheat and work for low wages that displaces new grads.

Alexa show me the people who never she'd blood, sweat or tears yet want to give away the wealth and land of those who have?

There is a finite amount of resources that a country can enjoy.
By inviting more immigrants, each person receives less of those resources.

Conquerors. Not immigrants.
There was no country here. There were no fucking laws.
Injuns have it better now that they ever did.
>Thanks white man!
You're welcome, Red Man.

It has nothing to do with legality idiot, you can change laws to make mass demographic replacement possible and probable (ie 1965 act).
>oh ot is legal
>come on over Juan and Pedro, rape my daughters and wife now and brown my grandchildren :DDDDD

Imagine being an american that picks fruit by hand for a living LOL

>taking DNA test to see what type of immigrant you are

White people take DNA tests to make sure they have 0% black and 0% jewish blood.

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Imagine being against "legal sex change" because some social construct called genders.

Do you understand how the Gaussian distribution of characteristics works? Yes, there are enough low IQ whites to pick fruits and dig ditches. No, not everybody can, nor should they, be white collar or live in an ivory tower.

>(((leaf))). Well,slide this slide thread. Your opinion is discarded faggot kike.

settlers are not immigrants
whites are not blacks

Simply by being here they depress wages and increase demand for goods, services, and resources.

They use those things to find out what kind of "white" immigrants they are descended from, and hope that they don't have any Jewish or Black ancestors.

Nobody here hates immigrants. We just hate niggers and spics.

Where is picture from? Have to report someone to ICE.

Op, you are to young to post here.

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The biggest venn diagram you'll ever see. One circle alone is larger than a standard math class desk!

so I guess the borders between your body and mine are a social construct too and you won't mind if those are violated? I can just do anything I want to your body? And your home and your car?

Imagine eating food knowing it has never been handled by a beaner who wiped his ass with his hand.

Why do you hate whites?

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t. NEETs with no marketable skills.
Some advice for you guys: you actually learn skills doing a STEM degree. The people you are bitching about typically have Masters Degrees, oftentimes from an American or Canadian school, as it’s much much easier to H1B that way.
Delusional if you legit think that is equivalent to your HS dropout ass

neck yourself.

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TFW literally le 56%

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You actually think it stops there with open borders? If an unlimited number are allowed to come here then my wages are fucked pretty much no matter what I do for a living unless it is highly skilled or requires over 4 years of college. You think beaners can’t make spreadsheets in excel all day and type numbers into boxes? They can and that’s what I do for a living.

Social constructs are a good thing.

If you can be replaced by someone that smells like shit and can't even speak english, that says a lot more about you than them

Me not being allowed to rape you is a social construct

>Paying to give your genotype to Jews so they can lie to you about your ethnicity

>not giving your genotype to the Jews so they can get triggered when they see it

hy·poc·ri·sy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
We are proud of our pioneering ancestors who worked hard and even risked their lives to settle the west and build this country,
and we object to brown sponges coming in illegally, burrowing in like ticks and leeching our taxes.
How is this hypocritical?

Hating white people is literally by definition racist.

this post illustrates your stupidity, Everyone may of been an immigrant but after a few hundred years in a region they become the Rightful Inhabitants. your a sperm brain train wreck

>4 posts by this ID
fuck off slide FAGGOT.
again, the Canadian makes a terrible post.


>knowing what region of europe your ancestors came from is exactly the same as not wanting the majority voting block of your nation to be made up of hondurans, mexicans, and guatamalans
why are so many white western men such unbearable self-righteous, feminized social media whores

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Strawman argument. We don't hate immigrants, just nonwhite immigrants.

Lol imagine being a Canadian

Did they not come here legally? Are they admitting to a crime?

tfw my ancestors were on the North American continent before there were countries of any kind on it

Feels good, because when they try to pull the 'stolen land' card, I remind them that none of the roving indigenous people believed in land ownership. You can't immigrate to a non-polity, and you can't steal what isn't owned. My ancestors settled, didn't immigrate anywhere.

this and then everyone clapped


Probably 90% of the jobs in this country could be done by a well trained beaner. Your job is not special and you are extremely replaceable.