Considering all of these shooitings, do you guys think it safe and worth it to watch this opening day? i'm kind of hesitent.
Considering all of these shooitings, do you guys think it safe and worth it to watch this opening day...
you are a sheep
just make sure you go dressed as the joker and with an AR-15 so that when the shooter turns up he knows you're on the same team
Pirate it. So you don't get shot by a clown shooter
It will be a lousy movie so go ahead and waste your money.
Don't watch Hollywood bullshit and if you won't listen to me then at least pirate it. Don't give your money to jewish industry.
you are probably hundreds of times more likely to be randomly killed by a nigger chimping out than a terror attack.
Guaranteed shooting in BurgerLand.
Nigggers can't aim though.
>watching capeshit in 2019
Iron Man 2 was so fucking bad I never watched another capeshit movie again. Fuck you for having such a shit taste.
What odds do you put on a copy cat?
I put it at fairly high.
if you go you deserve it
>will someone go out in a blaze of glory during the movie release
Pirate that shit like everyone else will.
I dont mean to be an autist but i was really triggered he showed up to a movie about Bane not the joker. Dressed as the joker but dyed his hair orange instead of green.
Everything about it annoys me still. The cosplay was all wrong.
it's because the CIA are shit at cos-play
Because he was a MKULTRA NAOMI stooge, strung along to his actions by the FBI as well.
I'll wait to rent it at blockbuster.
although it would have been way cooler if they had gotten a big guy (for you) to dress as Bane and do the shooting
>think it safe
you do not concealed carry?
you are not white
Dont channel the spirit of the joker is all i can say to you....
Hey autism boy how's the autism going for ya autism boy ??
he never even went into the theater. he was driven there, then sat in the car tripping balls playing with plastic bags the entire duration of the event.
>consuming Hollywood products in overpriced temples to Hollywood products
You’re like 1000 times more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the theater than to die in a mass shooting in the theater. Don’t give into leftard hysteria.
Not anymore. The US gets more niggered every year.
Based Alaskan