After spending some time with Italians, i don't see them as white anymore. You can't tell apart an Italian and a Jew. Even if an Italian has a blue eyes or fair hair, it would never resemble an actual germanic or slavic european, pic related is their average woman
Are Italians semitic?
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Is Italian pussy good?
that chick is pretty hot but yes most people LARP as italians and are really some paki spic hybrid
they've done studies that show most jew cunts are actually italian converts.
That's funny because I can't tell Italians and Serbs apart....
Never tried it, only had luck with insecure Serbian girls
That chick is ashkenazi, my friend
It all makes sense now
well post pics of an italian so that we can scrutinize
from the top of my head I think about monica belucci and in no way does she look like a jew
Jews love to steal genetics, when it serves their collective purpose. I.E Khazar's.
but the pic is of a famous kikesse?
I've had contact with Italians from Rome and central parts, i haven't seen a girl like Monica Belluci there
So they had stolen Italian?
You guess
Goddamn she's hot. House's hospital mommy.
Most "Jews" today are actually Italian converts, not ethnic Hebrews.
Yes, Jewess actress.
I asked a black acquaintance of mine if they were white, and he said they weren't.
cuddy has a smoking ass and legs. woulf breed 10/10. brunette nina hartley. dick is diamonds.
>Lisa (((Edelstein))).
why are people still surprised when someone on tv is jewish 100% are jewish there is not one white person in television not a single one even when you think theyre not they are
from jewish tradition the italians are Esau/Edom
Hugh Laurie is not Jewish.
However I am to the point now that even if I just SLIGHTLY suspect it, I just assume now.
that settles it
hes definitely Jewish a lot of other part jews look like him not saying he looks jewish but other part jews share a similar look
Same but with a mexican.
I'd stick my scroll in her tefillin anyways. sandnigger fairytales are bullshit.
Well they are mixed with arabs, so yes.
>((( Edelstein )))
What do you call a jew without money? An Italian.
we're talking about ethnicity
Nina Hartley is also a fucking kike.
and boy can she fuck!
Italy is ground zero for Christianity. They have been fighting the whordes and Masonic infiltrators for millennia. Albert Pike: Not one man in 10,000 knows the origins of his religion.
Britain is the royal family, central banking and the cocksucker who rewrote the Bible to the agenda in the 1500’s. Learn history, slaves.
No, semites are Latinate by breeding and culture.
you’re fucking retarded
t 0% jew southern ital
This retardation seems to be incurable
I guess if you like grandmas
Where is my fucking money
She is a Jewess, but I'd still poke her salty muffin.
you from the ghetto brother?
No but Jews, like that cunt, like to pretend they are wops.
arabs are semites, you did know this.. right?
you can't get older women pregnant
Jesus is God. He is going to level this place.
Having never been around Italians, I'm just gonna go with yes because they were allies with those guys who did the holocaust. My grandfather survived the gas chambers 8 times, screw Italy.
I've made a terrible mistake, read as "are Italians anti semitic?" In which case yes, they are.
tfw no Italian gf to eat braciole and watch The Sopranos with
southern ones.
nothern italians are aryans though.
Italian here, yes.
Not that you will ever know incel
>Are Italians semitic?
SHEM (Noah's son)
Judah-ism came after Christianity in Christian Rome; you mean Middle Eastern monotheism. the Talmud is much younger than the gossip.
What happen was Constantine's mother converted to rabbi worship and she found him a scamming christkike bride to marry.
Constantine then murdered his political enemies, culture, and shut down the philosophy schools to declare himself the soul representative of god and all creation as father of the church.
>much younger than the gossip.
na, you just confuse your southern german muts with italian and call them 'aryan'. read Germania to see what actual Germans looked like.
Italians are Semitic, but they are a breed that crossed with the ancient Celtics long, long ago.
Read up on the Punic Wars, and realize that Romans are the Jews most ancient enemy.
Italians are mostly catholic or christians.
Genetically superior too.
>SHEM (Noah's son)
Bitch gets full after the risotto.
Oh God. I used to fuck only Italian and Irish girls in high school and college. Don’t ever grow old user.