Alayhi s-salām (عليه السلام)

alayhi s-salām (عليه السلام)

Death to the west and the white man. Your end is coming.

Allāhu akbar (الله أكبر),

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allah hates fags, so.........

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Holy fuck this man must be taking insane amount of India black market cow testosterone

But sikhs hate muslims more than anyone....

Says the idiot who posts a picture of a fuckin' Sikh. What's the matter, couldn't find a pic of a ripped muzzie to post? "Ah hell this is close enough. Those goyim'll never know the difference."

My name is brenton tarrant and I disagree.

Yeah OP IDK what you're talking about. Wrong kind of brown and wrong kind of raghead.



What sort of fucking retard mistakes Sikh's to Mudslimes?

>Hipster Sikh, hating mudslimes before it was cool.

As if the racists of Jow Forums actually give a shit

Fail, that guy is a Sikh.

Pretty much everyone here agrees Sikhs are cool as long as they stay in India

Thanks Rabbi!

You do realize once shit kicks off in the west, the jews are going to trash the middle east right?

Sikhs are alright as immigrants go

Not when their numbers get too big

That's a Sihk

Kek, first thing that came to mind

You called?

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Take this photo down akhi, surely it is fitna for the sisters.

i can tell you've never been to surrey BC

Jow Forums already bootlicks mexican and nigger cops so this is the next logical step.

The goyim know. Shut it down!

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You should meet my friend Brenton, he's a great guy! You won't know what hit you when you meet him.

"They're all just ignorant racists who don't know jack shit and aren't cultured or sophisticated." Thanks for the broad assumption and characterization.

muslims don't care about superficial things except the cucked westaboos. also when people say muslim they usually mean Arab, and Arabs are generally less stocky than europeans. theyre naturally very thin but they can beef up when they want too. but being shredded and insta-gram worthy really isnt an arab thing, especially considering its haram and gay, much like yourself.
you guys are the real cucks, who have to become all ripped and spend hours in the gym and yet women still walk all over you. we arabs barely work out and eat like animals at dinner, yet women obey us and respect our law.

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We worship superior Azn pussy as well.

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Coming from a culture where men would rather fuck little boys than get a woman. Your whole culture is generations of male sexual abuse survivors just passing it along.


or anywhere in the GTA