Why is everyone abandoning Trump?

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Because he isn't pro-White.

he's invading Poland

Becuase yang is better

He's a shill for Isreal

>Why is everyone abandoning Trump?
Dugin keeps running false flags with Mossad and the DNC

Attached: dugin.jpg (192x270, 19K)

because this is gonna be a 1 post by this ID that will hit bump limit like this thread always does. KYS Shareblue

>Dugin keeps running false flags with Mossad and the DNC

Attached: eurasian pol altright trump china russia kgb mind control rogan new democrats krishna jews.jpg (1483x1529, 1.21M)

but you are wrong now

Because people voted him in as an engine for change they desired and it is change he has been veering away from bit-by-bit. He has resurged his old self now, but I am beginning to wonder if that's just his way of campaigning for 2020.

They're not. He's a great president.

He's getting his wall.
He's exposing the elite paedophiles.
He's helped America's economy.
He is pro American freedom and is letting people keep their guns.

Keep shilling though. It will just hurt more when be wins again.

Maybe you will even kill yourselves and we won't have to put up with your shit.

Not likely though, you guys are like cockroaches.

righties abandoning trump bc he isn't right enough to ensure a dem victory would be like lefties voting for romney in 2012 bc omaba was left another

seems foolish, to me

Zionist Israel-first faggot who has done nothing

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*wasn't left enough

Israel isn't
Their bond is like a baby and its mother

sauce? Come on OP! WTF!

Lying Zion Don The Full To The Brim Swamp Man

>he doesn't know drudge, the greatest news site ever

Can't. quite. tell if satire.

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Because he's a Zionist cuck.

I know the source faggot, I am just holding faggot OP to some standards of etiquette; OP is supposed to link to his sources, unless hes a faggot...Thats Jow Forumsicy!

It should really tell you everything when Trump puts more effort and will into enforcing more gun legislation via the presidency and congress. In contrast, he’s done more for democrats than his constituents who wanted and needed anti-censorship, pro-family, anti-abortion, lax guns(remember whitehousepetitions.org? at least obama responded) and most importantly, anti immigration laws. Trump is a cockless coward, and a traitor to his people and the constituents that put his fat ass in office.

No its not.

It is wise to call out anyone who presents a click bait article or link that they are to archive it and present it that way. Otherwise its just a Buzzfeed shill, or CNN shill, Daily Caller etc depending on the article.

Archive shit articles user so they don't get revenue.


Where were these faggots over bump stock ban and when Trump say take guns without due process?

No one so far is worth my vote.

They aren't abandoning trump. They're complaining. There's a difference.

But if you think that a beef over gun registration and red flag laws will piss off gun owners so much they they will vote for some communist who wants to take ALL of their weapons, you have a screw loose.


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