Should radicalizing people be illegal...

Should radicalizing people be illegal? Should we censor information that might drive individuals over the edge even if the information is 100% true?

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Every post of yours is being recorded and you will be prosecuted in the future for your actions.

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>Should we censor information that might drive individuals over the edge even if the information is 100% true?
We do already.

They hide horrific crimes against white people every day it's only reported in places like the daily stormer

Facebook won't let you talk about demographic statistics

No, no censorship. MSM has been hiding crimes that minorities do for a long time, what ya sit done? Only radicalized people MORE from their dishonesty. Truth is the only way. Truth is the only way to fix it. People in Chicago and Baltimore should be shamed into changing and cleaning up their act, not coddled like some infant child. That’s the problem, politicians treat minorities like children. They gotta grow up. Act civil and join the human race. I don’t care what their IQ is, everyone can contribute.

Why do you want to live in a fictional construct, OP? You already do, but why do you want it so bad? So people don't get hurt? There are 7 billion people. We're a little too good at keeping people from getting hurt.

>Should radicalizing people be illegal?

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>these british fucks keep taxing us
>your right im going to go kill some lobsters

>this should be a crime

Seriously thought, its SSRIs causing people to actually shoot up places, it literally destroys your brain tissue


It's a mind control cult, retard. And yes, non-consentual human experimentation should be illegal, censorship is jewshit.


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What kind of truth could possibly justify harming innocent people in mass? It's probably the single most important moral there is.

>What kind of truth could possibly justify harming
Lets think for a moment..
>So, these communists took the whole Romanov family out and shot them, children and all

yes, we should start by banning judaism effective immediately

it is the most hateful racist bigoted information to ever exist

How many had their for skin?

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No, only a dumb fuck would think like that

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It's ultimately to prevent unjust murder and undeserving people of suffering. People in mass shootings are not killing anyone.

yeah bro music reviews radicalize people

Idk. Does the CIA and FBI willing to lock their own people up?

Or will it just be disgruntled citizens? And your agents will be free to create more? Kill the drug dealer. Not the addict.

Zionism should be illegal, yes.

Who's first guy?

It's a slippery slope


I think we may want to consider self-censoring, we are really fucking casual about our calls for mass murder. I've just got home from work, I open a thread about those kids whose parents got caught up in that ICE raid, there's an user suggesting they should all be shot. I open up a thread about Epstein, someone's calling for shooters to gun down all the billionaire pedophiles, which while being a commendable idea in conception would actually be really tricky in execution and would probably resort in more innocent bystanders dying than anything else if attempted. I open a thread on the subject of banning large drink cups at fast food restaurants, the first post is an image encouraging us to kill communists. FPBP, incidentally, communists are subhuman vermin that need to be exterminated, and damn it, now you guys have got me going as well.

But regardless, we call for murders a whole fucking lot, we spend all day hyping each other up to kill trannies, to kill pedos, to kill illegals, to kill antifa, to kill journalists, to kill jews. And then one of the boys goes out and tries to make words into deeds, we act all surprised and shocked at the prospect that we played some role in influencing him. That takes some real fucking gall, on our part. We scapegoat Mossad and the CIA in one post, and in our next we encourage each other to go to the Facebook headquarters and kill everyone there. We're fucking up each others' heads.

I think that if we, as individuals, each made a conscious choice not to constantly and casually advocate eliminating entire demographics of people, some sanity might be restored.

Fuck you glownigger. Everyone knows you radicalize people. You and the fucking mass media. Stop blaming Jow Forums and 8 chan you piece of shit or ill find you and blow your fucking office up.

Youre a coward. And a bully. And probably a fucking demon. Have fun in hell dickhead.

user, don't publicly threaten to blow up the offices of intelligence agencies, you're gonna get v&. They are watching us like fucking hawks right now. At least say "in Minecraft" and grant yourself that little bit of plausible deniability.

Suck a fat fucking cock.

I aint scared of you motherfucker. I got the biggest balls in the world. Lets go. Me vs a thousand of you pussies.

Hello, Mr. CIA.

>im never going to tell my husband that I have been cheating on him during 90% of our marriage because he will feel indignant and betrayed, and rightfully so. I just cant deal with the consequences of him knowing. Cant be mad at what you don't know! Teehee."

This post furthers my radicalization process

What was the point of killing hitler when you were just gonna kill yourself 60 years later? You're a fucking waste of life. Hitler was a million times better than you. Yeah. Thats right. Fuck america.

Hail hitler you glowing jew faggot. Now you really want to get me huh?

Dylann Storm Roof

People can become radicalized by anything, depending on how unstable and/or retarded they are.
For example:
>I bought a bag of M&Ms and the bag was 50% brown, clearly this is anti green M&M propaganda
>shoots up a candy store
This post is retarded and so is OP

Hey, I think I recognize you. You're that guy who keeps dying threads bumped with random schizo interjections because you feel the need for anons to see their contents, and you know we'll just filter out your shenanigans as background noise. Good on you. You're an okay guy.

I bet George Washington would have sided with hitler.

Youre all a bunch of fucking disgraces.

We're past that bud. The fact is these people don't want to contribute, and the politicians and liberals want to coddle them for votes/feels/moral superiority and a semi docile population

The games been rigged longer then you've known son

Let the record show that I'd fuck 2B. Hard, like I'd fuck the ATF when they show up.

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Your ancestors are waiting to swiss you like Cesar.

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No, really, look at this shit . 10 posts into the thread, and it's "gas em all and send em to hell". He's not even acknowledging the harm their influence does to children, user here is just advocating for the extermination of sexual deviants because they exist. And collectively we say this shit all the time.

I think most of us used to have an aversion to this kind of talk when we first came here, but familiarity breeds contempt and now we read it and write it all day erry day without flinching. It's become normalized for us, and we don't even remember what it was like when it had the power to shock us. This is what radicalization is like. That's what we're doing to ourselves and each other.