Why do Americans kick their kids out when they turn 18?

That is one of the most peculiar phenomenons of American culture, and one that probably contributes to the atomization of people, as well as not being conducive to the formation of extended families.

I've always found extremely odd to see in American films people flying half country to stay with their parents only on holidays, and how some people will often only phone their parents or aunts or grandparents once or twice a year. That may have changed with modern technology, since I'm basing my perspective on 90's movies, but there's no reason you can't only skype your mom once or twice a year as well.

The meme about the nuclear family is great, but we need extended families to be stronger and have deeper roots.

Now, I'm not saying this in a judgemental tone because I don't have much relations with most of my family since my father's death, but I'm the exception in a place such as Brazil, as I've been sort of cursed with a family in which no one likes anyone, but in America that type of relation seems to be the norm.

Is my vision totally wrong?

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Time for the little birb to leave the nest.

Hollywood told them to.

You know it wouldn't be so bad if boomers where not such failures as parents and teachers.

I fucking DITCHED my parents house as quickly as I could. Pulled myself up by my bootstraps and started making that pay. I'm getting my AMERICAN dream and no one will stop me. This is the LAND OF THE FREE baby, if I want to fuck prostitutes on my kitchen table I'll do it. Fuck rules.

There is no solution. People will atomize until there is nothing left.

We will experience shallower families, lonlier cities, deeper social isolation, more intense episodes of lashing out, greater suicide rates in accordance with how "Developed" our society becomes.

Convince me otherwise.

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18 isn't the age anymore, and in many cases this isn't the case. We vacation to visit family because the country is large, and work opportunity isn't bound by geography

I have another question for you why brazilians eat sopa do macaco?

>be Russian
>have normie friends invite me and polish gf to bbq
>ended up being a trap because it's mostly all canadian boomers
>too late to back out now, already made an enterence
>force small talk with the canadian boomers
>"so Linda, do you have kids?"
>"Yes, we have 2 kids age 19 and 20 living with us. We charge them rent"

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They hate their children and are pieces of shit is why.

Only white Boomer/Gen X parents do that shit. Or, if they let you stay with them, they demand you pay them (((rent))) and constantly remind you that they can kick you out whenever they want.

Meanwhile, Asians and Hispanics allow their offspring to stay for as long as they need, allowing them to save money in early adulthood. The stupid fucking white boomers who don't help their kids at all then wonder why it is their kids aren't doing as well as people from third world countries'.

That's the most retarded shit ever. Parents act like their kids owe them for providing the absolute most basic obligations a parent can, which is food, shelter, and love. That rent money should go to their education and a down payment on a house, not entitled narcissistic parents who think their kids owe them money because they're legally an adult.

This. Boomers saw it in a movie.

Lived with my parents until I was 26.

also the mass media constantly reinforces the meme of the "lazy son that lives in his moms basement". I notice that other races simply ignore that kind of rhetoric. I never hear asians or indians disparage "living in their mom's basements". They live with their families and mostly seem happy about it. Whites are just gullible I guess.I've been reading about parasite-host relationships, and it says that hosts that are attractive to parasites have certain weaknesses that allow the parasite to prosper - for us it is gullibility.

im 36 and still living at my parents house


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We don't. If that guy's caught he'll go to jail, since in Brazil monkeys are more protected than people.

whites (dispite our relatively high IQ) simply have a terrible idea of what a good life strategy is. Force your kid to work and get distracted during university. Charge your kid rent. Kick your kids out over meaningless ideological differences (typically related to religion or SJW nonsense). etc etc etc.

the majority of white boomers simply dont even understand that owning property is important. All they care about is that their kids are "proving that they are independent".

How do you fuck your girlfriend when you live with your parents?

Amen brother. Filling those hookers with nut butter and slapping some bread on that bitch and you got urself the tastiest sammy south of Alabama.

My brother abuses the shit out of my father's willingness to keep him around.

Wants to stay 30+.
Fuck him, bitch needs to get out in the world and stop being a pussy.

On the other side of the coin: They're trying to harden Gen Z kids to getting out in the world. Even if it may be disadvantageous to their financial standing later in life they want to make sure they can wage cuck their way through life at the very least, same as they did.

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this is a retarded way of looking at life: hand away huge money in rent every month to a landlord so that you can fuck women without your parents showing contempt. Such a waste of money. Just live with the senpai and fuck whores at your local brothel.

Boomers still think that you can raise a family and live in a picket fence suburb house with a stable well paying career and a fancy car at age of 18


hotel, your car, her place. Whatever. Best setup is a detached house with two entrances so that you can come and go without your parents seeing you enter the house. Lots of chinese where i live have duplexes where the parents live in one suite and the kids live in the other suite.

Whites (and absolutely no one else) have been convinced by the cabal that accruing wealth for your own bloodline is a bad idea, and that you should force your kids to make it "on their own." No one has done this in the history of the world until modern american whites. It is a brand new idea that results in a high rate of failure and a low quality of life.

Sounds gay to me.

Kikes told them to.

Many decades ago the boomers were kicking out of their homes at 18 by their parents. The primary difference was a man could get a job that supported a family and a house payment.

America was a mistake.


You saw it in movies. Do you think that's what we actually do or what they were trying to program us to do?

I'm 40 and live 45 minutes from my parents. My brother is 35 and is only about 20 minutes away with my parents taking very active grandparent roles. I would say a solid 80% of the people I know live within 2 hours of their parents, often moving back to near the home towns, or the next city over depending on jobs, following college. The ones who do live further out either had terrible parents or they fell for the big city meme and are miserably slaving away at 2-3 jobs to afford rent in LA, DC, or NYC.

Spartans would kick theirs at the age of 5. Self sufficiency is to be celebrated

>i dont live at home
kys newfag

no family+ no ethnic network is the bane of the white race. Imagine if we had our own version of a synagogue that we could go to in any city in order to network. as it stands we're atomized and left treading water on our own in a darkening world.

Hello fello whitey. How do you do eh?

>mfw 25 year old great-grandfather showed up at his parents' door after he got back from WWII (nearly five years overseas) with a foreign bride and a six month old baby (grandpa) and they let them stay for several years until he had enough to start up his own business and move away
>mfw grandpa overheard two of his siblings being conceived and born in the room his dad had grown up in

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Ouch, lol I moved out at 20. Is rent just too expensive there or are you disabled in some way?

not sure what the relevance of that picture is, but that sounds like a positive story of a family looking out for each other. Sadly, that's pretty rare nowadays.

what's your age and net worth?


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>Spartans would kick theirs at the age of 5.

Not true. Spartan boys were sent to the Agoge at age 7, which basically functioned as a mixture of middle/high school and a military academy

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>Yup. Some boomers realize what has happened to the world, like my mom, but my dad is still in full boomer mode. I moved back in with him to try and save money for a downpayment on a little 1bd condo for myself since I was tired of wasting money on rent, and that goddamn boomer mindset kicked in and he said he's gonna charge me $500/month for it. I asked him where's the logic in that? He lives alone, theres nobody taking up space in the room, and at most Ill be home just to sleep as I work a lot. Nope. He says charging me money will provide the incentive for me to leave and go out on my own. It's been 3 months and I'm "behind" on the rent to him, saying it's been really tough and that I promise I'll pay him in full by the end of the month. but jokes on him, I'm not paying shit, as I've almost saved up enough for a 15% downpayment on a place. I wanted to hit a 25% downpayment, but oh well.

Probably won't be talking to him until he apologizes after I move out.

Jokes on you fags, Im 25 and still live with my parents

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It's not based

I said convince me otherwise
Desprately trying to expel the black pill that the human social condition will irreversibly degrade under the current paradigm and people will see no need to continue or pass on this diseased life & society.

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Loud as fuck to get back for the times my parents got too loud and too into it and all of us kids hat to lie in our own beds terrified

Yeah, but that's literally the opposite of the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" meme boomers keep repeating. Great-grandpa went off to war, got a Polish-Jewish girl pregnant, and had to come back and live with his parents until he was nearly 30 and already had three kids when he left home for good.

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>monkeys are more protected than people

Top kek

It's to keep the kids from being useless leeches. Welfare is not good for anyone's development.

I’m 25 and still live with my parents

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Shit I knew I was off with the age. Anyway my point still stands, they were sent away from their homes and taught to survive on their own. The agoge was NOTHING like our HS and military schools

Remember this when he's begging you not to put him in a retirement home

if you believe that your stupid.

They don't

29 and live with my mom still.
My mom doesn't charge rent, but I pay her anyway because I want to.

With the way he eats and smokes I doubt I'll have to worry about that. Glad Ill be leaving, the 24/7 coughing is driving me mad.

>The agoge was NOTHING like our HS and military schools

They served the same function and taught the same basic things (literacy, art, culture, history, citizenship). Albeit they were vastly more strict and harshly punished than a modern high school. They only started making you do stuff like kill Helots after you turned 18.

>t. lazy neet high school graduate being kicked out of his parents suburban house


They also don’t need all that bullshit like a big house to have kids. “We have ti save and buy a house in the suburbs before we start a family” and after five years “We NEED to move somewhere else so our kids can have a bedroom each” is basically non existent outside of here. They just have families even while renting, and I’m not just talking about welfare recipients.
Few people grew up where they end up living, usually miles and miles away, in another state.

I always assumed because it was actually possible to do this back in their day. There was a time when you could graduate high school, get a job at 18 working a union job in a factory or some shit and actually earn enough to start a real life. This is historically unusual and pretty amazing really, but unfortunately boomers fucked everything up and yet expect youth today to do the same thing. If i ever have kids i will encourage them to stay at home well into their twenties rent free, but they have to work and start saving money

the us used to be prosperous country and you can literally leave at age 18 work a trade job for 5 years and marry your hs sweet heart and be set to have kids from the jump. With globalization and all these shit jumping off this american tradition doesnt make sense anymore, also mental maturity being destroyed by tech.

its still doable if you arent a normie faggot but why grind when you can go into goy debt slave and run credit cards for iphone and brunch and other fagy shit. Most people dont want that life and woild rather live as debt slaves.

My quality of life would improve infinitely if I could work about half the hours I work now, which would figure roughly 25 hours a week

Is there any humanly possible way I can make something like that work?

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From Italy, parents don’t charge kids rent there. The media brainwashed American boomers to not leave any inter generational inheritance and to live without consequences.or planning

the child must die so the man can be born

It's not as extreme as you describe, and acceptance of 'living with your parents' has increased a lot since the great recession. But yes, this is a part of American culture. I agree that it needs to change.

>Why do Americans kick their kids out when they turn 18

same reason birds kick their chicks out when they can fucking FLY. "Get out there, DO IT YOURSELF. I'm SICK of SUPPORTING YOUR LAZY ASS". And it's for their own good.

Mine “kicked me out” after high-school but they had already bought me a car and had given me $2000 for an apartment too.... plus they wouldn't let me leave if I didn’t have a job (but in all honesty I was eager to go because they were overbearing Mormon control-freaks)

What is even the point of giving them rent? If you're using money you can get your own damn place and not share it with anyone.

That’s kind of sad man, 36, you ain’t getting any younger but if you’re handicapped you have an excuse,


That's not as baffling as burgers that don't move out of the house moving instead to the basement. Like FUCKING WHY, wasn't the room you burgerfags grew up good enough? What's the appeal of moving to a damp basement whne you already got a perfectly good room?

White people are the only race on the planet that kick their kids out of the house to fend for themselves. Then you guys wonder why yall have high suicide rates and declining population. It's because your boomer shit parents don't know what the fuck they're doing. #yanggang kill all boomers

How else are you going to have enough privacy to bang a chick?

If you don't want to leave by then, you're a failure

My boomer mom kicked me out when I was 18 because she was a crap mom. Single mom, need I say more?

Often their kids are 'mistakes' and the parents had no intention of aiding their child to their fullest. So they kick the kid out at the soonest possible time so they are not responsible for the child anymore.

You won't. The only way to not get emotionally cucked is to take the monkpill.

This is the purpose of it. Making sure you actually grow up.