you degenerate gun lovers are gonna have all
your guns taken away and there is
nothing you can do about it.
Guns Kill and you are responsible for
countless deaths. Us communists will rule
you and hunt you like dogs.
We are coming for your guns
Other urls found in this thread:
>Try to take gun
>Get shot
>hunt you like dogs.
Are you Chinese?
we don't need guns we have always had higher moral superiority, that wins every single time
chinese are based
>hunt you like dogs
How will you do that without guns? Just curious
for you we will use guns, degenerate nazis like you deserve a degenerate way out
Waste of quads kill yourself faggot.
Nienchan isn't going to happen
so was the USSR only capitalists and nazis say other wise
i wish a niggerlover would
Hahaha. If you'd spend as much time trying to get pussy and reading history as you do playing nintendo, you'd see that this doesn't end well for you.
Pussy ass retards.
>countless deaths. Us communists will rule
>you and hunt you like dogs.
youll get the rope commie, like you always fucking do
I love african americans smarter than whit people honestly
1/10 because I replied.
Oh no, the onions squad is going to come after our guns! Then they are going to rule us with the system of government that has the worst track record in all of history. Surely Communism can't fail yet again! Those gun deaths are weighing very heavily on us. It's just a good thing that communists have never been responsible for any deaths.
>we don't need guns we have always had higher moral superiority, that wins every single time
idiots always believe they are morally superior when they are a bunch of dumbasses trying to justify their own dumbassery
>for you we will use guns, degenerate nazis like you deserve a degenerate way out
dont act tough, arent you like those faggots who get triggered by chatter and loud noises? kek
imagine shooting a gun
fake and gay, how else would those fagget commies try to kill the rich and take their money
go follow your leader nazi
whats sage? some form of nazi outrage at the superiority of my argument
>will use guns
But didn't you just say all guns will be taken away? If all guns are gone, you will not have any to use on me... You better rethink your strategy, user ;)
Does your wife know you took her panties?
Come and take em faggot. I'll give you my ammo first.
Your the stupid one nazi, all guns will be taken away from the capitalists, we are the only ones who understand their true danger , thus are the only ones who can use them right
nazi are all talk and no bite proably wet your pants after taking one look at our forces
stupid leftist, do not dare emigrate to south america after you fuck up your own country
I’ll just refer to you as the wrong pronoun and you’ll kys. Not that worried.
communism is the only viable government capitalists will not be safe on any continent
pic related
oops your precious fash wave used in the correct way
Communists can’t control even one leftist city. Proud boys are going to march into Portland and punch you in the man pleaser, this Saturday.
Have you kneeled down in front of a nigger or jew and taken your allyship pledge today?
lel you dorks think you are the shit?
south america has had faggot leftists antifas for decades, you get throw off planes here buddy
you mistake the fact that you have a bunch of pussy chicanos in your ranks as hispanics liking leftism
nobody aint gonna give a shit about your triggerings over here
>muh retarded jew is evil argument
>muh blacks are evil
learn a better argument I mean sheesh
how come we have always won an uprising facist
south america is next
Checked Saint Gibson.
>how come we have always won an uprising facist
>south america is next
do try to set a foot here, yankee
already there we own you CIA has already been under our control for some time
We hold our heads up high and are proud of who we are. We get no material benefit for our beliefs. We get hounded off every public platform. We're the people who do not bend to the system. You kneel in the dirt and lick the boots of whoever your told. You beg for whatever scraps of self esteem you're thrown. You're a slave.
whos the slave the person who is owned by businesses or people who realize that the government sets us free
Oh I get it you're just shitposting. Carry on friendo.
I’m inclined to think that you may be new here. Lurk more before posting. Sage grows in all fields.
nice trips
You don't even deserve the civil war copypasta profligate. It will be fun drawing a quartering your kind after supply chains start failing.
>Higher moral superiority
>600 rounds per minute
>Guns Kill and you are responsible for
>countless deaths. Us communists will rule
>you and hunt you like dogs.
are you going to "hunt" us with assault milkshakes? or are the antigunners going to usew guns to hunt the evil gun owners?
fucking retard.
You know a thing or two about that. What is the IRA up to these days?
>I’m inclined to think that you may be new here. Lurk more before posting. Sage grows in all fields.
hah, another johnny come lately NEWFAG. Do NOT make me triforce his newfag ass hard. Newfags cant Triforce.
There can't be a communist government There can be a communist society tho
This would me a nice meme if it wasnt such a sad bait 0/10 nice try
Chinese don't hunt. But really, who the fuck hunts a dog?
Forces? Amassed at the local "Brick Oven Baked Pizza, Fashion and Art bar" in the local newly renovated and gentrified "Art districts" with a suspicious ammount of unaccompanied children running around in pajamas and sleepwear?
Like at Comet Ping Pong?
Mama mia.
i see
settle down
Are all Antifa leaders pedos? What are the Federal Police? All I could dig up is the "Federal Police" were an Obama era project with the DHS, but I encountered them in uniform in Hawaii in 2009. How is it these "Fed Police" tell the criminals they use to commit crimes to use the same jingoistic phrases that Antifa use? Is your handler a "Federal Policeman" or a pill pushing pedo, or both?
Nyet! It is I who will have to eliminate you as a loyal soldier to a faulty government after enactment, larper.