Everyone's crying and shidding their pants lately. Allow me to counter a few talking points you're likely to hear from anti-Trumpers
>There is nothing to be gained from Trump supporting Gun Control
Right. But a few words in the aftermath are not the same as action. Seems to me that the American media are complaining that Trump is actually expanding access to guns, like here:
I don't think Trump is going to do a gun grab. Don't be like an Obama supporting retard who can't tell the difference between words and reality.
>This move is literally worse than anything I would have expected from Hillary.
Seems insincere, especially as Hillary was openly promoting gun grabbing during her campaign. If she'd have been elected, she'd arguably have the mandate to do it. And don't forget her public demand for the banning of bump stocks after the Vegas shooting... even though she had no official power at the time.
>Did anyone make Trump fire Jeff Sessions who was doing a fantastic job on immigration?
Sessions recused himself which let treacherous rat Rosenstein begin the Mueller operation - cost to US taxpayer of $40M and ZERO shit found on Trump. Sessions folded completely on the Obama wiretapping operation against Trump. He's no hero. Funny how you think Sessions is great but are so harsh on Trump.
> Did anyone make Trump give the speech "We want unprecedented levels of immigration, but we want it LEGALLY."
Again, just words. The real battle on the immigration front is securing the border and Trump doesn't want to scare off the middle.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Israel isn't good.
Compromise isn't good.
Democracy isn't good.

Trump's been awful for Jow Forums.

>I don't think Trump is going to do a gun grab. Don't be like an Obama supporting retard who can't tell the difference between words and reality.
When did Obama grab the guns?

>Hillary was openly promoting gun grabbing during her campaign. If she'd have been elected, she'd arguably have the mandate to do it.
So because you predict that she would do it anyway, it's fine for Trump to do it.

>So because you predict that she would do it anyway, it's fine for Trump to do it.
I don't think he's actually going to do it.

He is just a puppet masturbating dozens of different dicks and trying to keep all of them pleased. He would be a complete gay prostitute for the jews if a lot of people weren't tired of his shit.

Did you think Obama was going to do it?


Name one good thing he has done for (White) America.

>Name one good thing he has done for (White) America.
The tax cut is a good thing. By what silly measure does that not count as an achievement? And lower unemployment figures are also good. It's down for all groups, I think. About time America had a CEO instead of just a political sleaze in charge. Another good thing Trump has done is not start any new wars of crippled any more countries (Bush did 2 and Obama did 2 without counting Yemen, which the Saudis did on his watch). And Trump is the first US President in my living memory to get tough with China on trade, who are getting away with ripping everyone off. There has been progress on NK despite repeated efforts within the US to fuck it up. But something important has been started with South Korea now and that's great. And finally, Trump has done a great job of kicking the shit out of the corporate media, exposing it for the fake news that it is to tens of millions of people who had been credulous before. They'll be a lot harder to quiet down and con going forward.

He's not perfect, but compared to what I felt possible when Nobel Prize winner Obama's Libya action caused Colonel Gaddafi to be sodomised with a knife before he was murdered by a street mob in the name of Western democracy, Trump is a hell of a lot better than anything I thought we'd ever see. He's not perfect, but you don't get perfect. He's the best on offer... even though the base needs to keep him on his toes and put pressure on him to keep delivering and make more progress faster on the wall and illegal immigration.

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He's saved me a shit load of money in taxes with the doubling of the standard deduction. He's removing the individual mandate for Obamacare next year which is significant. Killing TPP, the temporary travel ban, and he has made every possible attempt at the wall (funding from discretionary military funds has finally been approved by SCOTUS). Killed the Iran Nuclear Deal. I'm not going to cite employment statistics because there are many other factors at play there. He helped pacify North Korea. He's not perfect, but he's done many objectively good things.

Also the new asylum laws with Guatemala.

You were wrong. You are wrong again.

Why do you think I'm wrong on this?

More black people are working. If more blacks are working that's that many more we are not supporting.

Trump already grabbed guns, over one million of them in fact.


inb4 >b-but muh Hillary!

>Trump already grabbed guns, over one million of them in fact.

So who would you support next year?

>But a few words in the aftermath are not the same as action
>words ... not the same as actions
which is what people have been bitching about for two years. all the fuck does is talk and tweet smack

Source that shit user or GTFO...

May be just words and pandering for now but if he actually takes action and goes through with the red flag shit he'll lose major support for sure. His rhetoric completely changed from "not enough people own guns to protect themselves" to "let's put people on a watchlist and consfiscate their guns with mere accusations." He's done a lot but i am extremely dissappointed with his recent development. All teachers should own guns and have them on them, all pastors should have guns on them, all businessowners should own guns, all citizens who actually give a fuck about their lives, home and families will own guns. If he takes that away from us he's literally shitting on America. We'll see what happens but if he goes through he won't have my support for sure.

The asshat can't.

No. He has said he is willing to work on the red flag legislation., not that he would support whatever the dems throw at him.
There's got to be a way to keep guns out if the hands of nutjobs w/o infringing on the, tir lack of a better word, normies.

>May be just words and pandering
it's not even pandering, it's a test balloon to see the public response. he's done this since the very beginning of his campaign, it's why liberals accuse him speaking like a fourth grader and why he did so many of his rallies without a script because he was just throwing talking points out there to get feedback from the crowd on which policies he should make hay out of.

I hope that he really is just testing out the waters. At this point i can only hope for enough public outcry to change his mind on the issue. He is treading on a dangerous subject. He has to be careful. For some, it's the absolute red line between staying home or voting. It's the silent majority he's messing with. Godspeed this message reaches Trump.

#IsraelFirst #MIGA

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user, it's shills. None of us are shitting our pants.
We are all still voting for Trump. Shillblue is wasting their time and money.
>Inb4 some faggot claims they used to be a "Drumpf" supporter and now actually think letting Democrats win would be better.

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Tax cuts, freeing us to say politically incorrect opinions, stopping flood of immigration from Middle East, starting the wall (don't lie, faggot; I've personally gone and watched it being built), getting Mex and Guat to stop caravans, preventing Hillarrhoid from becoming president, making libtards sperg and bawl, firing the commie Comey, appointing 2 SCOTUS judges (plus the 2 still coming), appointing about 30% of all federal judges.

In short, fuck off back to Shareblue, shill.

Fuck israel

No. No. SO many of the problems people have could be solved by jobs. There's no jobs.

There's Wall St. There's H-1b visas. There's no JOBS.

I can write poetry. I can paint masterpieces. I can't seem to get the message across. IT'S ABOUT THE JOBS. It really is about the JOBS.

>I can write poetry.
>This is a job.
I'm betting you can't even rhyme, and it still wouldn't be a REAL career if you could.

>The tax cut is a good thing. By what silly measure does that not count as an achievement?
He said good for white America. The tax cuts benefit the 1% Jews and corporations.

Promises made and promises kept

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I am neither and the cuts have been great for me.
Here are the two groups for which they have not been great:
1) Public sector parasites
2) Welfare niggers
Which are you?

>No argument.
>Posts Shareblue standard-issue picture instead.

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wtf? Jobs? Seriously? If you don't have a job in this economy, you don't want to work.

I'm an average white American with an average salary.
You're obviously doing better than me, good for you. The tax cuts helped you, but it didn't help the people that got Trump elected.

Trump is doing great in killing American farmers.

Look at it on the bright side, once all the farmers have no one to sell to and go bankrupt => The farmers will stop hiring mexicans, thus solving the shitskin problem.

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>If you don't have a job in this economy,
You're fucking retarded. Jobs are still being outsourced and going overseas at the same rate as Obama. H1B visas are taking all the tech and engineering jobs. H2B visas are talking lot of farming and other manual labor jobs. Illegals are taking the rest.

>Right. But a few words in the aftermath are not the same as action.
SHut the fuck up. He's telling all his propagandists to do this and promoting it as a conservative thing. It's over. I'm done. I want to watch as Republicans are corralled into concentratino camps.

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>Illegals are taking the rest.
Not if we kill American agriculture. Then we won't have illegal shitskins in our border anymore.

i've never heard a convincing argument not to vote trump.

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>Not if we kill American agriculture
Will never, ever happen. Trump already gave them billions and even if the next President is a Dem they too will give them billions if needed. American farming will never die (too big to fail).

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>Trump already gave them billions and even if the next President is a Dem they too will give them billions if needed.
Just keep giving them billions forever until someone realise it's a failing investment.

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>Just keep giving them billions forever until someone realise it's a failing investment.
That's the way gov't works, bro. If GM went bankrupt again tomorrow, they once again would bail them out. Same with airlines.

Trump is calling for rate cuts and a fucking devaluation of the dollar in the "Greatest economy ever"™. The guy is full of shit, he works for wallstreet, MIC and the banks while our debt blows out its ass. He's just a typical politician. With ALL of that bitching said..he's still better than the Dems and that just highlights how bad our political system has devolved. The end has to be near, when this everything bubble pops all hell is going to break loose.

They didn't bail out the Lehman bank.

There is a point there the billions and trillions become too expensive.

It’s sad that zionists have to damage control for Trump, really tells you how 2020 is going to go down. Trump barely beat Hillary in 2016, do you think he’s going to win 2020 without the rust belt?

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The real corporate Democrats are betting on 2024.

I fuckin hate you German niggers

The problem is that even if you hate Trump, which I do at times, disengaging from electoral politics is not a solution. The Republican party is literally our only avenue for political representation.

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trump is the deep state, we've been fooled

>They didn't bail out the Lehman bank.
True, but that was because they helped bail out Bear Sterns and knew they had a problem looming with AIG.
Lehman dying was an almost disaster and they won't do that again.
It doesn't help that people saw Lehman as Wall St. douchebags. People see farmers as workers.

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But he had to negotiate with the deep state in order to get anything done.
Didn't you notice how nothing was getting done in his 1st year?

low effort. go back to shill training camp

He's going to destroy the democrats. They are in such disarray I'm not sure they'll have a legitimate nominee. I've never seen someone dismantle a 150 year old organization like this before.

thank god, we got great leaders as well

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>People see farmers as workers.
They should start seeing them as shitskin importers.

The Republican is lost bro, Ron Paul is what the Republican party should have been. Now they are big Government, big MIC, big debt spending, big surveillance state, big corporation statists. The Central banking system has allowed fiscal conservatism to be tossed into the trash can and now we are at their mercy, Just look at Trump whining and complaining that the FED won't inflate this bubble even bigger to the detriment of mainstreet.

>They should start seeing them as shitskin importers.
I agree, but how it is and how they see them are 2 very different things

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Red flag laws. Seems like a convincing argument to me. I love how kutchnerbots condescend....
>so what's your alternative?
As if that's suppose to make it better. If red flag laws are inacted, Trump is finished. Period.

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This is another very important issue that Jow Forums needs to address and i'm glad you brought it up. If you looked at the earnings for boeing, deere, caterpillar and car companies they are doing a stellar job despite stocks not being at peaks. There is no need at all to devalue the dollar, and doing so will only fuck over the middle class standard of living and support globalization, not protectionism (what we need). The fed is doing a great job and Trump needs to lay off the attacks or he will lose ground further.

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This is why Trump is a nigger

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Demographics is destiny.

If we want our race to survive, we need to find a way to become like Japan.
American agriculture must die because it's the main traffic for mexican labor.
We can import all our food like Japan does without much problems, it's a low price to pay.

I was gung ho for Ron Paul and donated to him and helped his campaign in 2012. But Ron Paul is a pussy on immigration even compared to Trump. He was against a border wall full stop. At least Trump has gone to the trouble of fighting in the courts and securing billions of dollars for hundreds of mile of fencing. I don't like what Trump is doing with the Fed but he's basically forced to in order for the economy to withstand his trade war, which I think is stupid but tons of people wanted to voted for him for.

It's not all as black and white as "He's a shill!" or "He's perfect!" Politicians are rarely perfect but for now this is all we fucking got. The key is to put pressure on them by calling their comments lines and emailing and making a stink about things instead of just blackpilling. Or even worse pulling an El Paso retard glow op because you think you're "doing something" (I know 99 percent of people here would never do that but I'm just saying.)

Stop with the cope posting.
Trump is compromised. He has been serving jewish interests for quite some time now - the attempt at a gun grab should have made this painfully obvious to even the most die hard MAGA faggot.

Because he explicitly said he is going to grab the guns. Because he used an executive order to ban bump stocks. He has proven he will shit on the 2A at the drop of a hat, and is now stating he will do it again.

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go back to /ptg/ traitor

>American agriculture must die because it's the main traffic for mexican labor.
You're dreaming. Won't happen for a few hundred years.

we can't let him get his hands on the nukes. can't wait for meme war 2.0

He's negotiating with the jews because they hold the power.
If he didn't negotiate, he would be paralysed by congress.

Nothing is impossible if we work to make it happen.

Not anymore it isn't. We have service industries out the butt, but no jobs. Poets? Painters? Actors? Nope!

We've got amateur Meme makers. We have autistics pretending to be NAZIs or ubergender play doh, but they can't rhyme. They call you names and threaten to call you more names if you criticize anything they do.

...and on that note, what's YOUR point? ;)

miga niggers are way worse

Let's be brutally honest.
Trump is sucking Jew cock because Epstein probably has photos of him fucking kids.
Trump met Melania through Epstein, so there's no telling what dirt there is.

Let me say this ONE more TIME...


Trump is a crypto-kike and he will fuck this country up. republicans need to put someone up against Trump, before it is too late.

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Don't be disingenuous. Tax cuts helped everyone except future generations, because the spending deficit hasn't decreased due to the omnibus they passed that he later signed. If you're going to criticize him for cutting taxes, at least do it properly you fucking retard.

Fpbp eternally.
Democracy has failed us.
It is a Jewish corporate tool to destroy us and our people and to give us the illusion of choice.
Communism, capitalism, Democrat, Republican, it’s all the same.
We need to embrace the 3rd position.

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Even if the tax cuts did help, the reality is a tax cut on zero income is zero.

Trump fans are now only retirees with 401k plans and the old tea party conservatives who wanted deregulation so they can bully laborers more.

You do understand that the reason you have the right to own a weapon isn't for self-defense against thugs on the street right? It's so that you can shoot back at a tyrannical government. It's the final governmental check of power that was established in the Bill of Rights, because many were concerned that the government could still go unchecked. All the government has to do is label you as a "nutjob" or a "whacko" or any of these other boomer-tier words, and they will disarm you. Just takes one loony sister or an "anonymous tip" and they'll take them away from you.

Red flag laws are unconstitutional and simply a power grab attempt by the government. Don't fall for the "crazy people shouldn't have guns!" argument. The men who fought in the revolutionary war were terrorists by the modern definition of the word, and they're idolized by us because they won. You aren't going to fix the system by voting, and politicians understand that.

Stop fucking ruining the second amendment.

>Trump met Melania through Epstein, so there's no telling what dirt there is.
Sauce for this?