

Attached: 1565314738976.jpg (750x832, 183K)

Dude, it was way worse when Tipper Gore was around.
Bitch actually thought 16bit violence was going to radicalize children.

i bought some meat from walmart once and it smelled like poop when i opened it

I was just in Walmart looking at the Assault weapon magazines.

>playing video games instead of having sex

have sex

Who the fuck cares about video game signage at Walmart kys kike

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Have sex with me.

>buying physical games instead of just buying from the online PlayStation store
Grow up.

Bend over then cocksucker, i'll show you a real good time.

Walmart is retarded. Video games are pressure release. If anything they stop shootings

Why keep posting this image, the Dayton & El Paso shooters don’t look anything like that

You're not buying those games. You're leasing them. Read the contract.

Walmart has always censored things. When they first opened near me all the cd's with swear words had walmart censored versions.

sometimes i feel like this whole degeneracy thing is secretly a plan to move civilization back to the right.

#metoo - seperate men from women, chaperones
tranny faggortry - push people to see homosexuals are degenerates
#mass immigration - push people to see the merits of a nation state and call for border control

>buying games

Pirates win again

You'd think blm would say they all look the same.

This. I remember when they reopened the walmart as a super centre, I specifically pissed on the floor in the bathroom and wiped shit on the toilet seat. Few days later someone had come in and cleaned it all up, no sign at all.

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Oh yeah I remember buying some CDs at Walmart and being like what the fuck back in the 90$

It did. It made us more addicted to violence and further desensitized leading to more degenerate behavior.

>buys digital version
The future is now, old man

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It's not a plan, it's just the way things work out; you go from puritan, alllll the way to full degenerate (until society actively collapses), then you swing back to puritan for the structure necessary to pick up the pieces and start again. Literally the fate of any civilization that isn't wiped out resultant of war or colonization.

>walmart does a thing
>trump did this
Is this a post by one of those twitter refugees i've heard so much about


And game discs deteriorate. You are never going to play 99% of those games 10 years from now.

funny since video games havent had physical demos(that i have seen) in a long ass time.

I don't play modern games. I used to, but once the PS4/XBO were released, I was done. Fucking TRASH.
The best system of the 2010s was the 3DS. Still play that.
Media isn't designed to last. Companies don't make as much $$$ if you only buy it once.

Can I still buy the violent video games? How will I know they're for sale if there is not signage or demos?

>supporting Basedstation

I haven't bought a physical game in like 10 years

But I was going to see if they had OY VEY 6 in stock

Are you people really proud of paying for goods and not getting any actual goods? I mean, pirating games is fine, but if you buy a digital version of anything, you're nuts.
My generation and the zoomers are just hopeless at this point. I bet most of you browse the internet with a smartphone and film in portrait too.


>G-guns don't kill people! Video games kill people!
I'll never understand this logic.

Violence is a common part of life. At age fifteen you are legally required to kill your father. I don't think games have much effect

They’re taking the guns and the video games?

Surely these kikes don’t really even understand that they’re kikes

>what is ripping?

I'd rather boomers go after muh vidya instead of muh guns since it will radicalize more people against the current kike establishment before they try to grab the guns

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Let me guess, you post cumbrain memes on /v/?

This. I only play retro games anyway.

purse-clutching faggots the lot of you