I'll start :D
Reddit Tranny Cringe Thread
Lot of chicks look more manly then that lol
>polish will try to defend this
There’s that one fat dude with the receding hairline who was on reddit, someone post his picture, he looked hilarious.
you should be more specific
That’s almost all of them
Also nice digits
I’m fucking DEAD
the face behind every yang post
I wonder how much their subreddit gets invaded lol
I sometimes genuinely feel bad for trannies. If only they'd listen to the real people trying to help instead of
>yassss!! slay queen!!!
It gets worse....
They all belong in the bog absolutely fucking disgusting. Fuck this faggot earth, when will men be men are stop this nonsense.
Would smash.
Looking at some of these timelines really is a guilty pleasure for me
My god her pupils are so small. What is she on
Direct sunlight and buttplug
Why is it that transgender people all have those eyes that suggest insanity?
Everyone sane is always on the lookout for eyes like pic related & OP's pic related. If you look at these eyes and say to youself "What crazy eyes? I don't get it," you are crazy, too.
Remember:All animiggers are secret trannies.
Sorry for the stupid question but....
do you get your hair back with hormones?
This one is wild, I mean it just looks completely psychotic. The eyes, the chin, what the actual fuck dude. Looks like adoring fan from oblivion
i'd take estrogen just to get back the superior hairline
>this is a 10/10 in Bongland
I feel more comfy in womens clothes too, tighter forms and more snug.
It doesn't mean I have to fucking mutilate myself like a moron though.
Why are these people like this.
Le 56% face, jesus
Checks out
shoe0nhead has seen better days
What is FFS?
No, it only delays more hair loss.
Me too (as long as it doesn't compromise my features/functions). I don't even mind having the back patch but the front hairline kills me
nooooooo stop
>Why is it that transgender people all have those eyes that suggest insanity?
Because they ARE insane.
Crossdressing is just one of those things we do, yank.
Whether for a laugh or if it's just because the clothes are nicer with a tad of variety tho can differ some.
Facial Feminization Surgery. They all go to South Korea for that one.
the more you notice
Total degeneracy.
These are a truly mad time we live in. the Darkness closes in on us a little more each day.
I’d tap, no joke.
>My HRT is much too strong for you, Sir Knight, go buy someone else's potions
no you don't get your hair back from hormones after being that bald, he's wearing a wig
I need another bong here to confirm this
>when you don't even need a train to have a trainwreck
leaves are making top tier posts in this thread, need to resort to making fun of the bongs
You actually can in certain situations.
Holy fuck
There’s a cross dresser in the thread rn trying to tell us that shit is normal
theyre all gonna kill themselves in 10 years or less
Screenshot this.
God hates transgenders and fags
what a trainwreck of a thread, I like how this one in particular is lying to itself.
>guys staring in shock, awe and disgust
No, you can see from the other pictures from her album that it all grew back
Holy KEK. I haven't laughed this well in a bit; this is golden.
It’s a toupee.
i just wish i had the same self confidence as these wrongards
for fucks sake
feel bad for this man, probably going through a divorce while trying to pay off his mortgage
looks like fuckin Drew Carey
Based Norbro
Kek almighty
that is positively ghoulish, i'm 30 and this thing makes me uneasy
I reported a FtM on normiebook one time for posting a topless pic. Fb notified her that it had been reported and she posted a two paragraph whiny post about how she was culling her friends list. I laughed so hard. It was a typica response that a woman would post and she was trying so hard to be a man.
Bonus: It’s the same tranny that sued trump for bumping trannies out of the military. I forget her name but she’s in Oregon or Washington. We had a mutual friend and that’s why I saw her stuff. No pun intended.
a former employee came into my jobsite now calling himself Elizabeth. I think he got the point when I didnt respond to him complimenting my haircut. The retarded do nothing turbo faggot still refuses to wash his fucking hands. disgusting.
you're 6 foot 3 you lanky retarded you will never pass.
guys i think i found chris chan
I can't fathom how this is real.
ohh juuuuulliiiieeee~~
It’s on my computer so I would have to dig. I’m a retched phone poster.
they just devolve into neanderthals
They’d smash you
damn.. email me that shit
Sanpaku eyes
they're mentally ill. You are obviously less mentally ill. Do not try to reason with a crazy person, you cannot walk a mile in their shoes, so to speak.
White males account for 70% of suicide deaths. Go join the 70%, you piece of shit.
A quick solution to your tranny problem is to just bring back mental institutions.
Acknowledge gender dysphoria as a mental illness (which it is) and lock these fucking crazies up before they hurt themselves even more.
disgusting, i wouldn't even waste action points killing this raider. i'd just smash its head in with a pipe.
would anyone like the honour of claiming this gamer girl?
hope you fucking wrap that piece of shit Subaru around a light pole *elizabeth* you lazy do nothing faggot
we have mental institutions, i was 5150'd before for suicidal thoughts but i guess wanting to mutilate your body isn't as serious
i hope it gets swarmed by bees.
africanized bees, they're the most violent kind.
even actual attractive men fall into this life...
Thats actually a pretty good transition.
I'll smash it
Imagine being this girls father -- at first you're stoaked she got a presentable fit, seemingly decent young aryan man... next thing you know BAM! Fucking tranny.