Oops! Oh well, maybe you'll get your wall in the next four years!

Go ahead and vote for Trump again. He promises next time will be different.

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Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil votin' for him.

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He's far better than any Democrat running for office right now (yes, Tulsi's hot but she's a gungrabber, besides she won't make the primary).

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You change nothing, commie stain.

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>as if a democrat will be better for immigration
Gee, it's "maybe you'll get a wall", or, "FUCK IT LET EVERYONE IN NOW YOU BIGOTS!!!"
Still gonna vote DRUMPF, at least he'll buy me 4 more years to insulate myself and finally buy my cabin innawoods to prep for what's coming in due time. I won't get that luxury with any faggot leftist.

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I'm sure he won't fuck you over again like he did last time.

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