AntiFa is planning on wearing MAGA hats and attacking police officers. How do we stop this?

AntiFa is planning on wearing MAGA hats and attacking police officers. How do we stop this?

Attached: IMG_20190808_194801.jpg (1241x1157, 175K)

Ignore them and they'll go away.


>publicize their plan
>dress as described
>attack cops

This is the third time you've posted this today, but I'm not mad. I'm from Portland, and I want everyone on this website who can afford it to start making travel plans in order to be here on the 17th in order to witness, record, and re-broadcast the happenings. It's the only thing that could possibly prevent a false flag.

Wearing baseball caps is for young boys and niggers.

Is this event planned for PDX?

Yes, August 17, Waterfront Park.

You can't stop them from larping as white-supremacists. There is no way to stop anyone from wearing a costume and protesting.

Let it happen. That way, they run them through background checks. They will realize they are affiliated with Antifa-gs. The pasty, s-oy-boy 5 foot tall manlets will instantly be exposed.