So apparently 8ch May be toast for good. I was told Jim I work for the fbi Watkins may be shirting the site down for good. The cloud flare bs is just a cover to Shut it Down
I’m working with the guy who runs endchan we’re going to run (hopefully) a fast pol board on 9. Endchan owner diesnt want to have a pol board because of the fed false flag shit
My guess is they will be targeting Jow Forums next with a fed post with live shooting. The Jews are trying kill all the research Chan’s after that shit about mike pence leaked in the last election.
Bottom line is I sincerely believe the Jew will be planning a 8ch style attack on 4ch in the coming weeks. Some live shooter event. I’m not FBI insider I just think Jow Forums 8ch taken out will disperse our autism which is exactly what they want. You guys have helped curb possibly thwart FBI terror plotS to lose that would endanger many lives because you have possibly prevented many attacks by hive minding here tracking down glowniggers. I have about 50 of the top autists hanging out on nein bunkering down until the election. I’m currently wage slaving to pay for some massive server upgrades for next years election. I also launched Tiblar its where we will collect normie traffic then let you guys run rampant with redpills. This will help us spread our message. For my neingoys reading this operation ethnostate is still a go this fall.
There's currently three threads going on here with Epstein connections leading to us getting shilled superhard. Please spread the message over there. Let's get a true cooperative effort amongst the cans going on as revenge for 8ch's death.
Christopher Reyes
1) How did you get past the Jow Forums word censor? 2) Nein Chan is a Jew's poison well operation.
Alexander Gonzalez
No man. He made that in blender.
Austin Smith
he is not spelling out nein completely
also, used to be in upper moderation this guy is for real , also the pople who work on the site
Aiden Bell
How do I find it
Jaxson Edwards
Nathan Hughes
fuck off phoneposter nigger
Adrian Myers
Whats wrong with your finger? Also What about mike pence??
Carter Harris
This is the owner of Neinchan. He's a kike. Enjoy your honeypot newfaggots.
>neinchan why not go zeronet 8/pol/ decentralized image boards are the future
Anthony Howard
oooo a trannie come on get your Jannie friends in here, we are winning you arn't.
literally go fuck yourself
Nicholas Jenkins
anything 8 related is owned by the feds and that is confirmed
Camden Wood
Answer my question asshole Blake
Jayden Anderson
Nein chan isn't even on the radar, cuz no one knows about it, and wasn't what I've seen trigger the Jow Forums word censor. It's a disinfo site; not sure if by design or stormfools.
James Reed
Lol K kid. Go kill yourself no one gives a shit about this board.
Samuel Williams
Not sure he's jewish, but it wouldn't surprise me at all from the content. figures.
Chase Thompson
not moot just old admin , have mixed feelings about pence love the anti gay shit ,but scared he is bought for (((them)))
Jose Martin
go kill yourself trannie
Camden Smith
he is not we got shut down by (((them))) for little some fag got our server host to get rid of us. we have backups though
Noah Campbell
I’m white. Point proven lol
Michael Lopez
Neinchan sucks, there's no way to create new boards. Plus you never responded to my email so fuck you faggot.
Kayden White
we don't want it well-known rn , gets to much attention from (((them))) as far as they know rn we are "destroyed" from that server host collapse
Nicholas Baker
they are all bought, goyboy
Jose Diaz
New board is coming in the next few days I’m transferring it to lynx.
Here’s the preview. I still have to set up mongo DB
Lynx.neinchan (Dot) Com
John Morales
>There's currently three threads going on here with Epstein connections
>What is a wild goose chase? Fucking idiot, those are the actual shill threads meant to distract you. Lurk moar.
Julian Anderson
>Neinmoot What's up it's redpill from 8ch (formerly). Haven't talked to you in a while. Crazy what happened to 8ch, but not surprising. Anyways good luck with Nein. I imagine Ron will get 8 going again but it's permanently tainted, as if it weren't already. Ron / Jim have been selling data to JIDF, China, Russia, and willingly giving it to the feds for a long time. Stay safe. o/ HH
building an entire chan frame work from the ground up with only a couple programers takes time. So excuse us whale we make it harder for (((them))) to hack in first
Nathaniel Butler
He's not a kike, he's an Aryan Christian. But you're either a glownigger or JIDF scared about people rallying at Neinchan. Neck yourself schlomo.
> that shit about mike pence leaked in the last election. What shit got 'leaked'?
Jaxon Howard
based 8 chan is completly fucked 4 is next
Jace Rivera
Nein chan is anti-Christian and LARPagan. Nothing national socialist about it.
Thomas Torres
based nein unite
Kevin Collins
we have a mix of both
Anthony Hughes
Ron tweeted that the zeronet setup has nothing to do with either Loki or NTTech (Ron/Jim's companies). Unsure who made it but zeronet is risky, a blockchain board would be much better desu.
nope got the attention we needed to get to work on-site, it got most of the people on board we have today. Though I will admit we took it too far too log in some places
Hey Nein admin, glad you guys have decided to take the big money head-on. I think anyone who doesn't swallow mainstream narratives about that and let all their privacy and interests go to waste from it will come to the truth about accumulation of money in the end, as a /lefty/. tl;dr Fuck the glowies, big money, big tech, 4ch, eight, hiro, etc. Wish all alt-chans well.
And remember anons, surrendering your privacy means letting big companies like Google study your behavior. Look into machine learning, deep learning and such, how much data these captchas on every post you make here are likely harvesting off you. "Know your enemy" is what they're getting at by studying you. Listen to Jow Forums and join the fight against all that, or submit to the botnets.
>zeronet Good idea in general but I heard it has privacy issues. I don't really trust Jim or Ron.
They're definitely going to come for half and my guess is another event will happen in the near future and they'll claim cu*ckchan affiliation. I do believe the time of blockchain platforms and dApps built a top them will change the game though. Particl Platform for example will give devs the chance to code whatever decentralized apps they want for PART.