A warning to conservatives

"You Trumpsters better pray that liberals never gain control of the WH again because we are going to pay you back so fucking hard for all of this shit. Planned Parenthoods on every damn corner. We're going to repaint Air Force One, pussy hat pink and fly it over your beloved Bible Belt 6 days a week, tossing birth control pills, condoms, and atheist literature from the cockpit. We're going to tax your mega churches so bad Joel Olsteen will need to get a job at Chik Fil A to pay his light bill. Speaking of Chik Fil A, we're buying all those and giving them to any LGBTQ you sick cult leaders tortured with conversion therapy. Have fun with your new menu you bigoted fucks. Try the McPence. It's a boiled, unseasoned chicken breast that you have to eat in the closet with your mother. ALL parks will be renamed Rosa Parks asap. We're replacing Confederate statues with BLM leaders and Mexican immigrants. Every single public school will be renamed after a child that was kidnapped by this regime. And after we fumigate the WH, we're repainting the whole thing rainbow. Fox News will be taken over and turned into a family refugee shelter. We're turning Hannity's office into a giant unisex bathroom with changing tables and free tampons. And every single time a Trumpster complains about any of the changes, we're adding an openly gay character to a Disney movie."

-Tommy Lee, drummer for Motley Crue, posted on his Twitter. Congrats if you read this far without rage posting, I bet most fags won't. Does he speak the truth, however?

Attached: tommy lee.jpg (355x236, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This STD and drug addled LOSER can TALK and that’s about it. Fuck Tommy Lee, traitor.

he never said that.

Acceleration is what I want

It's cool, when I was a 4th grader, I didn't know how to search the web either

Attached: tommy lee EPICCC.png (532x772, 504K)

you should have just posted that instead of a random pic from the 80s you absolute retard

They'll be regaining power extremely soon, so you better be scared!

Other people did, no one took notice, so I changed it up.

This is the attitude many like him have, so it deserves actual discussion.

In 1998, Lee served six months in county jail after pleading no contest to kicking Pamela Anderson while she was holding their son Dylan. During an altercation over Anderson's refusal to call and ask her parents not to come over to the family's house, Lee assaulted his wife, leaving her with "bruises, a torn fingernail and fear for the safety of her two sons, Dylan and Brandon."

tl;dr Tommy Lee's a fag

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He must be bribed or blackmailed by leftist NGOs or the DNC. Motley Crue's fanbase is at least 50% right wing. No way he would be this stupid unless he got paid to or threatened. I guarantee the rest of the band and organization is furious at him right now.

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He ripped off someone else's post and...he has a swastika tattoo

Who knew those hair metal guys were so damn stupid? Oh wait, I did.

What is this shit lately where anyone cares about what a washed up 80s hollywood shithead thinks about, anything? Is this supposed to scare/impress anybody? The opinions of Rosanna Ancient and Tommy HILee?

Doubtful, Tommy Lee has been anti-Trump since before Trump was the clear frontrunner in the 2016 race. Just look at his fucking Instagram or Twitter.

Maybe he's proof that the more pussy you get, the more to the left you move. He is essentially the anti-incel.


>atheist literature
Like what, specifically?

>shitty pasta

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No you should be you fag nog

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niKKKi sixx>>>>>>>tomy nigger greek lee

>tits or gtfo.

Motley crue has always been a fucking faggot band and so has tommy lee. A group of posers that dress like women and whose music was as commercialized and gimmicky as it could ever fucking come. Simple songs where all he has to do is stay in the pocket.

Just listen to how bad they sound and how faggoty they look.


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> Trump never got tons of pussy


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Fake and gay. That daggot doesn’t even have a Twitter