Walmart Shootings

So every time there is a shooting or shooting at or near Walmart all stores undergo a live shooter drill. I find it really odd that all these new “shooters” are hitting Walmart now. What is ((their)) goal?

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>So every time there is a shooting or shooting at or near Walmart all stores undergo a live shooter drill.

Not sure why they would turn on WalMart since their CEO is a kike last time I checked.

this is fine. only trash goes to walmart

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>What is ((their)) goal?
For the Union troops that he brought down, they counted forty five.

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lol fuck walmart

How about providing proof instead of your retarded ideas?

Kek. This tendie luving gud boy fuck never worked a wagie cagie job at Walmart post 2015. Fellow cagies let’s try to get videos tomorrow since we are going undergo another training.

Wow couldn't even get a tradesman job? They're fucking easy.

Your missing out on peak depression my friend. I highly recommend getting “shot” over any gay ass tradesman meme job.

Now you're talking up taking shots up the ass. Making some marble cake?

CEO isn't owner, he's just another...

Hadn’t Walmart had closed a bunch of their stores for “plumbing issues”?

Why so triggered? Did mommy take your tendies away?

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They did.




Doug McMillon is the CEO. The Waltons are the majority owners. They actually have a hard time getting a lot of Jewish people to work here because it is so white. It is the fucking ozarks. The last CEO was Mike Duke. He and his wife were super right wingers. Susan was huge in lobbying against allowing gay and or lesbian couples to adopt kids. That having been said, I was friends with a gay couple actually 20 years ago, one of whom was a walmart IT guy, and they extended same sex partner benefits back then. Walmart is a global corporation, and the people who run and own it tend to be conservative, but the company plays by the same rules as any other. The notion that they are part of some jewish conspiracy is laughable. You are an idiot.

2015, was the “plumbing” issue. I’m curious if this is some kind of monetary gain or a new way of drawing attention to their ever decreasing stores.

Finding ways to put the goyim in the Walmart FEMA camps that was all the rage 5 years ago.

I ‘member dat. Any good archives left of that incident? I’m trying to correlate fema with shoot places with closed stores

Population control

This guy?

the algorithm tells the news keywords
school, theater, concert, shops

its not that they are now happening in a new location its that global media is hyper focused on a set of keywords because its providing good viewer feedback

check reporting vs actual instance over time

its for the collective memory hole, its misdirection for whats going on in Sudan, Yemen, Kashmir, South China sea, etc

(((amazon))) broadcasting 5G waves to millennial and zoomer incels to an hero their competition
kinda like how they financed a subversive movement to get feral black youths to camp in malls to drive away shoppers

Speaking of memory hole, does anybody remember why Pence's flight was canceled on July 2nd when he was scheduled to speak in New Hampshire? It was passed off as some "security issue" he couldn't talk about at the time, but would be able to address " in a few weeks".

Good incentives to come as well as spot light attractive and it will boost search results.

Another user shared the following
Also, this thread is probably going to be purged soon. Good finds and help everyone.

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Thought it was due to the “bomb threat” or “hacking” near trumps resort? Or am I out of place on remembering when?

Got sources for black mall camping? Or is this just in general?

Have you ever been to a Walmart? By the time you've entered the store you have already avoided three accidents in the parking lot, passed 6 nigger employees cursing and slacking off outside the store, and been forced to smile and acknowledge some sad sack of disabled shit greeter. It's a true miracle and a real indicator of American patience that Walmart massacres don't happen daily.

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did the El Paso shooting even happen in the walmart? Or was the mall? All the footage I see is in the mall.

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Been trying to find that as well. Was just about to link the other thread started as well as the Kickstarter dead mall fund that apparently started on August 1st.


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>Adriana Quezada, 39, said she was in the women's clothing section of Walmart with her two children when she "heard shots."
>"But I thought they were hits, like roof construction," she said.
>Her 19-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son threw themselves to the ground, then ran out of the store through an emergency exit. They were not hurt, Quezada said.
>She said she saw four men, dressed in black, moving together firing guns indiscriminately. Police later said they believed the suspect was the "sole shooter" but were continuing to investigate reports that others were involved.

surely this women must have been seeing things. Four shooters dressed in black shooting indiscriminately

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big cunton donors

to distract us from epstein.

Funny the same thing was said about school shootings. But check out this picture. Is almost like ((they)) want to try to cause some kind of panic even if nobody dies.

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>4 shooters dressed in black
>1 guy wearing a black t shirt with ear pro and eye pro and tan shorts
yeah there definitely was an actual 4man hit team that showed up and killed people while the patsy we see on tv went in to do his job as a real life drill exercise. problem was, he was duped and there was no real life drill exercise. Many such cases. SAD!

It is already too late. Unless some autist group can manage to seal team 6’s that island at night as well as raid the people listed in the emails. Now the ball is in gun control once again.

oh man. what if the patsy went into the walmart while the other shooting was going on in the mall, which would explain why there was so much activity at the mall. maybe it was the other way around or something

they did this a lot after sandy hook. lots jump scares to keep everyone paranoid

retail apocalpse

You think if possible we could place a person from Jow Forums at every Walmart over the next week and try to capture this? Can’t find the walk mans live-stream we know it is a targeted political movement influencing a activist protest. The problem is ((they)) keep scrubbing the media of these shootings. Can’t leak shit and can’t investigate other than reading ((other)) media news sources and we know how fucky that is